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Reaction is a library to manage and dispatch actions.

It is based around the Atom principle of ClojureScript.

Please add [reaction "0.1.2"] to your project.clj to use it.

It provides a visual interface to display the actions list/history.



Create actions: defaction

An action is a modification that will be apply to an atom (The same way you'd do it around a swap!)

(ns whatever.core
  (:require [reaction.core :refer-macros [defaction]]))

(defaction test-action
  "Increments the counter of 1"
  (update m :counter inc))

Create actions!: defaction!

An action! is a function used to dispatch actions(!) in an asynchronous way.

(ns whatever.core
  (:require [reaction.core :refer-macros [defaction defaction! dispatch!]]))

(defaction test-action
  "Increments the counter of 1"
  (update m :counter inc))

(defaction! test-action
  "Dispatches [:test-action] after 1s"
  (.setTimeout js/window
               #(dispatch! state [:test-action])

Recur on an action/action!: reaction

You can use reaction to recur on the action/action!

(Note: no need to refer reaction)

(ns whatever.core
  (:require [reaction.core :refer-macros [defaction]]))

(defaction increment
   (reaction m 1))
  ([m i]
   (update m :counter #(% + i))))

Dispatch actions(!): dispatch!

dispatch! is a macro used to dispatch one or multiple actions(!)

(ns whatever.core
  (:require [reaction.core :refer-macros [defaction defaction! dispatch!]]))

(dispatch! state
           [:increment 1]
           [! :test-action])

Bind graphical sidecars: bind-actions-list

bind-actions-list can be called to mount the action-list/history.

(ns whatever.core
  (:require [reaction.core :refer [bind-actions-list]]))
