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React.Node -> React.ReactElement

One issue we encountered was most codemods convert React.Node to React.ReactNode when they're a function return type. While the names are similar, they behave differently. In TypeScript, React.ReactNode is primarily used to type things that can be children of a React node, and it includes things like booleans or null. When we return React.Node, we're usually annotating a functional component that can be instantiated in JSX (<Component />). In TypeScript that's inferred as React.ReactElement or JSX.Element. This also needs to be done for the render method of class components as well, despite some of the React types suggesting otherwise. If you leave it as React.ReactNode you'll receive the error 'Component' cannot be used as a JSX component. In addition, if the function returns null, we have to add a | null to allow it. Strings and numbers will throw an error if returned in TS.

TS Playground

{[KeyType]: ValueType} -> Partial<Record<KeyType, ValueType>>

Object index types work pretty differently between Flow and TypeScript. Flow allows any type to be an index, while TypeScript supports only strings and numbers. One other difference I found is Flow marks all of the keys of the object as optional by default. To get this same behavior, we have to wrap the object in Partial.

You can read more about this in the Airtable codemod docs, and see my tests in the TS Playground.

Annotate empty object assignments with Record<string, any>

Flow allows developers to quickly and easily create empty objects that get indexed however the developer wants. TypeScript does not have extra inference from this, and therefore reports type errors. We add an annotation with the most common object shape to account for this.

// flow
const myVariable = {};

// TypeScript
const myVariable: Record<string, any> = {};

React$Context / React$Element / etc.

In Flow it's common to reference internal "private" React types with a $ instead of a .. In TypeScript these are denoted with ., and the codemod assumes types are in this format before conversion. To fix this, I added a private-types transform, which performs this conversion before running the other transforms.

as const

In Flow, we sometimes declare objects that we later use as a type. For example the size of an Icon:

export const IconSizes = {
  '8': 8,
  '12': 12,
  '14': 14,

export type IconSize = typeof IconSizes[keyof typeof IconSizes];

In Flow, where IconSize uses $Values, each of the possible values are included. In TypeScript, the values just get typed as number. To fix this, we need to use TypeScript const assertions, which let it know that the whole object will not change and can be used as a type. I've added in some logic for automatically adding as const to exported objects and arrays that are not already typed.

React ypes

Some of the React types like React.Portal become React.ReactPortal in TypeScript. We created a mapping file we can use to define some of these mappings from third-party packages. We found many of these comparing the React type definitions, but there may be more we have to improve here. These types are transformed when under the React namespace, as well as in in imports.

// Imports
// Flow
import type {Fragment} from 'react';
// TS
import {ReactFragment} from 'react';

// React namespace
import * as React from 'react';
// Flow
function f(): React.Fragment {}
// TS
function f(): React.ReactFragment {};

Moment types

Similar to React, we've added some mappings for the popular moment library types.

Synthetic event types

Synthetic event types have a different naming convention between Flow and TypeScript. React uses its own "Synthetic" event system built on top of the normal DOM events format. In Flow, these types are declared as global types like SyntheticMouseEvent. In TypeScript, they're part of the React types like React.MouseEvent. We maintain a mapping of event names for conversion.

There are some other differences, like TypeScript does not support SyntheticInputEvent since it's not fully standardized. Instead they use React.FormEvent in the React type declarations. In practice, however, we've found that the SyntheticInputEvent was being used to type onChange instead of ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>. One other confusion is the difference between the TS DOM events like MouseEvent and the React equivalent React.MouseEvent, which share similar attributes can sometimes work interchangably. The main difference in usage is that the React types are generic, and can take more specific element types such as React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>.

Example of onInput


In cases where we need utility types, we created a flow.d.ts file for this package which allows you to import the utility types like so:

import {Flow} from 'flow-to-typescript-codemod';
Flow.Diff<A, B>;

All of the types are imported and namespaced, and the codemod automatically adds the import when it uses utility types. The first main type supported by this is:


AbstractComponent is a Flow type that helps you construct higher order components, and there is no direct TypeScript equivalent. The identical type is a ComponentType with the type of ref modified. That is a lot more verbose, so we added the Flow.AbstractComponent utility to keep things concise.

export type * from './foo`

In many cases, it's ideal to keep type imports when TypeScript supports it. These reduce the number of isolatedModules errors, since Babel knows what is a type. We've added support for different kinds of imports to make them all convert cleanly.

Global types

We've encountered some global Flow types like TimeoutID that needed conversions.

React.ElementConfig -> JSX.LibraryManagedAttributes

Flow has a utility type which gets the props from a component. TypeScript has a similar type called JSX.LibraryManagedAttributes but there's some extra conversion needed to make the type parameters work.

TS Playground example

Utility types

Flow has a lot of built in utility types, which can either have simple or very verbose TypeScript equivalents.

$Exact -> T

In Flow, objects are not exact-by-default so this utility is useful for enforcing explicit properties. In TypeScript, objects are exact by default so this utility has no effect.

$Diff<A, B> and $Rest<A, B>

Two utility types for finding the difference between two interface types. They are similar when objects are exact by default in TypeScript, so we can convert them both to a utility type called Flow.Diff. The primary difference between $Diff and $Rest is that $Rest properties are inexact, so we wrap Flow.diff with Partial for $Rest.

$Call is a Flow utility that essentially runs a function as part of the type check to use it as a type. For simple cases with one argument, this is identical to TypeScripts ReturnType. With 2+ arguments, it tries to infer what the function will return given a different type which isn't something that can be easily represented in TypeScript. To address this we basically have to try to shim $Call into ReturnType regardless of the parameters. utility-types has a more complicated custom type, but it also doesn't support multiple parameters.

TS Playground

Class represents the type of the constructor of a JavaScript class.


TypeScript does not have as strict of a type checking of React child components as Flow did. So rather than having the React.ChildrenArray<T> type, in TypeScript you treat children as any other React prop. For converted code, this means we want to convert it to either an array of T or T itself.

$NonMaybeType -> NonNullable

$NonMaybeType<T> converts a type T to a non-maybe type. In other words, the values of $NonMaybeType<T> are the values of T except for null and undefined. In TypeScript, this can be expressed as NonNullable<T>.

<T>(arg: T) => {arg}; -> <T extends unknown>(arg: T) => {arg};

TypeScript has a known limitation where inside of a .tsx file it has a hard time determining if an arrow function has a type parameter or is surrounded by a JSX tag. If it sees the extends keyword, it correctly interprets that the tag is a type parameter. We add an extends unknown, because any type can extend from unknown while still being type safe.

TS Playground example;

CallExpression React.useRef<boolean>(false)

In both Flow and TypeScript you can add type arguments to a function call. In a React project you often see these used for hooks like useRef and useState. The difficult part of converting these nodes was discovering that you need to use typeArguments on the node for Flow and typeParameters on the node for TypeScript. In addition, the babel flow parser doesn't appear to parse these nodes unless a // @flow is present in the file, so our tests needed to also include this. If you omit the Flow comment, recast Flow parser returns BinaryExpression instead of CallExpression.

window namespace

In Flow, window is typed as any, and window was being used as a work around for accessing properties on event targets. We are converting window by checking if the property on window is a known type, and providing that, otherwise it will be typed as any.

// Known window type
type FlowType = window.HTMLInputElement;
type TSType = HTMLInputElement;

// Unknown window type
type FlowType = window.UnknownHtmlElement;
type TSType = any;

Type inference

TypeScriptify originally attempted to provide inferred types from the Flow Compiler for all function parameters that were missing types. These function parameter types are required by TypeScript when the TypeScript compiler cannot safely infer them.

// Bad - TypeScript cannot safely interpret type of `a` and throws an error
function addOne(a) {
  return a + 1;

// Good - TypeScript can infer parameter types safely
const onePlus = [1, 2, 3].map(function addOne(a) { return a + 1 })

These attempts to always add inferred types added noise, and also occasionally resulted in worse typing than if TypeScript just inferred the types. This inference behavior was changed to only apply the inferred types when required by TypeScript, i.e when functions are defined outside of Call Expressions (as parameters to other functions).

// Flow before conversion
function addOne(a) {
  return a + 1;

// TypeScript after conversion (inferred string type - just an example. Actual result may vary.)
function addOne(a: number) {
  return a + 1;

// Flow before conversion
const onePlus = [1, 2, 3].map(function addOne(a) { return a + 1 })

// TypeScript after conversion (no inference required! TypeScript understands `a` will be a number)
const onePlus = [1, 2, 3].map(function addOne(a) { return a + 1 })

There are however, many more cases where TypeScript can infer types but it is not guaranteed, however we assume it to work. Essentially, if a variable already has a type we assume TypeScript can infer that type. Here are some examples:

// Here b and c are typed so we assume num1 and num2 can be inferred by TypeScript
const b: Type = function (num1, num2) {

const c: Type = (arg1, arg2) => {}

// JSX elements usually have types they expect, we don't need to type the args here
<Element onClick={(event) => {}} />

// Like JSX call expressions that have a function defined in them should have their types inferred as well
c(() => {})

// Lastly type assertions declare a type as something and therefore we assume that type forces specific param types
const add = (((num1, num2) => num1 + num2): Type);

Async function typing

Flow was more permissive about async functions than TypeScript is. In TypeScript the return type of all async functions must be Promise. However, in Flow this type can be just a TYPE return.

In the codemod we warn and enforce the TypeScript convention. However there are ways this could also be incorrect:

type MyPromiseType = Promise<User>;
async function myAsyncFunction(): MyPromiseType {}

If you notice this in the dry run we recommend rolling back the type alias and using the type explicitly.

Optional parameters

In Flow an optional parameter is interpreted as allowing null/undefined to be passed in as a parameter. In TS however, it merely means you can omit passing any parameter at this position. Given that narrower definition, in TS it is illegal to have a non-optional parameter occur after an optional one.

// Flow before conversion
function doStuff(a: ?number, b: string) {

// TypeScript equivalent
function doStuff(a: number | null | undefined, b: string) {

If there are no required parameters after the optional parameter in the Flow code, TypeScript will leave all of the parameters as optional:

// Flow before conversion
function doStuff(a: number, b: ?string, c? string, d? number) {

// TypeScript equivalent
function doStuff(a: number, b?: string, c?: string, d?: number) {

This conversion will also work for Flow's optional syntax:

// Flow before conversion
function doStuff(a?: number, b: string) {

// Resulting TypeScript
function doStuff(a: number | null | undefined, b: string) {

Spread attributes

In Flow, React Props are open by default. This means that you can pass parameters to a React component that are not defined on the prop's type. This leads to a pattern where you can easily provide additional props to a component, and then have that component spread any unrecognized props to a different underlying component.

Unfortunately, this pattern does not work well in TypeScript at all. This can lead to a large number of errors in a codebase if the pattern of spreading unused props to an additional component is used. --handleSpreadReactProps attempts to automatically fix this.

// Flow before conversion
type MyProps = {
  a: number
function MyComponent(props: MyProps) {
  const { a, } = props;
  return <AnotherComponent num={a} {} />

// Resulting TypeScript
type MyProps = {
  a: number
function MyComponent(props: MyProps & Omit<Omit<Flow.ComponentProps<typeof AnotherComponent>, 'num'>, keyof MyProps>) {
  const { a, } = props;
  return <AnotherComponent num={a} {} />

Try catch blocks

JavaScript try...catch blocks allow you to specify a parameter for the caught exception, which in practice can be almost anything.

try {
  throw 42; // generates an exception
} catch (e) {
  // statements to handle any exceptions

In Flow, the exception parameter is always type empty, and adding a type annotation is unsupported. The empty type is not well documented, but for errors essentially acts as any. Trying to access any properties, such as will not throw an error.

Historically, this behavior was identical in TypeScript. You were not able to provide a type annotation, and the default type was any. In TypeScript version 4.0, they added the ability to type catch parameters as either any or unknown, with unknown being more strict and requiring you to check the error's type. In TypeScript version 4.4, unknown became the default type when using strict mode. This means that TypeScript will end up generating a lot more errors than Flow did if you have strict enabled.

To fix this, we decided to have the codemod automatically add any type annotations to each catch block. During conversion, this makes the types equivalent in Flow and TypeScript. It also allows you to keep strict mode enabled, so future code will get unknown as the type and be more strict.

Void types

In Flow, void represents the undefined primitive. In TypeScript, void represents a type that can only have other types written to it, and undefined is defined seperately. This means that for return types, void can be translated accurately, however for most parameters or type coercions, undefined is a more accurate type than void in TypeScript.

Non-literal types

During conversion we found some cases where developers were using String or Number as a type instead of string or number. In all of the cases, this was a mistake and Flow allowed them to be used interchangably. In TypeScript these will usually cause type errors or lint errors. The codemod will log a warning if it encounters these types, and will migrate them to literal types during conversion.

Untyped useState

In React, it's common to set up a call to state but pass in a null default value.

const [state, setState] = React.useState(null);

In Flow, this would often get the type inferred as empty, which then behaves like any. In TypeScript it gets inferred as null, because a type annotation is needed to know what this will be assigned to. We've added a warning for this case so it can easily be found and annotated.

File extensions

In many Flow projects, files are imported without the file extension. This is ideal for conversion since the extensions will be changing. In cases where the extension is included in the import, we log a warning to let you know the import will have an error. We also have a dropImportExtensions flag, which will drop the extension to resolve the error. Doing so does slightly change the import behavior, so double-check your imports before enabling this feature.

Unescaped greater than

Flow and Babel will allow you to have unescaped '>' symbols in your JSX text.

const Text = <div>Greater (>1000)</div>

However, this will produce an unexpected token error in TypeScript. To fix this we automatically esccape the character using {'>'}. The less than symbol will produce an error in both parsers.

Incorrectly typed array deconstruction

function fn([a: A, b: B]) {}

In this case, the function is declaring what the types would be (rather than the right hand side) and therefore the codemod will try to add types.

function fn([a, b]: [A, B]) {}

Declaration files

We've encountered some errors trying to convert Flow declaration files. Since some of the syntax between Flow and TypeScript overlaps, this can confuse Babel and produce parsing errors. In addition, some declarations like declare export type and declare export function appear to not be supported in the Babel Flow plugin. In most cases Flow declarations in our codebases were just declaring types for third party packages which have TS declarations, so converting them isn't beneficial. To address this, the codemod will ignore declaration files and provide a warning when it finds one.


Flow supports a @noflow annotation which will prevent the compiler from type checking a specific file. When the codemod encounters @noflow, by default it will replace @noflow with @ts-nocheck, and change the file extension to .ts. These files will still be processed by the codemod to convert Flow Syntax to TS syntax. This behaviour is useful in migrations, but some files such as scripts and configuration files may not work correctly with a .ts extension. These files can be ignored, or the codemod can be run in these directories safely with the --skipNoFlow flag.

Untyped array reduce

Flow will try to infer the return type of Array.prototype.reduce when it is not explicitly typed. TypeScript will not infer the return type of Array.prototype.reduce when it is not explicitly typed. This can cause errors when using Array.prototype.reduce in TypeScript. Therefore, we have added a warning when this happens and the codemod will add a type annotation to the function.