To scaffold using
yo @microsoft/sharepoint
, use the following command (then npm i) to ensure structure is correct before installing dependenciesyo @microsoft/sharepoint --solution-name "VanillaSolution" --framework "react" --component-type "webpart" --component-name "VanillaWebPart1" --skip-install
The solution name is for the parent folder and the component name is for the WebPart component. This ensures the baseWebPart is
, the WebPart undercomponents
and the package name isvanilla-for-node.sppkg
in thepackage-solution.json
Use the following command (removing
--solution-name "VanillaSolution"
) when adding a second WebPart to an existing solution. Make sure you're inside the solution folder.yo @microsoft/sharepoint --framework "react" --component-type "webpart" --component-name "VanillaWebPart2" --skip-install
For more details, run yo @microsoft/sharepoint --help
as per yo options on MS Docs
- version-sync
- spfx-fast-serve
- Update baseWP to include all props by default
- Support theme variant (section backgrounds) - WebParts only
Align package title in
which is shown in AppStore with the webpart title inVanillaWebPart.manifest.json
Install PnP Property controls and add Property Editor and amend baseWebPart
with another group as below to edit all properties and show WebPart version{ groupName: 'v' + this.context.manifest.version, groupFields: [ PropertyPanePropertyEditor({ webpart: this, key: 'propertyEditor', }), ], },
Use single props class for both baseWebPart
and WebPartVanilla.tsx
Update spfx-fast-serve config under
const webpackConfig = { devServer: { // open: 'chrome', open: false, openPage: "https://<tenant-name>.sharepoint.com/_layouts/15/workbench.aspx" } }
Update icon (officeFabricIconFontName) under
- use OUI Fabric Icons site to browse for the right icon
- PnP controls
- WebPart Title
- Placeholder
- Paging
- PnP Property controls
- Fluent UI Controls
- Spinner
- Details List