Click here to see the table of contents.
Note that this README is automatically generated - don't edit! See more info.
See more info.
- Category: Modular MLPerf benchmarks.
- CM GitHub repository: mlcommons@ck
- GitHub directory for this script: GitHub
- CM meta description for this script: _cm.json
- CM "database" tags to find this script: generate,submission,mlperf,mlperf-tiny,tiny,mlcommons,tiny-submission,mlperf-tiny-submission,mlcommons-tiny-submission
- Output cached?: False
cm pull repo mlcommons@ck
cm run script --help
cm run script --tags=generate,submission,mlperf,mlperf-tiny,tiny,mlcommons,tiny-submission,mlperf-tiny-submission,mlcommons-tiny-submission
cm run script "generate submission mlperf mlperf-tiny tiny mlcommons tiny-submission mlperf-tiny-submission mlcommons-tiny-submission"
cm run script 04289b9fc07b42b6
Click here to expand this section.
import cmind
r = cmind.access({'action':'run'
(other input keys for this script)
if r['return']>0:
print (r['error'])
cm run script --tags=gui --script="generate,submission,mlperf,mlperf-tiny,tiny,mlcommons,tiny-submission,mlperf-tiny-submission,mlcommons-tiny-submission"
Use this online GUI to generate CM CMD.
Click here to expand this section.
These keys can be updated via --env.KEY=VALUE
or env
dictionary in @input.json
or using script flags.
Click here to expand this section.
- Read "deps" on other CM scripts from meta
- get,python3
- CM names:
--adr.['python', 'python3']...
- CM script: get-python3
- CM names:
- get,sut,system-description
- CM script: get-mlperf-inference-sut-description
- get,python3
- Run "preprocess" function from
- Read "prehook_deps" on other CM scripts from meta
- Run native script if exists
- Read "posthook_deps" on other CM scripts from meta
- Run "postrocess" function from
- Read "post_deps" on other CM scripts from meta
if (CM_MLPERF_RUN_STYLE == valid)
- CM script: activate-python-venv
- CM script: add-custom-nvidia-system
- CM script: app-image-classification-onnx-py
- CM script: app-image-classification-tf-onnx-cpp
- CM script: app-image-classification-torch-py
- CM script: app-image-classification-tvm-onnx-py
- CM script: app-image-corner-detection
- CM script: app-ipol-reproducibility-2022-439
- CM script: app-loadgen-generic-python
- CM script: app-mlperf-inference
- CM script: app-mlperf-inference-cpp
- CM script: app-mlperf-inference-nvidia
- CM script: app-mlperf-inference-reference
- CM script: app-mlperf-inference-tflite-cpp
- CM script: benchmark-program
- CM script: build-docker-image
- CM script: build-dockerfile
- CM script: build-mlperf-inference-server-nvidia
- CM script: compile-program
- CM script: convert-ml-model-huggingface-to-onnx
- CM script: destroy-terraform
- CM script: detect-cpu
- CM script: detect-os
- CM script: download-and-extract
- CM script: download-torrent
- CM script: flash-tinyml-binary
- CM script: generate-mlperf-inference-submission
- CM script: generate-mlperf-inference-user-conf
- CM script: generate-mlperf-tiny-submission
- CM script: generate-nvidia-engine
- CM script: get-android-sdk
- CM script: get-aocl
- CM script: get-aws-cli
- CM script: get-bazel
- CM script: get-blis
- CM script: get-brew
- CM script: get-ck
- CM script: get-ck-repo-mlops
- CM script: get-cl
- CM script: get-cmake
- CM script: get-cmsis_5
- CM script: get-compiler-flags
- CM script: get-cuda
- CM script: get-cuda-devices
- CM script: get-cudnn
- CM script: get-dataset-criteo
- CM script: get-dataset-imagenet-aux
- CM script: get-dataset-imagenet-helper
- CM script: get-dataset-imagenet-train
- CM script: get-dataset-imagenet-val
- CM script: get-dataset-kits19
- CM script: get-dataset-librispeech
- CM script: get-dataset-openimages
- CM script: get-dataset-openimages-annotations
- CM script: get-dataset-squad
- CM script: get-dataset-squad-vocab
- CM script: get-dlrm
- CM script: get-gcc
- CM script: get-generic-python-lib
- CM script: get-generic-sys-util
- CM script: get-git-repo
- CM script: get-github-cli
- CM script: get-go
- CM script: get-google-test
- CM script: get-ipol-src
- CM script: get-java
- CM script: get-javac
- CM script: get-lib-armnn
- CM script: get-lib-dnnl
- CM script: get-llvm
- CM script: get-microtvm
- CM script: get-ml-model-3d-unet-kits19
- CM script: get-ml-model-bert-base-squad
- CM script: get-ml-model-bert-large-squad
- CM script: get-ml-model-dlrm-terabyte
- CM script: get-ml-model-efficientnet-lite
- CM script: get-ml-model-huggingface-zoo
- CM script: get-ml-model-mobilenet
- CM script: get-ml-model-neuralmagic-zoo
- CM script: get-ml-model-resnet50
- CM script: get-ml-model-resnet50-tvm
- CM script: get-ml-model-retinanet
- CM script: get-ml-model-retinanet-nvidia
- CM script: get-ml-model-rnnt
- CM script: get-ml-model-using-imagenet-from-model-zoo
- CM script: get-mlperf-inference-loadgen
- CM script: get-mlperf-inference-nvidia-common-code
- CM script: get-mlperf-inference-results
- CM script: get-mlperf-inference-src
- CM script: get-mlperf-inference-sut-configs
- CM script: get-mlperf-inference-sut-description
- CM script: get-mlperf-power-dev
- CM script: get-mlperf-training-src
- CM script: get-onnxruntime-prebuilt
- CM script: get-openssl
- CM script: get-preprocessed-dataset-criteo
- CM script: get-preprocesser-script-generic
- CM script: get-preprocessed-dataset-imagenet
- CM script: get-preprocessed-dataset-kits19
- CM script: get-preprocessed-dataset-librispeech
- CM script: get-preprocessed-dataset-openimages
- CM script: get-python3
- CM script: get-qaic-compute-sdk
- CM script: get-qaic-software-kit
- CM script: get-rclone
- CM script: get-spec-ptd
- CM script: get-sys-utils-cm
- CM script: get-sys-utils-min
- CM script: get-tensorrt
- CM script: get-terraform
- CM script: get-tvm
- CM script: get-zendnn
- CM script: get-zephyr
- CM script: get-zephyr-sdk
- CM script: gui
- CM script: import-mlperf-inference-to-experiment
- CM script: import-mlperf-tiny-to-experiment
- CM script: install-aws-cli
- CM script: install-bazel
- CM script: install-cmake-prebuilt
- CM script: install-cuda-package-manager
- CM script: install-cuda-prebuilt
- CM script: install-gcc-src
- CM script: install-gflags
- CM script: install-github-cli
- CM script: install-llvm-prebuilt
- CM script: install-llvm-src
- CM script: install-openssl
- CM script: install-python-src
- CM script: install-python-venv
- CM script: install-tensorflow-for-c
- CM script: install-tensorflow-from-src
- CM script: install-terraform-from-src
- CM script: install-tflite-from-src
- CM script: print-hello-world
- CM script: print-hello-world-java
- CM script: print-hello-world-json
- CM script: print-hello-world-py
- CM script: print-python-version
- CM script: process-mlperf-accuracy
- CM script: publish-results-to-dashboard
- CM script: push-csv-to-spreadsheet
- CM script: push-mlperf-inference-results-to-github
- CM script: remote-run-commands
- CM script: reproduce-mlperf-inference-nvidia
- CM script: reproduce-mlperf-octoml-tinyml-results
- CM script: run-docker-container
- CM script: run-mlperf-inference-app
- CM script: run-mlperf-inference-mobilenet-models
- CM script: run-mlperf-inference-submission-checker
- CM script: run-mlperf-power-client
- CM script: run-mlperf-power-server
- CM script: run-terraform
- CM script: set-echo-off-win
- CM script: tar-my-folder
- CM script: test-mlperf-inference-retinanet-win
- CM script: test-set-sys-user-cm
- CM script: truncate-mlperf-inference-accuracy-log
- CM script: wrapper-reproduce-octoml-tinyml-submission
- CM script: test-script1
- CM script: test-script2
- CM script: test-script3
- CM script: test-script4
- CM script: test-script5
- CM script: app-generate-image-dalle-mini-jax-py
- CM script: app-generate-image-stable-diffusion2-pytorch-cuda-py
- CM script: app-image-classification-onnx-py-ck
- CM script: app-image-corner-detection-old
- CM script: app-ipol-demo
- CM script: app-stable-diffusion-pytorch-cuda-py
- CM script: not-needed--get-android-cmdline-tools
- CM script: not-needed--install-android-cmdline-tools
- CM script: process-mlperf-inference-results
- CM script: download-file
- CM script: extract-file