- 💌 didn't capture 😕
- Getting to hear what all the CSSTP and CRELS students are working on was such a freaking DREAM.
- It was also so lovely to have them be interested in my background and see the nods of recognition when I talked about why I care about openness and reproducibility!
- (If a little depressing that things haven't changed enough!)
- It was also so lovely to have them be interested in my background and see the nods of recognition when I talked about why I care about openness and reproducibility!
- SO enjoyed learning about STAT 20 from AB!
- I can see so many ways of elevating that work if we got some funding for it!
- The federal funding freeze is pretty horrific and obviously a huge problem for me / BIDS / the university / society at large.
- https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/press-room/uc-president-michael-v-drakes-message-federal-funding-freeze
- Both shocking and not surprising 😢
- Hmm - hard to know at this stage...
- I gave VD a walk through of open source software which was either helpful or completely overwhelming (or both 😅)
- Hopefully helped BIDS through the "Sustaining the open source infrastructure powering scientific innovation" event funding application!!
- EG getting my very first funding submission in!!
- And also ACC, BS and JW for saying yes to being on the advisory committee at very short notice 🙈
- And JM and SvdW for making my vague sentences into specific facts! 🙏
- Submitted funding application for Heising-Simons Foundation’s Science program - Open Call for Support of Science Events and Gatherings
- Title: "Sustaining the open source infrastructure powering scientific innovation"
- 🔒 Issue in funding applications repo: #1
- Weekly catch up with the CRELS and CSTTP students - pastries and fascinating people - an absolute dream 🥐
- BIDS budget walk through with ED and AH
- Really great questions from TD on BIDS' communications strategy!
- Lovely to discuss and appreciate her guidance!
- Interview with TD for CDSS blog
- Got briefed on the UC OSPO Network with JM
- Going to help out with some effort there
- Finally updated my bio for the BIDS website
- Worked with LH to update Academic Data Science Alliance page in members handbook
- Last year's version: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10658340
- Met AC and learned more about CLTC
- Welcomed VD to the team as a work study student.
- Going to get him warmed up in The Turing Way project and then see where we can go together 🚀🌟
- Learned more about Cultural Analytics from TTa
- Met TTh and learned more about his work with the Eviction Research Network
- Met [AB] who told me all about Stat20 - I'm super excited about disseminating that work further!!
- Hung out for an afternoon with the NetworkX team
- So grateful to be able to take Mackenzie along!
- BIDS leadership meeting
- Dug into communications plan from TD
- Joined meeting with students working on wildfire modelling - really interesting and important, and such a motivated team
- Continued exploring opportunity with potential collaborator
- 1:1s with JM & FP
- Gateway space meeting 🛡️
- Get my tasks on GitHub 😩
- The best laid plans...
- Reply to emails - as always!
- 💌 160
- not great but I did find a place to live!
- Absolute joy to meet a couple of other Berkeley executive directors - what fascinating people doing such interesting work.
- And discovered a new favourite lunch place - Tender Greens 😋
- Started writing a funding proposal!
- Deadline: Monday! Nothing like a deadline 😅
- A short week with the Monday off. It really gets me behind 😭
- Well - if the funding application is selected comes through then I'm helping BIDS to convene some super exciting people and celebrate their open source contributions 🤞
- LW and EG were INCREDIBLE for getting me numbers for the funding proposal budget so fast!
- Designed event "Sustaining the open source infrastructure powering scientific innovation" and got budget sorted for funding application to Heising-Simons Foundation’s Science program - Open Call for Support of Science Events and Gatherings
- 🔒 Issue in funding applications repo: #1
- Met DH, HM and TT to learn more about the CSSTP and CRELS training programmes.
- Computational Research for Equity in Legal Systems: https://bids.berkeley.edu/computational-research-equity-legal-system-training-program-crels
- Stand alone website: https://crels.berkeley.edu
- Computational Social Science Training Program: https://bids.berkeley.edu/computational-social-science-training-program
- Computational Research for Equity in Legal Systems: https://bids.berkeley.edu/computational-research-equity-legal-system-training-program-crels
- BIDS leadership meeting
- Dug into the "rose-bud-thorn" exercise - notes in the google doc... need reviewing
- Met LR to learn more about STRUDEL
- Lunches with SJ, LW
- Interviewed by TL for CDSS website
- Met potential collaborator
- Met potential work study student (VD)
- 1:1s with AH, LW
- Walk and catch up with CH
- Hosted JupyterHub-Binder collaboration cafe
- Wrote up learning objectives for training event for Schmidt Science Fellows
- In a google doc - need to be captured somewhere more searchable!
- Found a place to live!!
- Opened a bank account!!
- ALREADY so much 😩
- I took the Friday off to find an apartment.... and that's important because I need somewhere to live but also means I didn't really reflect / close out any tasks 😞
- 💌 132
- This was going great until I got added to a million trainings 😂
- I really enjoyed the UC Berkeley all staff forum with the Chancellor.
- In particular he focused on burnout and making sure that staff feel appreciated which feels like such an important thing for someone so senior to say!
- Such a fun meeting with JM and ST - our inaugural UC Berkeley OSPO steering group meeting! 💫
- OMG my participation in The Turing Way collaboration cafe was a complete disaster - Mackenzie got really jealous that I was on a call during breakfast and was not her best self 😩
- A lesson learned - I have GOT to get out of bed earlier!! 🛏️🌅
- I'm in the Gateway Space meeting now - so helping out FP with taking a little responsibility off his plate. A fascinating introduction to the different teams within CDSS!
- I'm not sure that this really counts but I SO loved the 3 different walking meetings (CH, DS and SP!) They're so much fun and its such a fantastic opportunity to get outside in the sunshine especially as a solo parent!
- BIDS Leadership meeting
- 🌹 🌱 🌵 exercise got derailed but there were some good learnings in there... and opportunities to revisit!
- 1:1s with FP, AH and SvdW - very helpful and super exciting!
- Pinged emails to the GitHub organization owners and then demoted them to members!
- A "accidentally delete all the things" risk mitigated and great to be able to say hello to a few alumni!
- Lunch with SD - really interesting and such a warm welcome.
- Explored an opportunity for BIDS... very low on details for now.
- Joined Gateway Space Committee call - such an exciting time!
- Intro meeting with EG - really great to start understanding the finances
- 1:1 with LH - so many things to talk about and made great progress on the seminar series.
- Wrote to seminar speakers... trying to channel my inner Priya Parker!
- Got my new laptop! And got it set up!
- Lunch with FP and MV to brainstorm a training session for Schmidt Science Fellows event in February
- Joined Turing Way collaboration cafe - fun but a complete disaster with a jealous 2 year old.... a new plan must emerge for the next one!
- Also included a really valuable meeting with the Voices of JupyterHub project team - excited for the interviews to be completed!
- Walked around campus with CH which was so much fun - and I got a lot of steps in!
- Walked around campus with DS - also so much fun - and very validating for a few of the ideas I have bubbling around!
- Kicked off the UC OSPO team meetings with JM and ST
- Joined the Bay Area Open Science slack! 👋
- Reimbursements!
- NEXT WEEK - it can be done!
- HR paperwork for team member
- Need to get those downloaded to my phone if at all possible!
- Paper writing for AIM RSF
- Governance writing for Turing Way
- 💌 115
- After archiving 9000+ unread emails since 2012 😅
- Really amazing onboarding experience - the last time I was onboarded I had a few intro meetings that were really far apart. There was a lot of sitting around vaguely reading things. I thought this would be similar!! But no - FP, TT, LWH, AH have all been so generous with their time and introduced me to so many people - what a dream!
- So so many.
But lets pick Jupyter and how we can integrate BIDS projects with that open source community.
- I had a great glass-boarding session with FP to get me up to speed! 🪐
- oh, idk, its been amazing so far. Really what's going to be hard is the shorter hours for daycare here compared to the UK! I feel like Cinderella at the end of every day 👠
- Showed LWH how to archive a bunch of emails 📤
- EM from ERSO talked me through submitting some immigration paperwork (importantly!)
- IT supported me getting access to my Berkeley email
- FP, TT, LWH, AH - all the BIDS team in getting me briefed and onboarded so well!
- And for making me feel so welcome 💛
- JK for letting me in a bunch of buildings!
- My mum in picking up and dropping off Mackenzie a few times, and for running a bunch of errands while she and I were at work / school 🙏
- 1:1s with LWH, AH, FP, JM
- Lunches with FP & TT, KK & FP, MV
- BIDS leadership meeting & sent agenda for next week
- Catch up with GB from Superbloom
- Catch up with CH from 2i2c
- Reviewed newsletter