This manual offers a very basic guide how to integrate the JustAnotherVoiceServer into your own GT-MP server. For a more detailed showcase, how to use the server and resource, look into the JustAnotherVoiceChat.Server.GTMP.Resource project.
- Stable GT-MP Server
- TeamSpeak3-Server with a password-protected channel.
- You need to know the following information of the selected TeamSpeak3-Server:
- Channel ID of the target channel, where the players will be moved
- Password of that said channel
- Unique server identity of your server (Example:
- NuGet Package for GT-MP (JustAnotherVoiceChat.Server.GTMP)
These steps guide you to a very basic JustAnotherVoiceChat server, that accepts connections and everyone should be able to hear you.
You can also find an example resource in the JustAnotherVoiceChat.Server.GTMP.Resource project.
- Install needed dependencies with NuGet
PM> Install-Package JustAnotherVoiceChat.Server.GTMP
- Create JustAnotherVoiceChat server instance on startup
public class MyGamemode : Script
private JustAnotherVoiceChat.Server.GTMP.IGtmpVoiceServer _voiceServer;
public MyGamemode()
API.onResourceStop += OnResourceStop;
API.onResourceStart += OnResourceStart;
private void OnResourceStart()
_voiceServer = JustAnotherVoiceChat.Server.GTMP.Factories.GtmpVoice.CreateServer(API, new VoiceServerConfiguration("", 23332, "TeamSpekaIdentiy==", 232, "verySecretPassword"));
// This line enables the 3D positional sound
_voiceServer.AddTask(new PositionalVoiceTask<IGtmpVoiceClient>());
_voiceServer.OnClientPrepared += OnClientShouldReceiveHandshake;
_voiceServer.OnClientDisconnected += OnClientShouldReceiveHandshake;
_voiceServer.OnClientConnected += OnClientConnected;
private void OnResourceStop()
private void OnClientConnected(IGtmpVoiceClient client)
client.Player.triggerClientEvent("VOICE_HANDSHAKE", false, "");
private void OnClientShouldReceiveHandshake(IGtmpVoiceClient client)
client.Player.triggerEvent("VOICE_HANDSHAKE", true, client.HandshakeUrl);
- Create a clientside script that sends a HTTP request to the local JustAnotherVoiceChat client with a headless remote CEF browser. This step is necessary, so the TeamSpeak-Client is able to connect to the JustAnotherVoiceChat server.
let browser = null;
let handshakeTimer = 0;
API.onResourceStart.connect(() => {
browser = API.createCefBrowser(0, 0, false);
API.setCefBrowserHeadless(browser, true);
API.onServerEventTrigger.connect((eventName, args) => {
if(eventName !== "VOICE_HANDSHAKE") {
const newStatus = args[0];
const handshakeUrl = args[1];
if(newStatus) {
handshakeTimer = API.every(3000, "resendHandshake", handshakeUrl);
} else {
if(handshakeTimer != -1) {
handshakeTimer = -1;
function resendHandshake(url) {
API.loadPageCefBrowser(browser, url);
- Copy needed libraries to the resource-location
- Add assemblies to the resource's meta.xml.
shouldn't be listed there, because it is a native C++ library.
<assembly ref="JustAnotherVoiceChat.Server.Wrapper.dll" />
<assembly ref="JustAnotherVoiceChat.Server.GTMP.dll" />