Paper title:
ALRESCHA: A Lightweight Reconfigurable Sparse-Computation Accelerator
Problem to solve:
The parallelism and data dependency problem in sparse computation workloads.
Major contribution:
Proposed a generic sparse accelerator for both scientific calculations and graph calculations regardless of whether they have data-dependent patterns.
To support the accelerator mentioned above, this paper proposed a lightweight reconfigurability method, which reconfigures the part of the accelerator runtime.
To support the whole method, this paper proposed a storage format to stream data and facilitate the computations with data-dependency.
Lessons learnt:
This paper actually composes the methods in two kinds of accelerators: GEMV computation accelerator and graph computation accelerator. However, the implementation of fast runtime switch between configurations in RCU is still valuable.
The GEMV accelerator part proposed by this paper is not much innovative, while the most innovative part is the storage part. This kind of format helps the graph computations most.