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Birkbeck, University of London

Web Development and User Experience | Coding Sessions | Joseph Muller

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HTML basics

Leaning Tower of Pisa surrounded by i html tags

"html tag italicized" by Jesper Rønn-Jensen is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

HTML stands for “HyperText Markup Language.”

The hypertext part basically refers to the ability to create links—we will come to that later.

The markup language part refers to the set of formally defined symbols and words that you can use to give precise instructions to computers about the structure and arrangement of text, images, video, and audio in a webpage.

The entire language only has a vocabulary of about 110 words. What is more, most of the time you will only be using 10 to 20 of those.

Tags and elements

The most common thing in HTML is the tag. A tag always starts and ends with angle brackets.


And a tag always has a name. This can't just be any word—the name, including its spelling, has to match the HTML specification exactly. HTML names are case-insensitive, but most people write tag names with lowercase letters.


Tags usually come in pairs, so that they can wrap or surround the thing that they describe or define. Closing tags must have a forward slash.

<p>Leaves are falling.</p>

Together, two tags plus their content form an element.

<p>Leaves are falling.</p>

Remember, the tags disappear when the page is rendered. This is what it looks like rendered:

Leaves are falling.

This is what it sounds like read out loud by NVDA accessibility software (M4A)

Common tags

When you are defining HTML tags, remember what American poet Walt Whitman said in Leaves of Grass:

Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself. I am large, I contain multitudes.

The meaning of a tag is about what it contains, and some tags contain a lot.

Tag (“My name is...”) Meaning (“I contain...”)
html an HTML document
head information about the document that should not be rendered for the user, for the most part
body the body of the HTML document, or in other words the main part of the document for rendering
title the title of the document, usually meant to be displayed in the browser tab and on search engine results
section a section of the document
h1 a level-1 heading, or in other words a bit of text that introduces what will follow
h2 a level-2 heading, or in other words a bit of text that introduces something to follow, but a smaller portion of the document than the level-1 heading
p a paragraph of text
em a bit of text that should be emphasized to the user, such as with italics
strong a bit of text that is very important, often rendered visually as bold


Most elements can contain other elements. This is called nesting.

<body><h1>The seasons</h1><section><h2>Autumn</h2><p>Leaves are <em>falling</em>.</p></section><section><h2>Spring</h2><p>Leaves are <em>growing</em>.</p></section></body>

Yikes! That's hard to read. Let's add some human-friendly white space.

Most people use indentations and line breaks to visually represent the structure, even though computers don't need it.

  <h1>The seasons</h1>
    <p>Leaves are <em>falling</em>.</p>
    <p>Leaves are <em>growing</em>.</p>

This HTML renders like this in the browser, by default:

Leaves are falling rendered in the browser

Here are the things to notice about nesting:

  1. Elements relate to each other as parent or child or sibling elements. So, in this HTML about the seasons, the first section is the child of body, the sibling of h1 and the other section, and the parent of h2 and p.

  2. Elements have to close in the same sequence as they open.

    For example, this is not allowed:

  3. You can think of nested elements as forming a tree:

             h1         h2
            /          /
    body -- -- section -- p -- em
             section -- h2
                      p -- em

Required base structure

There is a lot of room for creativity with nesting, but HTML does require that all documents have the same over-arching structure.

<!DOCTYPE html>

Things to notice about this basic structure:

  1. Every HTML document must start with <!DOCTYPE html>. This looks different than most other HTML elements, because it is a legacy part of the language that identifies the file as HTML. You don't have to know much about it, just that you always put it on the first line.

  2. The “root” of every HTML document is html, and it always has two branches, head and body.

  3. The head element is not intended for display. It contains metadata (information about the document) and instructions for the browser on how to render the document.

  4. You can put anything you want in the body element, though there are clear best practices.

Check your understanding

  1. Can you put an html element inside a body element?
  2. Where does the title element appear in the browser?
  3. If I use para instead of p, will the browser recognize it as a paragraph?


Walt Whitman, “Song of Myself,” Leaves of Grass 51,

“Introduction to HTML,” Mozilla Developer Network, last modified September 9, 2022,

HTML: The Living Standard: Edition for Web Developers, last updated September 28, 2022,

Shaye Howe, “Building Your First Web Page,” Learn to Code HTML and CSS,

Shaye Howe, “Getting to Know HTML,” Learn to Code HTML and CSS,


Copyright Birkbeck, University of London

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