The decimal notation of the number twelve is 12
the digits are ordered from most to least significant.
We could as well reverse the order and write 21
, only
that's not the choice that history made for us.
In CPU-speak, our writing style is called big-endian: the digit with the biggest weight comes first. The opposite order is called little-endian.
While big-endian notation has the advantage of being more familiar to us humans, little-endian has some performance advantages (well, on old computers anyway, not sure if it makes much of a difference today.) For this reason Intel chose little endianness for its CPUs. However, MIDI files are big-endian, meaning that every time we read a value from a MIDI file, we need to reverse the digit order.
Since endianness involves reverses digits, this raises the question "What constitutes a digit?"
Endianness works on the level of bytes, i.e., a digit
corresponds to a single byte. Consider the 16-bit number 0x1234
which in big-endian order would be stored as 0x12 0x34
To determine the little-endian order, we reverse
the bytes, resulting in 0x34 0x12