This is one that I didn't catch instinctively the first time. Basically, if you read this it seems like a one liner to add - that's not the case. When I add remote_theme: mmistakes/minimal-mistakes
to the _config.yml
I only get an email with a Page build failure! A few searches landed me here suggesting it is as simple. A few searches more, I landed here and the installation steps seem to be a lot longer. I didn't think I needed to install anything given I don't use Jekyll itself but only host via Github Pages which uses Jekyll under the hood. I ended up with the following _config.yml
remote_theme: mmistakes/minimal-mistakes
- jekyll-include-cache
Here's a quick peek at the result (with the main differences highlighted)
While it seems better, there's a few things that need to be updated:
- Different font colour
- Figure out how to get posts under Recent Posts
- Go back to use page width as before
At least the teal colour is a SharePoint easter egg, Happy Easter.