diff --git a/GithubChangelog.md b/GithubChangelog.md
index 49764145..70d3403c 100644
--- a/GithubChangelog.md
+++ b/GithubChangelog.md
@@ -1,24 +1,43 @@
- Bug Fixes Following Mega Walls update (click for details)
+New Config Menu! however it reset all your configs sorry D: your previous configs are still in the old file : `mwenhancements.cfg`
-- fix not detecting that you are in a mw game wich breaks every mega walls feature
-- fix feature hiding the hunger message in chat and on the screen
-- fix the line number to inject information into the sidebar for wither death time and fks
-- turn off final kill counter by default
-- add digital final kill messages
-- add new maps to the base location HUD
-- use new thresholds for prestige 4 colors in /plancke commands
-- compute classpoints properly in /plancke command
-- delete colored prestige 5 tag feature
-- Mega Walls :
- - add `/teamchest` and `/enderchest` keybinds
- - make /squad addteam add only the party mates if you are in the pre game lobby
- - fix renegade rend chat message not using formatted playernames
- - fix /report and /wdr commands following hypixel command update
+- PVP Mods :
+ - Armor HUD : renders your armor on the screen, render vertically or horizontally, choose to render durability, choose to only render when the durability is low
+ - Potion HUD : renders your potion effects on the screen, render vertically or horizontally, choose the text color
+ - Toggle Sprint : holds your sprint when you hold the forward key, there is a keybind to toggle it
+- Vanilla
+ - Chat copy : Left/Right click to copy a chat message, hold shift to copy one line
+ - Chat search : add search bar to search chat messages, press Ctrl + F to enter chat search, Ctrl + Shift + F to use Regex search, the search icon can be hidden when it's not used, and it can be moved for compatibility
+ - Longer chat : setting to extend the chat size to 32 000 lines
+ - forge command fix : fix forge trying to run commands even if you don't put a `/` in front of your message
+ - case command fix : fix command handler only supporting commands in all lower case
+ - add setting to choose the spacing in between columns in the tablist
+ - add setting to give a team colored hurt color to withers
+ - add setting to remove the formatting codes from the chat logs
+- Mega Walls
+ - add setting to print the deathmatch damage directly in the chat if a game ends in a draw
+ - add setting to render a team colored outlines around withers
+ - add color setting for Speed hud, Energy HUD, and Kill cooldown hud
+ - add Warcry cooldown HUD
+ - play sound when you are about to get kicked for AFK
+ - add `/warcry` keybind
- Hacker Detector :
- - prevent typing auto-report if you are currently typing in the chat
+ - Ghosthand check : detects players mining blocks located behind other players
+ - add setting to play a sound when there is a flag
+ - add setting to show/hide the report buttons on the flag messages
+ - add setting to choose a custom prefix for the flag messages, only available from the config file
+ - add setting to show debug killaura flags for replay mode only
+- NoCheaters :
+ - `/nocheaters reportlist` now works without an API key
+ - add ability to edit the list of cheats that give a red icon, only available from the config file
+ - add ability to edit the list of cheats that give no icon at all, only available from the config file
+- Hitbox Mod :
+ - add setting to toggle wither hitbox
+ - add setting to render a team colored wither hitbox if the wither has a color
+- Bug fix :
+ - fix colored leather armor not changing color properly on Sheep players
+ - fix showing players that are still connected in the ban reveal message
+ - fix chat scrolling on its own if chat is open when compacting messages
+ - fix giving your Angel halo not updating the color to pink squadmate
Use `/mwe` to open the config menu. To install the mod you need to use forge and drop the .jar file in your `.minecraft\mods` folder.
See more information about installation [here](https://github.com/Alexdoru/MegaWallsEnhancements#installation).
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5a98405a..bcafc96c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -35,13 +35,18 @@ Download the latest release from the **[releases page](https://github.com/Alexdo
- **[Optifine](https://optifine.net/downloads)** - Enhances performance
- **[Sk1er's Patcher](https://sk1er.club/mods/patcher)** - `/patcher` Minecraft QOLs, performance improvements and vanilla bug fixes
- **[Sk1er's Old Animation](https://discord.gg/sk1er)** - `/oldanimations` Brings back 1.7 animations, available in beta on their discord server
-- **[Orange's Simple Mods-1.2 ](https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/oranges-simplemods-collection/files)** - `/simpleconfig /simplehud` Armor Status HUD, Status effect HUD and Toggle Sprint
- **[My Sidebar Mod](https://github.com/Alexdoru/SidebarMod/releases/)** - `/sidebarmod` Enhances the sidebar
Note : OrangeMarshall's Vanilla Enhancements is not compatible with this mod, the chat, tablist and hitbox related features from this mod will not work.
## Feature list
+### Basic PVP Mods
+- **Armor HUD** - Renders your armor on the screen, render vertically or horizontally, choose to render durability, choose to only render when the durability is low
+- **Potion HUD** - Renders your potion effects on the screen, render vertically or horizontally, choose the text color
+- **Toggle Sprint** - Holds your sprint when you hold the forward key, there is a keybind to toggle it
### Enhancements
- **Arrow hit HUD** - HUD that displays the health of players when shooting them with a bow
@@ -49,6 +54,11 @@ Note : OrangeMarshall's Vanilla Enhancements is not compatible with this mod, th
- **Speed HUD** - HUD displaying your speed
- **Mini Potion HUD** - Just a colored number with remaining duration of potion buffs
- **Chat heads** - Display heads of players in front of chat messages (disabled with Feather client)
+- **Chat Copy** - Left/Right click to copy a chat message, hold shift to copy one line
+- **Chat Search** - add search bar in the chat to search chat messages, press Ctrl + F to enter chat search, Ctrl + Shift + F to use Regex search, the search icon can be hidden when it's not used, and it can be moved for compatibility
+- **Longer chat** - setting to extend the chat size to 32 000 lines
+- **Forge command fix** - fix forge trying to run commands even if you don't put a `/` in front of your message
+- **Case command fix** - fix command handler only supporting commands written in all lower case
- **Cancel night vision** - Remove the blueish tint from night vision
- **Clear view** - Stop rendering particles that are too close (75cm) to the screen for a better visibility
- **Sound warning low HP** - Play a sound when your health drops below a certain threshold
@@ -65,6 +75,7 @@ Note : OrangeMarshall's Vanilla Enhancements is not compatible with this mod, th
- **Hide tablist ping** - Hide the ping values in the tablist if all the values are equal to 1
- **Display playercount in tablist** - Display the amount of players in your current lobby at the top of the tablist
- **Change tablist size** - Change the amount of players displayed in the tablist (disabled with Patcher)
+- **Choose tablist column spacing** - Choose the spacing between columns in the tablist
- **Tabcomplete player names** - Ability to tab complete player names in the chat all the time
- **Hide toggle sprint HUD** - Hide the toggle sprint HUD from OrangeMarshall's SimpleMod
- **Fix tablist rect background** - Fix the background of the tablist not being symmetric and sometimes missing pixels on one side
@@ -72,13 +83,15 @@ Note : OrangeMarshall's Vanilla Enhancements is not compatible with this mod, th
- **Fix case commands tabcomplete** - Fix not being able to tabcomplete commands if the command contains uppercased letters
- **Hide Optifine hats** - Hide cosmetic hats added by Optifine during certain seasons
- **Command keybinds** - Keybinds to run the commands `/kill` & `/surface`
-- **Clean chat logs ** - Remove formatting codes from the chat logs
+- **Clean chat logs** - Remove formatting codes from the chat logs
+- **Wither Hurt Color** - Gives a team colored hurt color to withers if they have a team
### Hitbox mod, better f3+b:
Allows you to customize the look of the f3+b hitboxes.
-- **Enable hitboxes for certain entity types** - players, grounded arrows, pinned arrows, flying arrows, dropped items, passive mobs, aggressive mobs, item frames, other entities
+- **Enable hitboxes for certain entity types** - players, grounded arrows, pinned arrows, flying arrows, dropped items, passive mobs, aggressive mobs, item frames, withers, other entities
- **Team colored player hitbox** - The player hitbox will take the color of the player's team
+- **Team colored wither hitbox** - The wither hitbox will take the color of the wither's team
- **Team colored arrow hitbox** - The arrow hitbox will take the color of the shooter's team
- **Custom hitbox color** - Select a custom color for all the hitboxes
- **Real size hitbox** - Render the actual hitbox of the player which is a bit larger than what default f3+b shows
@@ -98,6 +111,7 @@ Allows you to customize the look of the f3+b hitboxes.
- **Kill cooldown HUD** - Displays the cooldown on the `/kill` command
- **Phoenix bond HUD** - Displays the amount of hearts healed from a Phoenix bond
- **Strength HUD** - Displays the duration of the strength in Mega Walls when playing Dreadlord, Herobrine, Hunter, Zombie. Plays a sound and shows the countdown before getting strength with Hunter.
+- **Warcry HUD** - Displays the warcry cooldown
- **Wither death time HUD** - Displays the time left before the last wither standing automatically dies, HUD can be placed in the sidebar
- **Hide hunger title** - Stop rendering the hunger message in the middle of the screen during deathmatch
- **Hide repetitive msg** - Hide certain messages that spam the chat in Mega Walls
@@ -105,7 +119,10 @@ Allows you to customize the look of the f3+b hitboxes.
- **Renegade arrow count** - Display the amount of arrows you have pinned in them above player heads when playing Renegade
- **Nick hider** - Display to yourself your own name when you are nicked in Mega Walls
- **Pink Squadmates** - Squadmates' nametags will appear pink as well as their hitboxes
-- **Command Keybinds** - Keybinds to run the following commands : `/kill`, `/surface`, `/teamchest`, `/enderchest`
+- **Command Keybinds** - Keybinds to run the following commands : `/enderchest`, `/kill`, `/surface`, `/teamchest`, `/warcry`
+- **AFK kick sound** - plays a sound when you are about to get kicked for AFK
+- **Wither Outlines** - renders a team colored outlines around withers
+- **Draw damage** - in case of a draw prints the deathmatch damage directly in the chat when the game ends
- Notification at 5 mins before a game ends, and 10 seconds before the walls fall if you are not on the game
- Shows your stats for the game when a game ends
- Shows class and kit in the chat message when you hit an arrow
@@ -124,6 +141,7 @@ Tracks final kills in Hypixel's Mega Walls.
Detects players using certain cheats and warns you about those players. It can also automatically report them and save those players in NoCheaters.
- **Autoblock check**
- **Fastbreak check**
+- **Ghosthand check**
- **Keepsprint check**
- **Killaura check** - checks attacking through blocks and players, check attacking while eating/drinking
- **Noslowdown check**
@@ -132,6 +150,7 @@ Detects players using certain cheats and warns you about those players. It can a
### NoCheaters:
Saves all the players you report with `/wdr` (not /report), and gives you warnings about those players when you come across them ingame. Use `/unwdr ` to remove a player.
+Players reported for blatant cheats will have a red icon, others will have a yellow icon. You can define in the config which cheats give a red icon or no icon at all.
- **Icons on names** - Add an icon in front of nametags and in the tablist for players you have reported
- **Warning message** - Print a warning message in chat when a reported player joins your lobby
- **Report suggestion** - Highlight certain chat messages sent by players that warn about other players cheating
diff --git a/build.gradle b/build.gradle
index 565da9a0..d340be3d 100644
--- a/build.gradle
+++ b/build.gradle
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ buildscript {
apply plugin: 'net.minecraftforge.gradle.forge'
-version = "3.8"
+version = "4.0"
group = "fr.alexdoru"
archivesBaseName = "[1.8.9] MWE"
diff --git a/src/main/java/fr/alexdoru/mwe/MWE.java b/src/main/java/fr/alexdoru/mwe/MWE.java
index 2258eabe..52be543f 100644
--- a/src/main/java/fr/alexdoru/mwe/MWE.java
+++ b/src/main/java/fr/alexdoru/mwe/MWE.java
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ public class MWE {
public static final String modid = "mwenhancements";
public static final String modName = "MWE";
- public static final String version = "3.8";
+ public static final String version = "4.0";
public static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(modName);
public static File jarFile;