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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Each release is associated with a specific API version, and any changes to API will have a prefix (API).

Unless otherwise specified, any version comparison below is the comparison of server version, not API version.

0.2.1 (API 0.6.0) - Unreleased

Compare with 0.2.0

0.2.0 (API 0.5.0) - 2025-3-3

Compare with 0.1.3


  • (API) Implemented ender chest, and several related interfaces & objects including BlockEntityEnderChest, EnderChestContainer, are added to api module, see commit history for more details.
  • (API) Added VoxelShape#intersectsRay method, which can determine whether the given ray intersects the voxel shape.
  • (API) Added multiple BlockUpdateService#scheduleRandomBlockUpdate method overloads, which can schedule a random block update at a specified position. These methods are used by fire block currently to make it able to change fire spreading speed by changing random block update speed.
  • (API) Added WorldSettings.WorldSetting#runtimeOnly, If set this to true, the information of this world will not be saved to world-settings.yml, therefore it won't be loaded after the server restarted. This is useful for world created for game room by plugin and will be deleted when shutdown.
  • (API) Added PluginManager#registerCustomSource and PluginManager#registerCustomLoaderFactory, custom plugin loaders and sources can be registered by plugin now.
  • (API) Added Form#onClose(Consumer<ModalFormCancelReason>) method that can be used to set a callback which will be called with the close reason when the form is closed. The old Form#onClose method is still available that just ignores the reason.
  • (API) Added ChunkService#removeUnusedChunksImmediately method that can remove unused chunks immediately. Also, the /gc command will call this method in all dimensions now.
  • (API) Added ItemBaseComponent#getLockMode and ItemBaseComponent#setLockMode methods to get and set the lock mode of an item.
  • (API) Added ChunkSection, chunk section can be obtained from chunk.
  • (API) Added EnchantmentType#canBeAppliedTo, EnchantmentType#getAppliableType and ApplicableType, these methods can be used to check if an enchantment type can be applied to a specific item type.
  • (API) Introduced new item tag allay:head and helper method ItemHelper#isHead which can be used to check if an item is a head item.
  • (API) Introduced ItemStack#isAllEnchantmentsAvailableInEnchantTable method. This method is used in book item.
  • (API) Introduced EntityBaseComponent#getStatus which can get the status of an entity. This status replaced the old boolean flags such as spawned, dead, willBeSpawnedNextTick and provide better stability and extensibility.
  • (API) Added ClientConnectEvent#setDisconnectReason and PlayerLoginEvent#setDisconnectReason methods to set the disconnect reason that will be shown to the client when cancelling these events.
  • (API) Implemented flower pot, and add custom block tag allay:pottable_plant which mark thant the plant can be potted.
  • (API) Introduced PDC (Persistent Data Container) system. The PDC is a way to store custom data on a whole range of objects, such as items, entities, block entities and world. More PDC types will be added in the future.
  • (API) Added ItemType#getItemData method which replaces the old ItemDataComponent.
  • (API) Introduced new option entity-auto-save-cycle in ServerSettings to control the interval of entity auto save.
  • (API) Entities are now held by EntityService directly, and a variety of new methods are added into EntityService. See the commit history for more details.
  • (API) Introduced WorldStorage#readEntities, WorldStorage#writeEntities and their correspond sync methods. These methods are used to read and write entities in a specified chunk area.
  • (API) Introduced a variety of methods for sending toast, title, subtitle and actionbar text to player, and new command /title is added.
  • (API) Introduced CommandNode#permission method which can be used to set the permission requirement for accessing a specified command node. This is useful for setting permission for sub commands.
  • Add support for bedrock 1.21.60.
  • Add support for the new entity storage format used in 1.18.30+. Now entities in newer vanilla maps can be loaded correctly.
  • Implemented reeds (also called sugar cane) and cactus.
  • Implemented UpdateSubChunkBlocksPacket related logic, which will make client load large range block updates much quicker (e.g. using /fill command to fill a large area).
  • Introduced ChunkSectionLocks, which replaced the old StampedLock in Chunk. Instead of locking the whole chunk when reading/writing blocks/biomes, only the related chunk section will be locked now. This should improve the performance of chunk reading/writing.
  • Added PluginDisableEvent and PluginEnableEvent events.


  • (API) We now used double instead of float in entity location, motion, aabb and some other classes which require high precision. This should improve the accuracy of entity movement and collision detection.
  • (API) Renamed FullContainerTypeBuilder to Builder.
  • (API) Moved method Chunk#isLoaded to UnsafeChunk#isLoaded.
  • (API) Made method Dimension#createUpdateBlockPacket private, consider using Dimension#sendBlockUpdateTo method instead.
  • World will be skipped if failed to be load.
  • (API) Moved and renamed UnsafeChunk#index method to HashUtils#hashChunkSectionXYZ.
  • (API) Refactored Chunk and UnsafeChunk, now Chunk works more likely a wrapper for UnsafeChunk that provides safe access to chunk data in multi-threads environment.
  • (API) Replaced Chunk#batchProcess method with new Chunk#applyOperation and Chunk#applyOperationInSection methods.
  • (API) Moved inner class ItemArmorBaseComponent#ArmorType to package
  • (API) Changed the default value of ServerSettings#GenericSettings#defaultPermission to PlayerPermission.MEMBER.
  • (API) VoxelShape have being refactored. Now it doesn't allow using vacancy, this change is required by physics engine to fix some bugs.
  • (API) Renamed BlockState#setProperty and BlockState#setProperties to BlockState#setPropertyValue and BlockState#setPropertyValues to match the getter methods.
  • (API) Refactored the creative item registry and related classes & methods, which allow plugin to customize item groups.
  • Main thread will sleep a short time if gui is enabled when the server exits abnormally. This gives user time to see what goes wrong.
  • Server won't crash if failed to load the descriptor of a plugin now. An error message will be print to the console instead.
  • Server won't crash if failed to create world generator. Void world generator will be used instead.
  • It is not allowed to reset the dimension of player back to null now, and doing such thing will result in an exception.
  • Changed PlayerAuthInputPacketProcessor#TELEPORT_ACK_DIFF_TOLERANCE from public to protected.
  • Scheduled block updates are saved in vanilla format instead of our custom format now. This should improve the compatibility with vanilla map.


  • Plugins are able to create their own world generator implementation now. In previous versions a ClassCastException would be thrown when initializing the dimension.
  • Explosion now calculates entity exposure correctly. In previous version any non-air block will block the explosion ray.
  • Explosion damage now scales with game difficulty.
  • Fixed a rare NPE exception that may occur if player disconnect when joining the server.
  • Fixed missing block breaking particle when breaking block.
  • Item entity will be despawned immediately instead of having a dead timer when its health become 0. It's dead smoke is also removed.
  • Fixed the bug that unusable enchantment types may be shown in enchantment table.
  • Fixed the bug that /give command will stack item that cannot be stacked like sword.
  • Fixed the bug that damage that smaller than 1 will never kill an entity even if the entity has only 1 health.
  • Fixed the bug caused by incorrect initial value of runtime id counter. The initial value should be 1 instead of 0.
  • Fixed the bug that /alwaysday command actually do the opposite thing.
  • Several bugs in physics engine, including wrong collision detection and wrong movement calculation are fixed.
  • Gamerule doDaylightCycle now works correctly.
  • Fixed touch-mode player (phone player usually) block breaking with "delayed block breaking" option enabled.
  • A series of getter/setter method in Dimension class now won't load the chunk. This behavior causes a lot of deadlock in the past.


  • (API) Removed UnsafeChunk#SECTION_SIZE.
  • (API) Removed UnsafeChunk#setHeight, it is an unexpected behavior to set height of a chunk without block change.
  • (API) Removed BlockBaseComponent#canKeepExisting method to eliminate ambiguity.
  • (API) Removed PlayerStorage#tick and PlayerStorage#shutdown methods, these methods shouldn't be in api module.
  • (API) Removed Registries#BLOCK_STATE_DATA. This registry is moved to InternalRegistries.
  • (API) Removed Registries#ITEM_DATA. This registry is moved to InternalRegistries.
  • (API) Removed VoxelShapes#buildStairShape method, we now have accurate collision shape data dumped from BDS.
  • (API) Removed the old BlockState#toNetworkBlockDefinition method, and BlockState#toNetworkBlockDefinitionRuntime was renamed without Runtime suffix.
  • (API) Removed ItemDataComponent. ItemData is now located in ItemType<?>.
  • (API) Removed Dimension#getEntityByRuntimeId. This method is replaced by EntityService#getEntityByRuntimeId.
  • (API) Removed Dimension#getEntityPhysicsService. This method is replaced by EntityService#getPhysicsService.
  • (API) Removed ChunkLoader#spawnEntity and ChunkLoader#despawnEntity methods.
  • (API) Removed UnsafeChunk#getEntity, UnsafeChunk#getEntities, UnsafeChunk#spawnEntitiesTo and UnsafeChunk#despawnEntitiesFrom methods. Because entity is not held by chunk now.
  • Removed Extension#afterServerStarted method.
  • Removed org.allaymc.server.datastruct.collections.nb.*, we now use the implementations provided by JCTools. Consider using NonBlockingHashMap and NonBlockingHashMapLong if your plugins use these classes.

0.1.3 (API 0.4.0) - 2025-1-17

Compare with 0.1.2


  • (API) Introduced AllayAPI#isDevBuild to let plugin know if the current server is a dev build.
  • (API) Introduced BlockCustomTags#WATER and BlockCustomTags#LAVA to allow checking if a block is water or lava easier. This is because there are two types of water (minecraft:water and minecraft:flowing_water) and lava ( minecraft:lava and minecraft:flowing_lava) in vanilla.
  • (API) Introduced Dimension#getLiquid, Dimension#setLiquid and Dimension#removeLiquid methods to help plugin operate liquid easier.
  • (API) Introduced Dimension#addLevelSoundEvent(Vector3ic pos, SoundEvent soundEvent, int extraData) and Dimension#addLevelSoundEvent(Vector3fc pos, SoundEvent soundEvent, int extraData).
  • (API) Added EntityTrampleFarmlandEvent. EntityTrampleFarmlandEvent is called when a farmland is trampled by an entity.
  • (API) Added BlockGrowEvent which will be called when crops grow.
  • (API) Added two overloads LightService#getInternalLight(Vector3ic) and LightService#getSkyLight(Vector3ic), they have the same functionality as LightService#getXXXLight(int, int, int).
  • (API) BlockContainer#getBlockPos and BlockContainer#setBlockPos now return/require Position3ic instead of Vector3ic, this enables us to get the dimension information of a BlockContainer.
  • (API) Implemented brewing stand, and several related interfaces & objects including BlockEntityBrewingStand, BrewingStandContainer, Registries#POTION_MIX_RECIPES, PotionMixRecipe are added to api module, see commit history for more details. Added BrewingStandBrewEvent, BrewingStandConsumeFuelEvent and BrewingStandStartBrewEvent events.
  • (API) Implemented slab, and several related interfaces are added to api module.
  • (API) Introduced BlockBaseComponent#combine method which is used by slab. For the details of this method, see the javadoc.
  • (API) Implemented beacon block, and several related interfaces are added to api module.
  • (API) Implemented brewing stand, and several related interfaces & objects including BlockEntityBrewingStand, BrewingStandContainer, Registries#POTION_MIX_RECIPES, PotionMixRecipe are added to api module. See commit history for more details.
  • (API) Implemented picking block with block entity data. The following methods are added: ItemBaseComponent#getBlockEntityNBT, ItemBaseComponent#setBlockEntityNBT, ItemBaseComponent#clearBlockEntityNBT and ItemBaseComponent#hasBlockEntityNBT.
  • (API) Implemented TNT. There is now a new class called Explosion which can be used by plugin to make custom explosion.
  • (API) Introduced a number of overloads of Dimension#addSound.
  • (API) Introduced method EntityAttributeComponent#supportAttribute to check if the entity support specified attribute type.
  • (API) Introduced methods DamageContainer#blockExplosion and DamageContainer#entityExplosion to create explosion related damage.
  • (API) Introduced methods EntityBaseComponent#getDragFactorOnGround and EntityBaseComponent#getDragFactorInAir, which can be used to customize the drag factor of an entity.
  • (API) Introduced event EntityExplodeEvent which will be called when tnt or creeper(WIP) is about to explode.
  • (API) Introduced method EntityBaseComponent#isTouchingWater to check if an entity is touching water.
  • (API) Implemented TNT entity, block and related features. Several related interfaces are added to api module.
  • Implemented trapdoor except redstone feature (Redstone feature requires the implementation of redstone system).
  • Implemented sponge and wet sponge.
  • Implemented farmland and hoe.
  • Implemented most of the crops, including wheat, potato, carrot, beetroot, melon and pumpkin.
  • Introduced sentry to capture exception and upload them to sentry server automatically, which helps us to track and fix bug more efficiently. Sentry is only enabled in non-dev version.
  • Server version will also be uploaded to bStats now.
  • Introduced Extension#afterServerStarted method which will be called after the server is started.


  • (API) Removed BlockFace#toStairDirectionValue, this method shouldn't exist in api module.
  • (API) BlockTags, BlockCustomTags, ItemTags and ItemCustomTags are now annotated with @MinecraftVersionSensitive as these tags may change between different versions.
  • (API) The second parameter of BlockBaseComponent#onEntityFallOn now accepts BlockStateWithPos instead of BlockState.
  • (API) EntityBaseComponent#getBlockStateStandingOn now return BlockStateWithPos instead of BlockState.
  • (API) Removed BlockFace#horizontalIndex which is useless.
  • (API) Removed ScoreboardService#ServerEventListener as it is not supposed to be touched by plugin.
  • (API) Methods BlockEntityFurnaceBaseComponent#getStoredXP and BlockEntityFurnaceBaseComponent#setStoredXP now accept int instead of float.
  • (API) Renamed Structure#pickStructure to Structure#pick.
  • (API) Renamed ItemItemStorableComponentImpl to ItemStuffStorableComponentImpl, and now ItemShulkerBoxStack extends ItemStuffStorableComponent.
  • (API) Removed methods EntityAttributeComponent#supportHealth and EntityAttributeComponent#supportAbsorption. Consider using new method EntityAttributeComponent#supportAttribute.
  • (API) Renamed method EntityBaseComponent#getBaseOffset to EntityBaseComponent#getNetworkOffset for better understanding.
  • (API) Removed method Dimension#setBlockStates. This method is considered to be unsafe as it will only set the block state, block entity won't be created if the block has block entity. Further research is currently needed.
  • Removed useless class PackageClassLoaderUtils, dependency org.reflections.reflections is also removed.
  • Added -dev suffix to api version in development build.
  • Changed ContainerActionProcessorHolder to a final class instead of an interface, because this abstraction is meaningless.
  • Changed enableGui to enable-gui in server-settings.yml
  • Disabled packet limit only in dev build.
  • Optimized the performance of physics calculation when there are a lot of entities.
  • Changed the gravity of item and xp orb entity to 0.04f to better match vanilla behavior.


  • (API) BlockHangingSignBehavior now extends BlockEntityHolderComponent<BlockEntityHangingSign> which was forgotten to be added.
  • Fixed several bugs that can led falling block keep existing even if it is already on ground or can't move.
  • Fixed the ClassCastException when breaking shulker box.
  • Fixed the bug that interacting with door doesn't have any sound.
  • Waxing copper-made block using honeycomb won't call BlockFadeEvent now.
  • Fixed the bug that player can still open enchant table even if he is sneaking.
  • Fixed NaN motion caused by liquid in some very special cases.
  • Fixed the bug that entity will still get ticked after called removeEntity().
  • Fixed the bug that player's pos sometimes get frozen after teleport. This is caused by the issue that sometimes client doesn't send back teleport ack after server sends teleport packet to client.
  • Fixed the bug that flint and steel durability reduced in creative mode.
  • Fixed the network offset of item entity. Its visual position should now be normal.
  • Liquid won't be broken into item by falling block now.

0.1.2 (API 0.3.0) - 2024-12-31

Compare with 0.1.1


  • (API) Added an extra argument to Dimension#breakBlock method to control if the block breaking particle should be played.
  • (API) Added LiquidHardenEvent#setHardenedBlockState method to allow changing the hardened block state.
  • (API) Introduced MathUtils#normalizeIfNotZero method to normalize a vector only if it is not zero, this method prevents NaN caused by Vector3fc#normalize method.
  • (API) Introduced EntityBaseComponent#computeLiquidMotion method to control whether an entity has liquid motion.
  • (API) Introduced EntityDamageComponent#hasDrowningDamage method to control whether an entity has drowning damage.
  • Added liquid motion for water and lava. Now entity will be moved by liquid flow if it is in the liquid.
  • Pos sent by the client will only be handled when the pos is changed, as PlayerAuthInputPacket is sent every tick but the player may not move every tick.


  • (API) Removed BlockFace#getBlockFaceByStairDirectionValue method, some fields in VoxelShapes are also private for better maintainability now.
  • (API) Remove fat-aabb-margin and stepping-offset fields from server settings as these properties shouldn't be touched by users.
  • Introduced tag name constants for where a large number of NBT saving and reading are involved. This improved the maintainability of the project.
  • Introduced better names for some of the fields in PlayerAuthInputPacketProcessor, this improved the readability of the code.


  • (API) Corrected the return type of Dimension#breakBlock(Vector3ic, ItemStack, Entity) from void to boolean. Some overloads for this method are also added.
  • (API) Fixed incorrect bit operations in BlockLiquidBaseComponent#getLiquidBlockState and BlockLiquidBaseComponent#getLiquidBlockState#getDepth, although it seems that they do not cause any issues.
  • Block breaking particle won't be sent if block is broken by flowing liquid.
  • Water placed in nether dimension will disappear immediately now.
  • Pos, Motion and Rotation in entity nbt are now saved as list tag instead of compound tag to match vanilla. This also fixed the bug that entities being spawned in incorrect position when placing structure using /structure command. Please note that this change is not backward compatible and will break the old world and player data.
  • Fixed several NaNs caused by Vector3fc#normalize methods in the physics engine, and now setting the motion/location of an entity to a vector which contains NaN will result in an exception.
  • EntityItem now won't have drowning damage when it is in water, this bug causes entity item died after a period of time in water.
  • ServerboundLoadingScreenPacket won't spam warnings in the console when switching dimension now.
  • Fixed the bug that sometimes there may be NaN values in PlayerAuthInputPacket, this bug is also confirmed in df-mc (issue#425).

0.1.1 (API 0.2.0) - 2024-12-29

Compare with 0.1.0


  • (API) Added TextFormat#MATERIAL_RESIN.
  • (API) Entity#teleport method now accepts an extra Reason argument.
  • (API) Added structure API by @harry-xi.
  • (API) Added a number of new methods to BlockLiquidBaseComponent.
  • (API) Added LiquidFlowEvent, LiquidDecayEvent and LiquidHardenEvent.
  • (API) Added BlockBehavior#afterPlaced and BlockBehavior#afterReplaced that are correspond to BlockBehavior#onPlace and BlockBehavior#onReplace.
  • (API) Added BlockStateData#liquidReactionOnTouch, there are also a number of new methods in BlockStateData.
  • Added /structure command to manage structures.
  • Implemented liquid features including water, lava and related features.


  • (API) GameRules is changed to an interface.
  • Breaking block related warnings are now moved to debug channel.
  • Improved code readability for I18n module.
  • NBT library is now updated to 3.0.10.
  • /gametest command is now only available in dev build.
  • Removed the dimension field in BlockBreakEvent, which is duplicated with blockStateWithPos#dimension.
  • Removed unused cn.powernukkitx:libdeflate-java library, related classes are also removed.


  • (API) Fixed exception when setting item count or meta to zero.
  • (API) VoxelShapes#buildLiquidShape now works correctly.
  • (API) Correct BlockStateData#canContainLiquid to BlockStateData#canContainLiquidSource.
  • Passing non-positive amount or negative meta arguments to /give command now will result in a syntax error.
  • Entity#teleport method now will reset fall distance correctly.
  • Fixed visual flashes when eating chorus fruits.
  • Fixed incorrect comparison of Position3x#dimension.
  • Fixed a number of falling block related bugs.
  • Fixed incorrectly drops when destroying the upper part of a door in creation mode.

0.1.0 (API 0.1.0) - 2024-12-22

Hello Allay! This is the first release of Allay.