Create initial configuration for mysql:
# git clone
# cd AIS-3USON/sql
# bash ./ # will create mysql_gz folder
kubectl create configmap aismysql-init-data --from-file=mysql_gz
Select node for storing mysql data and assign it label: ais-mysql-role=data
kubectl get nodes --show-labels
kubectl label nodes minikube ais-mysql-role=data # there minikube is the node you selected
Create folder for mysql database(on system with node label ais-mysql-role=data):
mkdir -p /var/ais-mysql-data # you can change this path in pv-aismysql-volume.yaml
Create a secret with ssl certificate for web worker(and web worker password):
kubectl create secret generic ais3uson-https-cert --from-file=cert.pem=cert.pem \
--from-file=privkey.pem=privkey.pem \
# optionally add test data:
Create secret with mysql root password:
kubectl create secret generic mysql-root-password --from-file=mysql-root-password=mysql-root-password
After the first start of aismysql container update web_info password:
# cd docker/secrets/
kubectl get pods | grep aismysql # to see exact pod name
export POD=$(kubectl get pods | grep aismysql | cut -d " " -f1)
kubectl exec -it $POD -- mysql -uroot -p$(cat mysql-root-password) \
-e "SET PASSWORD FOR 'web_info'@'%' = '$(cat mysql-web-worker-password)';"
kubectl exec -it $POD -- mysql -uroot -p$(cat mysql-root-password) \
-e "ALTER USER 'web_info'@'%' account unlock;"
Create user admin2 with admin role:
# cd AIS-3USON/sql
# edit password in 05_activate_admin_and_test_user.sql
kubectl get pods | grep aismysql # to see exact pod name
export POD=$(kubectl get pods | grep aismysql | cut -d " " -f1)
kubectl exec -it $POD -- mysql -uroot -p$(cat ../docker/secrets/mysql-root-password) < 05_activate_admin_and_test_user.sql
Create ais3uson
# cd AIS-3USON/docker
docker image build . --tag ais3uson