This project is a quick start sample developed using Cloud DB APIs.
On the AppGallery Connect page, create a project, and add an app with a package named com.huawei.agc.clouddb.xxxx.
Go to Auth Service and enable Auth Service and the anonymous account authentication mode.
Go to Cloud DB and enable Cloud DB. Then, perform the following operations:
3.1 Create an object type by importing the template file UnityCloudDB.json in the root directory of the project.
3.2 Click the Cloud DB Zones tab, and click Add to create a Cloud DB zone named QuickStartDemo.
Go to Project settings > General information, download the agconnect-services.json file, and copy this file to the Assets/Resources directory.
Use Unity 2020 or later version to open the project.
Run the sample on your device.
The sample code is licensed under the Apache License, version 2.0.