diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f530290..b6b101f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -16,22 +16,30 @@ in a Kubernetes cluster. The source of the content could be another node in the
#### Important Disclaimer
-This is **work in progress** and not yet production ready. We are actively working on this project and would love to
-hear your feedback. Please feel free to open an issue or a pull request.
+**Work in Progress**: We are actively working on this project and would love to hear your feedback.
+Please feel free to open an issue or a pull request.
## Usage
-Peerd is designed to be deployed as a daemonset on every node in a Kubernetes cluster and acts as a registry mirror. It
-discovers and serves content from other nodes in the cluster, and can also download content from an upstream source.
+**Peer D**aemon is designed to be deployed as a daemonset on every node in a Kubernetes cluster and acts as a registry
+* It discovers other nodes in the cluster and establishes a peer-to-peer overlay network in the cluster using the
+ [Kademlia DHT][white paper] protocol.
+* It discovers content such as OCI images in the node's containerd content store as well as streamable container files,
+ such as used in [Azure Artifact Streaming][ACR Artifact Streaming], and advertises them to its peers.
+* It can serve discovered/cached content to other nodes in the cluster, acting as a mirror for the content.
This is useful in the following scenarios:
-1. **Increased Throughput**: For downloading large images or deploying large clusters, the registry can become a
- bottleneck. Peerd can be used to download images from other nodes in the cluster that have already downloaded it,
+1. **Increased Throughput**: For downloading large images or deploying large clusters, the container/artifact registry
+ can become a bottleneck. Peerd can be used to download images from other nodes in the cluster that have already downloaded it,
increasing throughput.
-2. **Improved Fault Tolerance**: If the registry is unavailable, Peerd can still serve images from other nodes in the
- cluster.
+2. **Improved Fault Tolerance**: If the upstream registry is unavailable, Peerd can still serve images from other nodes
+ in the cluster.
3. **Firewall configuration**: Peerd can be used to download images from other nodes in the cluster. This can be useful
in scenarios where outbound internet access is restricted on some nodes.
diff --git a/assets/images/cluster.png b/assets/images/cluster.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 5dd7c67..0000000
Binary files a/assets/images/cluster.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/assets/mermaid/peerd-dht-topo.md b/assets/mermaid/peerd-dht-topo.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edde4b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/mermaid/peerd-dht-topo.md
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+graph TD;
+ subgraph Cluster[DHT Topology in a Kubernetes Cluster]
+ direction LR
+ subgraph peerd-1[Peerd]
+ dht-1(DHT)
+ end
+ subgraph peerd-2[Peerd]
+ dht-2(DHT)
+ end
+ subgraph peerd-3[Peerd]
+ dht-3(DHT)
+ end
+ subgraph Node1[Node A]
+ peerd-1
+ end
+ subgraph Node2[Node B]
+ peerd-2(Peerd)
+ end
+ subgraph Node3[Node C]
+ peerd-3(Peerd)
+ end
+ subgraph k8s-api[K8s API Server]
+ lease-1((("Peerd Leader
+ Lease Resource")))
+ end
+ end
+ dht-1 o-.-o |Initialize
| lease-1
+ dht-2 o-.-o |Initialize
| lease-1
+ dht-3 o-.-o |Initialize
| lease-1
+ dht-1 <==> |State
| dht-2
+ dht-1 <==> |State
| dht-3
+ dht-2 <==> |State
| dht-3
+ classDef cluster fill:#fafafa,stroke:#bbb,stroke-width:2px,color:#326ce5;
+ class Node1,NodeN cluster
+ classDef outer fill:#e0f7fa,stroke:#00008b,stroke-width:2px,color:#a9a9a9;
+ class Cluster outer
+ subgraph Legend[Legend]
+ direction TB
+ tls[Initialize - TLS connections]
+ mtls[State - mTLS connections]
+ end
+ Cluster ~~~ Legend
diff --git a/assets/mermaid/peerd-pull-seq.md b/assets/mermaid/peerd-pull-seq.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01cfad6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/mermaid/peerd-pull-seq.md
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ Title: Peer-to-Peer Image Pulling in a Kubernetes Cluster
+ box white Node A
+ participant Nginx Pod
+ participant Containerd Client
+ participant Peerd-A
+ end
+ box white Node N
+ participant Peerd-N
+ end
+ box white Upstream Registry
+ participant Upstream
+ end
+ loop Every layer
+ Containerd Client->>Peerd-A: GET sha256:l1
+ Note over Containerd Client,Peerd-A: 1
+ alt peer found
+ Peerd-A->>Peerd-N: GET sha256:l1
+ Note over Peerd-A,Peerd-N: 2
+ activate Peerd-N
+ Peerd-N->>Peerd-A: result
+ Peerd-A->>Containerd Client: result
+ else upstream request
+ Containerd Client->>Upstream: GET sha256:l1
+ Note over Peerd-A,Upstream: 3
+ Upstream->>Containerd Client: result
+ end
+ opt Advertise state (async)
+ activate Peerd-A
+ Note right of Peerd-A: Advertise state from containerd content store
+ end
+ end
+ Containerd Client-->Nginx Pod: start
diff --git a/assets/mermaid/peerd-pull.md b/assets/mermaid/peerd-pull.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..664b2a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/mermaid/peerd-pull.md
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+graph TB;
+ subgraph Cluster[Peer-to-Peer Image Pulling in a Kubernetes Cluster]
+ direction LR
+ subgraph app-1[mcr.microsoft.com/nginx:latest]
+ app-pod-1((Pod))
+ end
+ subgraph ctr-1[Containerd]
+ client-1{Client}
+ store-1[[Content Store]]
+ subgraph hosts-1["Containerd Hosts Configuration"]
+ h-1[(mcr.microsoft.com pull mirror: peerd)]
+ end
+ end
+ subgraph peerd-1[Peerd]
+ proxy-1(Proxy)
+ sub-1(((Subscription)))
+ end
+ subgraph Node1[Node A]
+ hosts-1
+ app-1
+ peerd-1
+ ctr-1
+ end
+ subgraph NodeN[Node N]
+ peerd-n(Peerd)
+ end
+ end
+ subgraph manifest-1[mcr.microsft.com/nginx@sha256:m1]
+ direction TB
+ c-1[config sha256:c1]
+ l-1[layer sha256:l1]
+ l-2[layer sha256:l2]
+ end
+ subgraph Upstream[Upstream Container Registry]
+ acr(mcr.microsoft.com)
+ end
+ hosts-1 ~~~ client-1
+ c-1 ~~~ l-1
+ l-1 ~~~ l-2
+ client-1 --> |1| proxy-1
+ proxy-1 -.-> |    2| peerd-n
+ client-1 -.-> |    3| acr
+ client-1 --o |    4| app-1
+ sub-1 o-.-o store-1
+ sub-1 o-.-o |Advertise| peerd-n
+ classDef containerd fill:#e0ffff,stroke:#000,stroke-width:4px,color:#000;
+ classDef cluster fill:#fafafa,stroke:#bbb,stroke-width:2px,color:#326ce5;
+ class Node1,NodeN cluster
+ classDef registry fill:#e0f7fa,stroke:#00008b,stroke-width:2px,color:#326ce5;
+ class acr registry
+ classDef outer fill:#e0f7fa,stroke:#00008b,stroke-width:2px,color:#a9a9a9;
+ class Cluster outer
diff --git a/assets/mermaid/peerd-streaming-seq.md b/assets/mermaid/peerd-streaming-seq.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20a8b0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/mermaid/peerd-streaming-seq.md
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ Title: Peer-to-Peer Artifact Streaming in a Kubernetes Cluster
+ box white Node A
+ participant Nginx Pod
+ participant File System
+ participant Overlaybd TCMU
+ participant Peerd-A
+ end
+ box white Node N
+ participant Peerd-N
+ end
+ box white Upstream Registry
+ participant Upstream
+ end
+ Nginx Pod->>File System: Read bytes 30-2000 from data.csv
+ Note over Nginx Pod,File System: 1
+ File System->>Overlaybd TCMU: Read bytes 30-2000 from data.csv
+ Note over File System,Overlaybd TCMU: 2
+ Overlaybd TCMU->>Peerd-A: Fetch file data.csv 'Range: bytes=30-2000'
+ Note over Overlaybd TCMU,Peerd-A: 3
+ activate Peerd-A
+ alt bytes cached
+ Peerd-A->>Overlaybd TCMU: result
+ else peer found
+ Peerd-A->>Peerd-N: Fetch file data.csv 'Range: bytes=30-2000'
+ Note over Peerd-A,Peerd-N: 4
+ activate Peerd-N
+ Peerd-N->>Peerd-A: result
+ Peerd-A->>Overlaybd TCMU: result
+ else upstream request
+ Peerd-A->>Upstream: Fetch file data.csv 'Range: bytes=30-2000'
+ Note over Peerd-A,Upstream: 5
+ Upstream->>Peerd-A: result
+ Peerd-A->>Overlaybd TCMU: result
+ end
+ opt Optimistic File Prefetch
+ activate Peerd-A
+ Note right of Peerd-A: Prefetch entire file from peers/upstream
+ end
+ opt Advertise state (async)
+ activate Peerd-A
+ Note right of Peerd-A: Advertise state from files cache
+ end
+ Overlaybd TCMU->>File System: result
+ File System->>Nginx Pod: result
diff --git a/assets/mermaid/peerd-streaming.md b/assets/mermaid/peerd-streaming.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6524863
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/mermaid/peerd-streaming.md
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+graph RL;
+ subgraph Cluster[Peer-to-Peer Artifact Streaming in a Kubernetes Cluster]
+ direction LR
+ subgraph kernel-1[Kernel]
+ fs-1[Filesystem]
+ end
+ subgraph app-1[Nginx]
+ app-pod-1((Pod))
+ end
+ subgraph overlaybd-1["(User Space)"]
+ driver-1["Overlaybd
+ TCMU"]
+ end
+ subgraph peerd-1[Peerd]
+ proxy-1(Proxy)
+ files-1(("Files
+ Cache"))
+ end
+ subgraph Node1[Node A]
+ kernel-1
+ app-1
+ overlaybd-1
+ peerd-1
+ end
+ subgraph NodeN[Node N]
+ peerd-n(Peerd)
+ end
+ files-1 o-.-o |
Advertise| peerd-n
+ app-pod-1 --> |
1| fs-1
+ fs-1 -.-> |
2| driver-1
+ driver-1 --> |
3| proxy-1
+ proxy-1 <-.-> |
4| peerd-n
+ end
+ subgraph Upstream[Upstream Container Registry]
+ acr(mcr.microsoft.com)
+ end
+ proxy-1 -.-> |
5| acr
+ classDef userspace fill:#e0ffff,stroke:#000,stroke-width:4px,color:#000;
+ class proxy-1,files-1,driver-1,app-pod-1,peerd-n userspace
+ classDef cluster fill:#fafafa,stroke:#bbb,stroke-width:2px,color:#326ce5;
+ class Node1,NodeN cluster
+ classDef registry fill:#e0f7fa,stroke:#00008b,stroke-width:2px,color:#326ce5;
+ class acr registry
+ classDef outer fill:#e0f7fa,stroke:#00008b,stroke-width:2px,color:#a9a9a9;
+ class Cluster outer
diff --git a/assets/mermaid/rendered/peerd-dht-topo.png b/assets/mermaid/rendered/peerd-dht-topo.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e974e8
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/mermaid/rendered/peerd-dht-topo.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bfd955
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/mermaid/rendered/peerd-pull-seq.png differ
diff --git a/assets/mermaid/rendered/peerd-pull.png b/assets/mermaid/rendered/peerd-pull.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb932db
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/mermaid/rendered/peerd-pull.png differ
diff --git a/assets/mermaid/rendered/peerd-streaming-seq.png b/assets/mermaid/rendered/peerd-streaming-seq.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..041d8bd
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/mermaid/rendered/peerd-streaming-seq.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e55ed04
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/mermaid/rendered/peerd-streaming.png differ
diff --git a/docs/design.md b/docs/design.md
index 6513e47..a81fab7 100644
--- a/docs/design.md
+++ b/docs/design.md
@@ -1,10 +1,26 @@
# Peerd Design
The design is inspired from the [Spegel] project, which is a peer to peer proxy for container images that uses libp2p.
In this section, we describe the design and architecture of `peerd`.
+#### **DHT Topology**
+| |
+| ----------------- |
+| ![peerd-dht-topo] |
+#### **Image Pulls Description**
+| | |
+| ------------- | ----------------- |
+| ![peerd-pull] | ![peerd-pull-seq] |
+#### **Image Streaming Description**
+| | |
+| ------------------ | ---------------------- |
+| ![peerd-streaming] | ![peerd-streaming-seq] |
### Background
An OCI image is composed of multiple layers, where each layer is stored as a blob in the registry. When a container
@@ -188,6 +204,10 @@ running this container in p2p vs non-p2p mode on a 3 node AKS cluster with Artif
-[cluster-arch]: ../assets/images/cluster.png
[file-system-layout]: ../assets/images/file-system-layout.png
[Spegel]: https://github.com/XenitAB/spegel
+[peerd-pull]: ../assets/mermaid/rendered/peerd-pull.png
+[peerd-pull-seq]: ../assets/mermaid/rendered/peerd-pull-seq.png
+[peerd-streaming]: ../assets/mermaid/rendered/peerd-streaming.png
+[peerd-streaming-seq]: ../assets/mermaid/rendered/peerd-streaming-seq.png
+[peerd-dht-topo]: ../assets/mermaid/rendered/peerd-dht-topo.png