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Tyler K. Collins edited this page Jan 21, 2019 · 3 revisions


This plugin uses a multitude of functions and their descriptions can be found below. You can find more information about the particular inputs and outputs as well how to call the function in the function help descriptions found by running the help command:

help function_name

Function Layout

The functions used in this extension can be summarised into three parts:

  1. Interpret Reference
  2. Interpret Montage
  3. Warp Locations

Each part consists of two functions one to create the GUI and accept the inputs and the other which preforms the interpretation.



  • EEGLAB plugin for interpolating data to locations found in coordinate file recognised by readlocs.


  • Collect inputs for interpmont. Interpolate current data to coordinates from a specified coordinate file.


  • Interpolate current data to coordinates from a specified sfp file.


  • Collects inputs for interpref.


  • This function reads coordinate files and interpolates data to these locations from the currently loaded data in EEGLAB. The average of the interpolated channels is then calculated and subtracted from each of channels in the currently loaded data in EEGLAB (Then the interpolated channels are removed)


  • Collect inputs for warplocs. Interpolate current data to coordinates from a specified coordinate file.


  • Description
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