git clone
npm install
grunt dev
(this will build the site & launch the local server on port 9006)
- Node.js >= 0.8.0 &
(vianpm install -g bower
(vianpm install -g grunt-cli
npm install
- To run server:
grunt dev
(launch browser, http://localhost:9006/) - [WIP] Lint before committing. Read-only with
grunt validate
, or take your chances ongrunt
Cleans and verifies code. Allegedly. Needs testing.grunt validate
Read-only version of above. Also needs testing.grunt build
Builds the static site in/build/
.grunt dev
Builds the site, watches the folder, and launches the server.
grunt build
- Sync
to the S3 bucket of your choice.
TODO, a potentially incomplete list (see bugzilla [landingpages][techdebt])
- Test linting and whatnot
- Implement partials for signup forms
- Implement "server-side" makeapi nunjucks rendering of sample makes
- Localisation? (a girl can dream!)
- Refactor
grunt watch
&/orgrunt connect:server
to run a little cooler - Re-figure travis deploys
- Decide whether or not to commit compiled site
- Set up server to run in a
directory without usemin