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1. Tests Prerequisites

This page discusses the steps to configure a plugin project for creating tests.

1.1. Create a Folder for Tests

Open the plugin project, and under the src directory create a separate folder test. Under test, create the java folder for test source code, and the folder testData for test data files and reimport the Gradle project.

└── src
    ├── main
    │   ├── java
    │   └── resources
    └── test
        ├── java
        └── testData

1.2. Set the Run Configuration Parameters

Because some of the tests use Java files as test data, the tests need to mock up the project SDK. IntelliJ IDEA does everything automatically when the utility class LightJavaCodeInsightFixtureTestCase is used as the basis for the tests.

The system properties are defined in the build.gradle file using the snippet shown below. The /path/to/community/ is set to the absolute path to the root directory of the local intellij-community source on the machine running the tests. For example, on macOS the path/to/community/ might be /Users/<user name>/Documents/<IJ community source root>/

  test {
    systemProperty "idea.home.path", "/path/to/community/"