Bus Performance Team A Guide MBTA is a public transportation system serving more than 1 million people a day in the Massachusetts Bay Area. As bus service is one of the most important forms of public transportation, and it is crucial to Boston's economic development and quality of life improvement. Our project looks into the performance of the MBTA system of the Greater Boston Area for the buses specifically. Our goal is to identify the impact of bus performance on the local population and distinguish any disparity among the performance and reliability of the MBTA bus routes. We mainly collected our data from the MBTA database and the City of Boston. We break down the overarching goal into five base questions with a focus on the number of end-to-end operation times of bus lines, on-time performance, and impacted resident demographics across different neighborhoods. Additionally, based on our findings in base questions, we extended our research to focus on the association between Bluebikes usage and bus service along the ten bus routes with the best and the worst-time performance. We include our deliverables and analysis in Google Folder, all codes in Github Repo. This document helps our reviewers and users to navigate through our folders and files. Google Folder Data Files Contains all the datasets we used for the analysis. Deliverables Contains all the answers, and required documents for each deliverable and checkpoints. Weekly Scrum Reports Contains all scrum reports submitted to Gradescope CS506 Bus Performance Project Description Project description for Bus Performance project Quick-Guide-to-Folders Guide for navigating among team folders and files
Github Repo Weekly-scrum-reports: Folder containing scrum reports. (Primarily stored in google drive, not github) Deliverables Folder: Deliverable 1 Folder: Base questions analysis: Contains visualizations and analysis report of base questions 1 and 2. Base questions code: Contains code used to answer base questions 1 and 2. Deliverable 2 Folder: Base Question 3 Folder: Contains code and the visualizations used in the deliverable report. Extension Proposal folder: Contains files used to show initial findings towards our initial idea for extension project. “Base Question 4.ipynb” and pdf are the code and pdf representation of the code file respectively. (pdf file is to show the graphs in the code files). “Base Question 5.ipynb” and pdf are the code and pdf representation of the code file respectively. (pdf file is to show the graphs in the code files). “Deliverable 2 presentation.mp4” and “Deliverable 2 - Transit Performance A.pptx” is the recorded team presentation that summarizes key questions already answered, Deliverable 2 Report contains report that summarizes data collection and cleaning, and exploratory data analysis, as well as the analysis of base questions and the initial findings for the extension project. Deliverable 3 Folder: (From here extension project idea has changed to address Bluebike correlation) “Bus Performance Project.ipynb” and pdf contains all code teammate Alhasan used to do all data exploration, answering of base question 5 as well as contribution to extension project (mapping clustering of Bluebike station and bus stop data). “Deliverable 3 - Extension Project.pptx” contains the slides used for this deliverable’s presentation of extension project. “ExternalQ3.ipynb” and pdf contains code also in pdf format that teammate Tiansui used to address intensity of Bluebike usage correlation with bus performance. “Extension-ProjectQ1-part1.ipynb” and pdf is all code conducted by teammate Salma to explore extension project data exploration and cleaning to address part of extension proposal question about average duration and counts of Bluebike trips. “Extension-ProjectQ1-part2.ipynb” and pdf contains code of part1’s files continued by teammate Isaac to continue answering the same question. Deliverable 4 Folder: Contains one file of project report including all base questions answered and extension project.