One more for good measure.
Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.
@@ -93,32 +93,38 @@ background: linear-gradient(to right, #89fffd, #ef32d9); /* W3C, IE 10+/ Edge, F } -+
[ We aim to minimise the use of energy(currently electricity) through analytical ways ]
+We aim to minimise the use of energy (currently electricity) through analytical ways
Consumption rate:
There are currently many states in India where the electricity consumption rate is more than the production rate.Jharkhand,Karnataka,Uttar Pradesh and Delhi etc.. regions face electricity problems.Currently 60% of electricity is being imported from other regions to Karnataka. Due to this, there are long-time, frequent power-cuts in many villages and ,at the time of droughts, in coastal regions.Due to laziness or unawareness about the importance of electricity a good amount of electricity is being wasted.
+There are currently many states in India where the electricity consumption rate is higher than the production rate. + Jharkhand, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi etc.. regions face electricity problems. Currently 60% of electricity is being imported + from other regions to Karnataka. Due to this, there are long-time, frequent power-cuts in many villages and, even in major cities sometimes. + Due to laziness or unawareness about the importance of electricity significant amount of electricity is being wasted. We can observe from the adjacent + graph that the increasing production rate is not able to satisfy the huge increase in consumption rate every year. Hence, conservation becomes the key.

The hack:
+Achivements, which takes into account the electricity used by an induvidual, is added. Rankings will be given based on your usage of electricity. These rankings will be made public. The metre readings is to be provided by the electricity board of the particular region.