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File metadata and controls

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Real-Time Data Simulator

Windows Desktop application to generate and stream data into EventHub.


Main Features

  • Configurable target EventHub
  • Configurable size of workload (amount of messages to be sent)
  • Easily editable JSON payload
  • Sending defined payload into the target endpoint
  • Load/Save payload as a file locally
  • Runtime evaluation of pre-defined variables
  • Runtime evaluation of expression in C# (slower)
  • Microsoft Entra ID (Interactive Browser) Authentication


  1. Generate dynamic data based on JSON template and send it to Microsoft Fabric EventHub (custom endpoint).
  2. Generate dynamic data based on JSON template and send it to EventHub.


Endpoint Connection String

Example of connection string for Microsoft Fabric: Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=key_aaee3a28-***;SharedAccessKey=vFX2zae****=;EntityPath=es_5c952fa4-***

Example of connection string for Azure Event Hub (Interactive Browser Authentication): sb://


The biggest advantage of the application is the ability to generate value for the tokens listed in the PAYLOAD definition. Data generation takes place on the fly for each message prepared for sending.


Format of a variable: {{VariableName}}
The following examples depict predefined Variables you can use as Tokens:

Variable Generates
{{UserId}} Numeric (int) value from range 5000-5100
{{ProductId}} Numeric (int) value from range 700-999
{{Device}} Random item from array of: mobile,tablet,pc
{{DateTime.Now}} Current date & time (now) in round-trip ("O") format.
{{SettlementPeriod}} Hardcoded Int value: 48

C# Expressions

Format of an expression: {{$Expression}}
Expressions are slower in generating values, but more flexible. Use can use any C# compatible code from preloaded namespaces (for example: System). Expressions are being evaluated using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Scripting.

Expression Generates
{{$DateTime.Now}} Current date & time (now)
{{$new Random().Next(100,200)}} Random numeric (int) value from range 100-199
{{$DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-5).ToString("s")+"Z"}} Date & time 5 seconds ago in Sortable date/time pattern with 'Z' at the end.
{{$DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")}} Current date & time formatted to 31/12/2020
{{$DateTime.Now.Hour*2+Math.Floor(DateTime.Now.Minute/30d) Calculation based on Current Time


Release Notes

New features, bug fixes and changes can be found here.