The names of QTableView, QComboBox is defined by used model and filters:
Used prefixes:
- table_
- t_sql_
- cbx_0_ - where zero is 0-9 – number of displayed column
- clndr_
Used postfixes(in that order):
- __where_ - only select where field = value (by default select None)
- _raw - don't use relations in model
- __by_ - add filter by field
Model names usually is a substring from view name:
- = sql table/view names +- "_raw"
- but if there are "where" used - then used full name, except widget prefix ???
(because while all model loaded fully and can be reused, models with where only have partial(volatile) data and thus not eligible for reuse )
- TODO: maybe mark for reuse for widgets on one tab?...
- app settings
- app global state
- support data for:
- models
- connections
- threads
- etc...
- data work logic
- model managment
- sql queries
- global ui data
Table names start from letters, view names start from "_".
SQL table used as source for relational data should have:
- id (int/bigint >0)
- table_name - unique varchar
- all other fields
SQL schema have views with prefix updatable_ used for update tables. All other view for selection only. updatable_ tables only have columns from one table.
_table1_has_table2 - all record of table2 for record in table1(0 or one or two columns from table1) first column from table1
Security settings stored in file sql/mysql/04_security.sql