diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index edd79577a..156c6fd75 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -117,15 +117,30 @@ Email support         |[blkserene<i>@</i>gmail<i>.</i>com](mailto:blkserene@gmai
 ## Citing
-If you are going to publish a work that uses Wordless, please cite as follows.
+If you are going to publish a work that uses *Wordless*, please cite *Wordless* as a journal article or a piece of computer software.<br>
+1. Cite as a journal article
 APA (7th edition):
+<pre><code>Ye, L. (2024). Wordless: An integrated corpus tool with multilingual support for the study of language, literature, and translation. <i>SoftwareX</i>, <i>28</i>, Article 101931. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.softx.2024.101931</code></pre>
+Chicago (18th edition):
+<pre><code>Ye, Lei. “Wordless: An Integrated Corpus Tool with Multilingual Support for the Study of Language, Literature, and Translation.” <i>SoftwareX</i> 28 (December 2024): 101931. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.softx.2024.101931.</code></pre>
+MLA (9th edition):
+<pre><code>Ye Lei. “Wordless: An Integrated Corpus Tool with Multilingual Support for the Study of Language, Literature, and Translation.” <i>SoftwareX</i>, vol. 28, Dec. 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.softx.2024.101931.</code></pre>
+2. Cite as a piece of computer software
+APA (7th edition):
 <pre><code>Ye, L. (2024). <i>Wordless</i> (Version 3.5.0) [Computer software]. Github. https://github.com/BLKSerene/Wordless</code></pre>
-MLA (8th edition):
+Chicago (18th edition):
+<pre><code>Ye, Lei. <i>Wordless</i>. V. 3.5.0. Released July 1, 2024. PC. https://github.com/BLKSerene/Wordless.</code></pre>
-<pre><code>Ye Lei. <i>Wordless</i>, version 3.5.0, 2024. <i>Github</i>, https://github.com/BLKSerene/Wordless.</code></pre>
+MLA (9th edition):
+<pre><code>Ye Lei. <i>Wordless</i>. Version 3.5.0, <i>Github</i>, 1 Jul. 2024, https://github.com/BLKSerene/Wordless.</code></pre>
 ## Works Using *Wordless*
 For details, please click [HERE](/WORKS_USING_WORDLESS.md).
diff --git a/wordless/wl_main.py b/wordless/wl_main.py
index ce691f969..15e2a3638 100644
--- a/wordless/wl_main.py
+++ b/wordless/wl_main.py
@@ -771,27 +771,37 @@ def __init__(self, main):
         self.label_citing = wl_labels.Wl_Label_Dialog(
-                <div>If you are going to publish a work that uses Wordless, please cite as follows.</div>
+                <div>If you are going to publish a work that uses <i>Wordless</i>, please cite <i>Wordless</i> as a journal article or a piece of computer software.</div>
-        self.label_select_citation_sys = QLabel(self.tr('Select citation system:'), self)
-        self.combo_box_select_citation_sys = wl_boxes.Wl_Combo_Box(self)
+        self.label_citation_sys = QLabel(self.tr('Citation system:'), self)
+        self.combo_box_citation_sys = wl_boxes.Wl_Combo_Box(self)
+        self.label_cite_as = QLabel(self.tr('Cite as:'), self)
+        self.combo_box_cite_as = wl_boxes.Wl_Combo_Box(self)
-        self.combo_box_select_citation_sys.addItems([
+        self.combo_box_citation_sys.addItems([
             self.tr('APA (7th edition)'),
-            self.tr('MLA (8th edition)')
+            self.tr('Chicago (18th edition)'),
+            self.tr('MLA (9th edition)')
+        ])
+        self.combo_box_cite_as.addItems([
+            self.tr('A journal article'),
+            self.tr('A piece of computer software')
-        self.combo_box_select_citation_sys.currentTextChanged.connect(self.select_citation_sys_changed)
+        self.combo_box_citation_sys.currentTextChanged.connect(self.citation_changed)
+        self.combo_box_cite_as.currentTextChanged.connect(self.citation_changed)
         self.layout_info.addWidget(self.label_citing, 0, 0, 1, 2)
-        self.layout_info.addWidget(self.label_select_citation_sys, 1, 0)
-        self.layout_info.addWidget(self.combo_box_select_citation_sys, 1, 1)
-        self.layout_info.addWidget(self.text_edit_info, 2, 0, 1, 2)
+        self.layout_info.addWidget(self.label_citation_sys, 1, 0)
+        self.layout_info.addWidget(self.combo_box_citation_sys, 1, 1)
+        self.layout_info.addWidget(self.label_cite_as, 2, 0)
+        self.layout_info.addWidget(self.combo_box_cite_as, 2, 1)
+        self.layout_info.addWidget(self.text_edit_info, 3, 0, 1, 2)
-        self.layout_info.setRowStretch(2, 1)
+        self.layout_info.setRowStretch(3, 1)
         self.layout_info.setColumnStretch(1, 1)
@@ -799,23 +809,44 @@ def __init__(self, main):
     def load_settings(self):
         settings = copy.deepcopy(self.main.settings_custom['menu']['help']['citing'])
-        self.combo_box_select_citation_sys.setCurrentText(settings['select_citation_sys'])
+        self.combo_box_citation_sys.setCurrentText(settings['citation_sys'])
+        self.combo_box_cite_as.setCurrentText(settings['cite_as'])
-        self.select_citation_sys_changed()
+        self.citation_changed()
-    def select_citation_sys_changed(self):
+    def citation_changed(self):
         settings = self.main.settings_custom['menu']['help']['citing']
-        settings['select_citation_sys'] = self.combo_box_select_citation_sys.currentText()
-        if settings['select_citation_sys'].startswith('APA'):
-            self.set_info(
-                f'Ye, L. ({self.main.copyright_year}). <i>Wordless</i> (Version {self.main.ver}) [Computer software]. Github. https://github.com/BLKSerene/Wordless'
-            )
-        elif settings['select_citation_sys'].startswith('MLA'):
-            self.set_info(
-                f'Ye Lei. <i>Wordless</i>, version {self.main.ver}, {self.main.copyright_year}. <i>Github</i>, https://github.com/BLKSerene/Wordless.'
-            )
+        settings['citation_sys'] = self.combo_box_citation_sys.currentText()
+        settings['cite_as'] = self.combo_box_cite_as.currentText()
+        if settings['citation_sys'].startswith('APA'):
+            if settings['cite_as'] == self.tr('A journal article'):
+                self.set_info(
+                    'Ye, L. (2024). Wordless: An integrated corpus tool with multilingual support for the study of language, literature, and translation. <i>SoftwareX</i>, <i>28</i>, Article 101931. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.softx.2024.101931'
+                )
+            elif settings['cite_as'] == self.tr('A piece of computer software'):
+                self.set_info(
+                    f'Ye, L. ({self.main.copyright_year}). <i>Wordless</i> (Version {self.main.ver}) [Computer software]. Github. https://github.com/BLKSerene/Wordless'
+                )
+        elif settings['citation_sys'].startswith('Chicago'):
+            if settings['cite_as'] == self.tr('A journal article'):
+                self.set_info(
+                    'Ye, Lei. “Wordless: An Integrated Corpus Tool with Multilingual Support for the Study of Language, Literature, and Translation.” <i>SoftwareX</i> 28 (December 2024): 101931. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.softx.2024.101931.'
+                )
+            elif settings['cite_as'] == self.tr('A piece of computer software'):
+                self.set_info(
+                    f'Ye, Lei. <i>Wordless</i>. V. {self.main.ver}. Released July 1, {self.main.copyright_year}. PC. https://github.com/BLKSerene/Wordless.'
+                )
+        elif settings['citation_sys'].startswith('MLA'):
+            if settings['cite_as'] == self.tr('A journal article'):
+                self.set_info(
+                    'Ye Lei. “Wordless: An Integrated Corpus Tool with Multilingual Support for the Study of Language, Literature, and Translation.” <i>SoftwareX</i>, vol. 28, Dec. 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.softx.2024.101931.'
+                )
+            elif settings['cite_as'] == self.tr('A piece of computer software'):
+                self.set_info(
+                    f'Ye Lei. <i>Wordless</i>. Version {self.main.ver}, <i>Github</i>, 1 Jul. {self.main.copyright_year}, https://github.com/BLKSerene/Wordless.'
+                )
 class Wl_Dialog_Donating(wl_dialogs.Wl_Dialog_Info):
     def __init__(self, main):
diff --git a/wordless/wl_settings/wl_settings_default.py b/wordless/wl_settings/wl_settings_default.py
index 9e35bb14e..bf929e7e9 100644
--- a/wordless/wl_settings/wl_settings_default.py
+++ b/wordless/wl_settings/wl_settings_default.py
@@ -108,7 +108,8 @@ def init_settings_default(main):
             'help': {
                 'citing': {
-                    'select_citation_sys': _tr('wl_settings_default', 'APA (7th edition)')
+                    'citation_sys': _tr('wl_settings_default', 'APA (7th edition)'),
+                    'cite_as': _tr('wl_settings_default', 'As a journal article')
                 'donating': {