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File metadata and controls

588 lines (447 loc) · 18.1 KB


Like PNG or JPEG files contain image data, the MIDI format is used to encode music. Other audio formats are WAV and MP3, but MIDI differs from these in a fundamental way.

WAVs and MP3s encode digital approximations of actual sound waves. They can encode all forms of sound arbitrarily accurately: music of any instruments, voices, etc. A song typically requires a few megabytes of storage room.

While a couple of megabytes is no big deal today, it certainly was in the past. One 3 1/2" floppy disk could contain 1.44MB of data, so a single piece of music would already require multiple disks.

MIDI files have a different approach to storing audio: instead of encoding the actual sound wave, a more abstract representation is used: musical notes. In essence, a MIDI file contains such information as "a piano plays E Eb E Eb B D C A". This description can clearly be encoded using very few bytes (easily less than 100) while it would take around 24,000 bytes in MP3 (assuming a bitrate of 192kbps and a one second duration).

However, MIDI files have several disadvantages:

MIDI File Format Overview

MIDI files are binary, unlike JSON or HTML, which are text formats. Windows makes a distinction between the two, so it will be important that you remember to specify to open the file in binary mode.

A MIDI file is divided into "sections" called chunks. The first chunk is the MThd chunk which contains a description of the further contents of the MIDI file. Next comes a series of MTrk chunks which represents tracks. The division of the music into tracks will not matter to us: we will interpret them simply as "lists of notes" which we will merge together into one single large list of notes. Note that tracks do not correspond to channels or instruments.

File Layout


Each chunk starts with a chunk header, which tells you which kind of chunk it is (MThd or MTrk) and how large it is. As far as we know, the type of the chunk is redundant: the MIDI file should always contain a single MThd chunk followed by one or more MTrks. Maybe the designers added the type to the header in anticipation of other kinds of chunks. We will be using this chunk type information solely as a sanity check.

The chunk header has the following structure:

Field name Size Description
id 4 bytes Type of the chunk. Either MThd or MTrk
size 4 bytes Length

The length does not include the header itself! Following this 8-byte header are size bytes that comprise the chunk data.


As mentioned earlier, the MThd chunk always comes first in a MIDI file. It has the following structure:

Field name Size Description
header 8 bytes Chunk header (described above)
type 2 bytes Type of MIDI file
ntracks 2 bytes Number of tracks
division 2 bytes Number of units per beat

The MThd chunk always has the same size: the header counts 8 bytes (all chunks have this in common) plus 6 bytes of extra data. The header.size will therefore always contain the value 6 (remember that the header is not included in this count.)

The type field is either 0, 1 or 2.

  • 0 means the file contains a single track. The ntracks field should agree with this and contain 1.
  • 1 means the file contains multiple tracks which together form a single piece of music. The actual number of tracks is encoded in ntracks.
  • 2 means the file contains multiple tracks, each of which contains a separate piece of music. We will not support this type of file.

In practice, we can simply ignore type as ntracks contains all necessary information anyway.

The division field determines how to interpret time values. To deal with this correctly is a bit fastidious, so we'll simply ignore it and leave it to next year's students.


The MTrk chunks are more relevant to the task at hand: here we will find the actual music data. A MTrk chunk starts with a chunk header (with id equal to MTrk) followed by a list of events.

There are categories types of events: meta events, system exclusive events and MIDI events. Within each category there are different subtypes of events:

Category Subtype
Meta Event Sequence Number
Text Event
Copyright Notice
Lyric Text
Marker Text
End of Track
System Exclusive Event No subdivision
MIDI Event Note Off
Note On
Polyphonic Key Pressure
Control Change
Program Change
Channel Pressure
Pitch Wheel Change

Only a couple of these events are relevant to the task at hand. However, we need to be able to process all these events since we might encounter them in MIDI files. We are interested in the following events:

Event Description
Note On Start playing a note
Note Off Stop playing a note
Program Change Initialize or change instrument
End of Track End of Track (duh)

Each event occurs at a certain point in time and appear in chronological order. For example, Für Elise would look as follows:

Time Event
0 Program Change to piano
0 Note On E
100 Note Off E
100 Note On Eb
200 Note Off Eb
200 Note On E
300 Note Of E
300 Note On Eb
400 Note Off Eb
400 Note On E
500 Note Off E
500 Note On B
600 Note Off B
600 Note On D
700 Note Off D
700 Note On C
800 Note Off C
800 Note On A
1000 Note Off A

MIDI does not give events absolute timestamps, however. Instead, it only provides delta times. These represent the amount of time since the last event.

Time Delta Time Event
0 0 program change to piano
0 0 note on E
100 100 note off E
100 0 note on Eb
200 100 note off Eb
200 0 note on E
300 100 note off E
300 0 note on Eb
400 100 note off Eb
400 0 note on E
500 100 note off E
500 0 note on B
600 100 note off B
600 0 note on D
700 100 note off D
700 0 note on C
800 100 note off C
800 0 note on A
1000 200 note off A

So, a 0 delta time means that events occur simultaneously. This occurs quite frequently, as when one note starts, the previous one stops. Note that all delta times are encoded as variable length integers.

Events all exhibit the same general structure:

Field name Size Description
delta_time Variable length integer Time since last event
identifier 1 Byte identifying type of event
extra Extra data that depends on the type of event

Every event has a unique identifier which determines want extra data you can expect. In case of a note on event, the extra data consists of the note and the velocity (explained later.)

In practice, to read the event, you will first read the delta time, then the identifier byte. Based on this byte you will know what kind of data will follow.

We now discuss each type of event in detail.

Meta Events

Field name Size Description
delta_time Variable length integer Time since last event
identifier 1 0xFF
type 1 Identifies the type of meta event
length Variable length integer Number of data bytes
data length bytes Data

Meta events can be used to add, well, metadata. Examples are a copyright notice, lyrics, etc. Each is identified by a unique number (e.g., 0x02 for copyright, 0x05 for lyrics) which is stored in the type field.

We care only about one specific type of meta event: the end of track event. You can recognize it using its type number: 0x2F. It normally has no data associated with it. Concretely, the end of track event is encoded by the following four bytes:

Byte Meaning
0x00 Delta time
0xFF Signals meta event
0x2F Signals end of track
0x00 Signals zero bytes of data

System Exclusive Event

Field name Size Description
delta_time Variable length integer Time since last event
identifier 1 0xF0 or 0xF7
length Variable length integer Number of data bytes
data length bytes Data

MIDI Events

As mentioned above, there are seven types of MIDI events:

Note Off
Note On
Polyphonic Key Pressure
Control Change
Program Change
Channel Pressure
Pitch Wheel Change

MIDI events always take place on a specific channel, of which there are 16. MIDI events on different channels are independent: for example, a program change (= change of musical instrument) on channel 5 only affects the notes played on channel 5.

The type and channel of a MIDI event are combined into a single byte and form the MIDI event's identifier byte. This same byte is also called the status byte. The upper 4 bits denote the type of MIDI event, the lower 4 bits denote the channel on which it takes place. The general structure of a MIDI event can then be written

Field name Size Description
delta_time Variable length integer Time since last event
status 1 0xkn where k denotes the type and n denotes channel (0-15)
type-specific Type specific extra data

We now discuss each MIDI event type.

Note Off

Field name Size Description
delta_time Variable length integer Time since last event
status 1 0x8n where n denotes channel (0-15)
note 1 Note that stops playing (0-127)
velocity 1 After touch (0-127)

Notes are index from 0 to 127. 0 corresponds to a very low A (8.18Hz) which is so low we probably can't even hear it (human hearing starts at around 20Hz.) 127 is a G#/Ab at 13,289Hz (that we can hear, but it may not be particularly pleasant.) Musicians might want to know that A (440Hz) has index 69, but for our purposes what matters is that a higher index corresponds to a higher note.

The velocity doesn't seem to have much effect according to my experiments. According to the documentation, it is used for after touch, but I don't hear any difference.

Note On

Field name Size Description
delta_time Variable length integer Time since last event
status 1 0x9n where n denotes channel (0-15)
note 1 Note that starts playing (0-127)
velocity 1 Loudness (0-127)

Polyphonic Key Pressure

Field name Size Description
delta_time Variable length integer Time since last event
status 1 0xAn where n denotes channel (0-15)
note 1 Note that starts playing (0-127)
pressure 1 Pressure value (0-127)

Control Change

Field name Size Description
delta_time Variable length integer Time since last event
status 1 0xBn where n denotes channel (0-15)
controller 1 Controller number (0-127)
value 1 New value (0-127)

Program Change

Field name Size Description
delta_time Variable length integer Time since last event
status 1 0xCn where n denotes channel (0-15)
program 1 Program number (0-127)

This corresponds to a change in musical instrument on the current channel.

Channel Pressure

Field name Size Description
delta_time Variable length integer Time since last event
status 1 0xDn where n denotes channel (0-15)
pressure 1 Pressure value (0-127)

Pitch Wheel Change

Field name Size Description
delta_time Variable length integer Time since last event
status 1 0xEn where n denotes channel (0-15)
lower_bits 1 Lower 7 bits
upper_bits 1 Upper 7 bits

lower_bits and upper_bits together form a 14 bit value denoteing the pitch wheel's position.


Let's see what Für Elise would look like. The notes are

Note Note Number Duration
E 76 100
Eb 75 100
E 76 100
Eb 75 100
E 76 100
B 71 100
D 74 100
C 72 100
A 69 200

In MIDI events form:

Delta Time Event Type Note Number Velocity Bytes
0 Note On 76 30 0x00 0x90 0x4C 0x1E
100 Note Off 76 0 0x64 0x80 0x4C 0x00
0 Note On 75 30 0x00 0x90 0x4B 0x1E
100 Note Off 75 0 0x64 0x80 0x4B 0x00
0 Note On 76 30 0x00 0x90 0x4C 0x1E
100 Note Off 76 0 0x64 0x80 0x4C 0x00
0 Note On 75 30 0x00 0x90 0x4B 0x1E
100 Note Off 75 0 0x64 0x80 0x4B 0x00
0 Note On 76 30 0x00 0x90 0x4C 0x1E
100 Note Off 76 0 0x64 0x80 0x4C 0x00
0 Note On 71 30 0x00 0x90 0x47 0x1E
100 Note Off 71 0 0x64 0x80 0x47 0x00
0 Note On 74 30 0x00 0x90 0x4A 0x1E
100 Note Off 74 0 0x64 0x80 0x4A 0x00
0 Note On 72 30 0x00 0x90 0x48 0x1E
100 Note Off 72 0 0x64 0x80 0x48 0x00
0 Note On 69 30 0x00 0x90 0x45 0x1E
200 Note Off 69 0 0x64 0x80 0x45 0x00

All events take place on channel 0, which has been randomly chosen.

The value for note on velocity has been chosen rather arbitrarily: Für Elise is supposed to be played very softly (pianissimo), so 30 is about one fourth of the maximum volume (127). The note off velocity equals 0 because, as mentioned earlier, it doesn't seem to have any effect.

Note On 0

Often, note off events are replaced by note on events with velocity set to 0. Together with running status (see later), this leads to more compact MIDI files (up to 25% less space requirements.)

Using this trick, we get

Delta Time Event Type Note Number Velocity Bytes
0 Note On 76 30 0x00 0x90 0x4C 0x1E
100 Note On 76 0 0x64 0x90 0x4C 0x00
0 Note On 75 30 0x00 0x90 0x4B 0x1E
100 Note On 75 0 0x64 0x90 0x4B 0x00
0 Note On 76 30 0x00 0x90 0x4C 0x1E
100 Note On 76 0 0x64 0x90 0x4C 0x00
0 Note On 75 30 0x00 0x90 0x4B 0x1E
100 Note On 75 0 0x64 0x90 0x4B 0x00
0 Note On 76 30 0x00 0x90 0x4C 0x1E
100 Note On 76 0 0x64 0x90 0x4C 0x00
0 Note On 71 30 0x00 0x90 0x47 0x1E
100 Note On 71 0 0x64 0x90 0x47 0x00
0 Note On 74 30 0x00 0x90 0x4A 0x1E
100 Note On 74 0 0x64 0x90 0x4A 0x00
0 Note On 72 30 0x00 0x90 0x48 0x1E
100 Note On 72 0 0x64 0x90 0x48 0x00
0 Note On 69 30 0x00 0x90 0x45 0x1E
200 Note On 69 0 0x64 0x90 0x45 0x00

Running Status

If a MIDI event has the same status byte as the previous event, its status byte can be omitted. This does not cause problems reading in the events: all status bytes have their most significant bit set to 1 while all non-status-bytes have 0 as most significant bit.

Für Elise can therefore be encoded as follows:

Delta Time Event Type Note Number Velocity Bytes
0 Note On 76 30 0x00 0x90 0x4C 0x1E
100 Note On 76 0 0x64 0x4C 0x00
0 Note On 75 30 0x00 0x4B 0x1E
100 Note On 75 0 0x64 0x4B 0x00
0 Note On 76 30 0x00 0x4C 0x1E
100 Note On 76 0 0x64 0x4C 0x00
0 Note On 75 30 0x00 0x4B 0x1E
100 Note On 75 0 0x64 0x4B 0x00
0 Note On 76 30 0x00 0x4C 0x1E
100 Note On 76 0 0x64 0x4C 0x00
0 Note On 71 30 0x00 0x47 0x1E
100 Note On 71 0 0x64 0x47 0x00
0 Note On 74 30 0x00 0x4A 0x1E
100 Note On 74 0 0x64 0x4A 0x00
0 Note On 72 30 0x00 0x48 0x1E
100 Note On 72 0 0x64 0x48 0x00
0 Note On 69 30 0x00 0x45 0x1E
200 Note On 69 0 0x64 0x45 0x00

Thanks to running status, we only need 55 bytes instead of 72. What a savings!

Für Elise

Für Elise in its entirety:

Bytes Description
0x4D 0x54 0x68 0x64 MThd indicating start of MThd chunk
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x06 Chunk header size field: rest of chunk counts 6 bytes
0x00 0x01 MIDI type 1
0x00 0x01 Number of tracks
0x02 0x00 Division 512 (picked randomly)
0x4D 0x54 0x72 0x6B MTrk indicating start of MTrk chunk
0x00 0x00 0x00 0x3D Chunk header size field: rest of chunk counts 61 bytes
0x00 0xC0 0x00 Program change to program #0 (= piano)
0x00 0x90 0x4C 0x1E Notes
0x64 0x4C 0x00
0x00 0x4B 0x1E
0x64 0x4B 0x00
0x00 0x4C 0x1E
0x64 0x4C 0x00
0x00 0x4B 0x1E
0x64 0x4B 0x00
0x00 0x4C 0x1E
0x64 0x4C 0x00
0x00 0x47 0x1E
0x64 0x47 0x00
0x00 0x4A 0x1E
0x64 0x4A 0x00
0x00 0x48 0x1E
0x64 0x48 0x00
0x00 0x45 0x1E
0x64 0x45 0x00
0xFF 0x2F 0x00 Meta event: end of track

Further Information