Paper title:
Diffy: a Deja vu-Free Differential Deep Neural Network Accelerator
Problem to solve:
Modern deep neural networks have great amount of computation and date transfer, and many accelerators target on such high computational and data supply demands. Taking advantage of the computation structure, the data reuse, the static and dynamic ineffectual value content, and the precision requirements of DNNs, the target of this paper is to build a accelerator minimizing the computation and data transfer of DNNs without losing accuracy.
Major contribution:
Experimentally shows that DNNs for Computational Imaging exhibit high spatial correlation in their runtime-calculated value stream.
Presenting Diffy, a practical hardware accelerator that exploits this spatial correlation to transparently reduce the number of bits needed to store the network’s values on- and off-chip, and the computations that need to be performed.
The paper first analyses the information entropy of activations and conditional entropy of activation knowing adjacent prefix activations along x axis, and the entropy of delta between activations and adjacent prefix, showing that using delta encoding can efficiently compress the activations both in on-chip and off-chip.
Further, the paper propose a computing methods for convolution layers using delta values of input feature maps, based on the Bit-Pragmatic accelerator, which process activations “bit”-serially, one effectual term at a time in modified Booth encoding. The paper shows that delta values have less effectual terms than original activations, resulting in speeds up in computation.
Finally the paper experimentally study some typical DNNs to evaluation the proposed accelerator architecture, achieving significant performance improving.
Lessons learnt:
It is possible to achieve lossless compression and computation speed up in DNNs. Delta encoding is one of the simplest encoding, but it can be used in computing unit, and achieved significant improvement. It may be possible to introduce other lossless or lossy encoding methods and corresponding computation units, and achieve more improvement.
The paper uses Bit-Pragmatic computation architecture, which can take adventure of delta encoding, e.g. less effectual term in encoded activations. Without such methods the computation speedup can’t be achieved.