Recommended source: ROS navigation tuning guide by Kaiyu Zheng, original here:
Local path planner produces twist messages.
Need to define min and max velocities in the yaml config file, e.g.
$ roscd turtlebot3_navigation
$ cd param
$ nano dwa_local_planner_params_waffle.yaml
max velocities:
- translation: move forward then echo odom
- rotation: mave robot tunr in place then echo odom
max accels:
- measure time to reach max speed using time stamps then divide to calculate accel
- measure time to reach max rotational speed using time stamps then divide to calculate rotation accel
min velocities: negative so the robot can backtrack to become unstuck
y-velocity: 0 for non-holonomic robots
Global path planners in ROS must implement the interface nav core::BaseGlobalPlanner
method -
methods -
Tutorial to write a path planner:
3 built-in global planners in ROS:
simplest but inappropriate for complex environments. Tries to reach goal even if it is unreachable.navfn
implements Dijkstra or A* algorithmsglobal_planner
but has more options
Local path planners in ROS must implement the interface nav core::BaseLocalPlanner
method executed once -
method -
method -
method -
DWA algorithm:
- generate a random set of sample twists (pairs of linear and angular velocities)
- for each sample twist simulate the resulting short-term trajectory (circle arcs)
- evaluate each trajectory using an objective function that considers e.g. speed and proximity to obstacles, the goal, and the global path
- discard illegal trajectories (e.g. colliding with obstacles)
- select the twist resulting in the highest scoring trajectory and send it to the robot
- repeat until robot reaches goal or gets stuck
Requires cost maps: global costmap contains only static obstacles, the local costmap contains also the dynamic ones detected by the laserscan.
need a balance: longer simulation times may improve performance but require heavier computation and use more battery. Typical 3<sim_time
objective function to minimize:
cost = p_dist * distance from endpoint to global path + g_dist * distance from endpoint to goal + occdist * max cost along trajectory
weight that controls how close to global path should local planner stay
weight that controls how much to prioritize distance to goal regardless of the ppath
how much should robot avoid obstacles. Too high makes robot indecisive and stuck
(Terminal 1) $ roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_house.launch
(Terminal 2) $ roslaunch turtlebot3_navigation turtlebot3_navigation.launch map_file:=/home/mhered/catkin_ws/ROS-notes/assets/sources/mymap2.yaml
Parameters can be edited directly in the yaml config file e.g. dwa_local_planner_params_waffle.yaml
or dynamically with rqt_reconfigure
that allows to edit live the parameter server:
(Terminal 3) $ rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure