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Programming Assignment 4

Statistics Estimation

Accurately estimating plan cost is quite tricky. In this assignment, we will focus only on the cost of sequences of joins and base table accesses. We won't worry about access method selection (since we only have one access method, table scans) or the costs of additional operators (like aggregates). You are only required to consider left-deep plans for this assignment.

Overall Plan Cost

We will write join plans of the form p = t1 join t2 join ... tn , which signifies a left deep join where t1 is the left-most join (deepest in the tree). Given a plan like p, its cost can be expressed as:

scancost(t1) + scancost(t2) + joincost(t1 join t2) +
scancost(t3) + joincost((t1 join t2) join t3) +

Here, scancost(t1) is the I/O cost of scanning table t1, joincost(t1, t2) is the CPU cost to join t1 to t2. To make I/O and CPU cost comparable, typically a constant scaling factor is used, e.g.:

cost(predicate application) = 1
cost(pageScan) = SCALING_FACTOR x cost(predicate application)

For this assignment, you can ignore the effects of caching (e.g., assume that every access to a table incurs the full cost of a scan). Therefore, scancost(t1) is simply the number of pages in t1 x SCALING_FACTOR.

Join Cost

When using nested loops joins, recall that the cost of a join between two tables t1 and t2 (where t1 is the outer) is simply:

joincost(t1 join t2) = scancost(t1) + ntups(t1) x scancost(t2) // IO cost
                       + ntups(t1) x ntups(t2)  // CPU cost

Here, ntups(t1) is the number of tuples in table t1.

Filter Selectivity

ntups can be directly computed for a base table by scanning that table. Estimating ntups for a table with one or more selection predicates over it can be trickier -- this is the filter/selection selectivity estimation problem. Here's one approach that you might use, based on computing a histogram over the values in the table:

  • Compute the minimum and maximum values for every attribute in the table (by scanning it once).
  • Construct a histogram for every attribute in the table. A simple approach is to use a fixed number of buckets NumB, with each bucket representing the number of records in a fixed range of the domain of the attribute of the histogram. For example, if a field f ranges from 1 to 100, and there are 10 buckets, then bucket 1 might contain the count of the number of records between 1 and 10, bucket 2 a count of the number of records between 11 and 20, and so on. Note that this is simply an equi-width histogram.
  • Scan the table again, to populate the counts of the buckets in each histogram.
  • To estimate the selectivity of an equality expression, f = c, compute the bucket that contains value const. Suppose the width (range of values) of the bucket is w, the height (number of tuples) is h, and the number of tuples in the table is ntups. Then, assuming values are uniformly distributed throughout the bucket, the selectivity of the expression is roughly (h / w) / ntups, since h / w represents the expected number of tuples in the bin with value c.
  • To estimate the selectivity of a range expression f > c, compute the bucket b that c is in, with width w_b and height h_b. Then, b contains a fraction b_f = h_b / ntups of the total tuples. Assuming tuples are uniformly distributed throughout b, the fraction b_part of b that is > c is (b_right - const) / w_b, where b_right is the right endpoint of b's bucket. Thus, bucket b contributes b_f x b_part selectivity to the predicate. In addition, buckets b+1 ... NumB-1 contribute all of their selectivity (which can be computed using a formula similar to b_f above). Summing the selectivity contributions of all the buckets will yield the overall selectivity of the expression. Figure 1 illustrates this process.
  • Selectivity of expressions involving less than can be performed similar to the greater than case, looking at buckets down to 0.

Figure 1: Diagram illustrating the histograms you will implement in PA 4.

Figure 1: Diagram illustrating the histograms you will implement in PA 4.

Join Cardinality

Finally, observe that the cost for the join plan p above includes expressions of the form joincost((t1 join t2) join t3). To evaluate this expression, you need some way to estimate the size ntups of t1 join t2. This join cardinality estimation problem is harder than the filter selectivity estimation problem. In this assignment, you aren't required to do anything fancy for this. Although it is possible to do a histogram-based method for join selectivity estimation, this is not required.

While implementing, you should keep in mind the following:

  • For equality joins, when one of the attributes is a primary key, the number of tuples produced by the join cannot be larger than the cardinality of the non-primary key attribute.
  • For equality joins when there is no primary key, it's hard to say much about what the size of the output is -- it could be the size of the product of the cardinalities of the tables (if both tables have the same value for all tuples) -- or it could be 0. It's fine to make up a simple heuristic (say, the size of the larger of the two tables).
  • For range scans, it is similarly hard to say anything accurate about sizes. The size of the output should be proportional to the sizes of the inputs. It is fine to assume that a fixed fraction of the cross-product is emitted by range scans (say, 30%). In general, the cost of a range join should be larger than the cost of a non-primary key equality join of two tables of the same size.

Join Ordering

Now that you have implemented methods for estimating costs, you will implement the query optimizer. For these methods, joins are expressed as a list of join nodes (e.g., predicates over two tables).

v = set of join nodes
for (i in 1...|v|):
  for s in {all length i subsets of v}
    bestPlan = {}
    for s' in {all length i-1 subsets of s}
      subplan = optjoin(s')
      plan = best way to join (s-s') to subplan
      if (cost(plan) < cost(bestPlan))
        bestPlan = plan
    optjoin(s) = bestPlan
return optjoin(v)

To help you implement this algorithm, we have provided several classes and methods to assist you.

  • The method JoinOptimizer::enumerateSubsets will return a set of the subsets of v. This method is not particularly efficient; you can try to implement a more efficient enumerator, but this is not required.
  • The method computeCostAndCardOfSubplan computes the best way to join nodes. It returns this best method in a CostCard object, which includes the cost, cardinality, and best join ordering (as a vector). This method may return std::nullopt, if no plan can be found (because, for example, there is no left-deep join that is possible), or if there is no optimal cost. The method uses a cache of previous joins called (optjoin in the pseudocode above).
  • The class PlanCache can be used to cache the best way to join a subset of the joins considered so far.

You will have to implement JoinOptimizer::orderJoins. This method should operate on the joins class member, returning a vector that specifies the order in which joins should be done. Item 0 of this vector indicates the left-most, bottom-most join in a left-deep plan. Adjacent joins in the returned vector should share at least one field to ensure the plan is left-deep



  • IntHistogram::estimateSelectivity
  • JoinOptimizer::estimateJoinCost
  • JoinOptimizer::estimateTableJoinCardinality
  • JoinOptimizer::orderJoins