- Python 3.10
- FastAPI
- LangChain(?)
- OpenAI APIs
- ChromaDB
- Postgres(?)
- Supabase
- Docker
- assistant.bible
- app (All files that need to be in docker context)
- main.py (FastAPI app, logging settings, CORS etc)
- schema.py (Pydantic IO object definitions)
- routers.py (The API endpoints and websocket)
- log_configs.py
- templates/ (HTML templates for index page, demo-ui etc)
- tests/ (Pytest test cases)
- core/ (modules, their interfaces and class implementations with different technologies)
- auth/
- supabase
- file_processor/
- langchain based
- vanilla based
- audio/
- whisper
- embedding/
- openai
- vectordb/
- chroma
- postgres with pg_vector
- llm_framework/
- langchain
- vanilla
- auth/
- logs/
- chromadb/ (default location where vector db will be persisted. not pushed to git)
- deployment/
- Dockerfile
- docker-compose.yml
- Dockerfile-for-db-backup
- requirements.txt
- .pylintrc
- app (All files that need to be in docker context)