- Home Page
- View an alphabetical list of all parks
- Show: Picture, Name, Description
- Select a park and go to Park Detail Page
- View an alphabetical list of all parks
- Detail Page
- Show ALL data about the selected park
- 5-Day Expected Weather Forecast
- Show: Image & High/Low temperatures with F or C
- For Today, include a "recommendation" based on the forecast
- Snow: Pack snowshoes
- Rain: Pack rain gear and wear waterproof shoes
- Thunderstorms: Seek shelter and avoid hiking on exposed ridges
- Sunny: Pack sunblock
- For Today, include a "recommendation" based on temperature
- Temp > 75: Bring an extra gallon of water
- ABS Temp range > 20: Wear breathable layers
- Temp < 20: Beware of the dangers of exposure to frigid temperatures
- Select Fahrenheit or Celsius
- Must be remembered in SESSION
- Must be remembered in SESSION
- Survey Page
- To vote on a park
- Select favorite park from a drop-down-menu of all park names
- Enter email address & residence state
- Select activity level from a drop-down-menu
- Choices: Inactive, Sedentary, Active, Extremely Active
- ALL fields are REQUIRED and must be VALIDATED
- Click Submit and be directed to the Favorite Parks Page
- To vote on a park
- Favorite Parks Page
- List parks in descending order of the number of votes they have
- Ties in alphabetical order
- Show: Name & count
- Do not include parks with 0 votes
CVNP - Cuyahoga Valley National Park
ENP - Everglades National Park
GNP - Glacier National Park
GCNP - Grand Canyon National Park
GTNP - Grand Teton National Park
GSMNP - Great Smoky Mountains National Park
MRNP - Mount Rainier National Park
RMNP - Rocky Mountain National Park
YNP - Yellowstone National Park
YNP2 - Yosemite National Park
- ParkCode - varchar(10) - string
- ParkName - varchar(200) - string
- ParkDescription - varchar(max) - string
- ParkCode - varchar(10) - string
- ParkName - varchar(200) - string
- ParkState - varchar(30) - string
- Acreage - int
- ElevationInFeet - int
- MilesOfTrail - real - double
- NumberOfCampsites - int
- Climate - varchar(100) - string
- YearFounded - int
- AnnualVisitorCount - int
- InspirationalQuote - varchar(max) - string
- InspirationalQuoteSource - varchar(200) - string
- ParkDescription - varchar(max) - string
EntryFeeInDollars - int (with
$) - decimal (with $ ) - NumberOfAnimalSpecies - int
FiveDayForecast - Weather
- fiveDayForecastValue - int
- lowTempInFahrenheit - int
- lowTempInCelsius - int
- highTempInFahrenheit - int
- highTempInCelsius - int
- forecast - varchar(100) - string
SurveyCount - int
- ParkCode - varchar(10) - string
- FiveDayForecastValue - int
- 1 = Today
- 2 = Tomorrow
- 3 = The Next Day
- 4 = The Day after That
- 5 = The Next Day after That
- LowTempInFahrenheit - int
- LowTempInCelsius - int
- HighTempInFahrenheit - int
- HighTempInCelsius - int
- Forecast - varchar(100) - string.ToLower()
All fields are required and need validation
- FavoritePark - varchar(10) - string (use parkCode, but show parkName)
- EmailAddress - varchar(100) - string
- ResidenceState - varchar(30) - string
- ActivityLevel - varchar(100) - string
- ParkCode - varchar(10) - string
- ParkName - varchar(200) - string
- SurveyCount - int
- GetAllParks List
- GetParkDetail Park
- GetAllParkCodesAndNames List
- GetFavoriteParks List
- AddSurvey bool
- GetAllParks List
- GetParkDetail Park
- GetAllParkCodesAndNames List
- GetFavoriteParks List
- AddSurvey bool
- Home [HtmlGet]
- ParkDetail [HtmlGet]
- Survey [HtmlGet]
- Survey [HtmlPost]
- FavoriteParks [HtmlGet]
- Index
- Detail
- Survey
- FavoriteParks
- Add DAL folder
- Add Content folder
- Add img folder to Content folder
- Add images to img folder
- Add Models.cs files
- Add DAO Interfaces.cs files
- Add DAO.cs files
- Create kernel binding in NinjectWebCommon file
- Add connectionString to Web.config
- Add Model details
- Add controller constructor
- Add Controller Actions
- Add Views
- Add .css file for each View
- Make sure there are _Layout.cshtml and _ViewStart.cshtml files
- Add DAO Interfaces details
- Add DAO details
- Add Controller Action details
Alyson Wood