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65 lines (65 loc) · 6.87 KB

File metadata and controls

65 lines (65 loc) · 6.87 KB
name description install method
redshift protect your eyes with night light
compton give dwm transparent windows
sxhkd self-defined shortcuts across all the programs
fzf fuzzy file finder, find file quickly
xwallpaper dwm wallpaper program
ffmpeg command line video audio editing tool, very powerful
sxiv sexy image viewer
mlocate for the "locate" command
gedit gui-based text editor
zathura-pdf-mupdf zathura file viewer
ibus ibus typing egine
ibus-rime rime, your companion to CJK typing
dunst notify-send engine
pandoc pan-doc, well-rounded file format converter
texlive-most TeX
texlive-lang TeX for CJK
biber BibTeX
pdftk terminal pdf manipulator
cronie crontab shedule
inkscape vector image editor
gimp the linux substitution for Photoshop
gparted gui-based disk partition tool
chromium a good browser
networkmanager manage network easily
translate-shell awesome terminal baesd translator and dictionary built with awk
z z jump around
powerlevel10k a powerful zsh theme
asciinema awesome commandline recording tool
tldr example-based man
pgcli awesome cli in substitution for pgcl pip
newsboat commandline rss pacman
shellcheck awesome shell styling program written in haskell pacman
delta great diff tool written in rust yay
yay pacman + AUR
wireshark see what's exactly inside http packages pacman
sherlock look up one's info on the Internet git
proxychains proxy tool
speedtest test speed pacman
betterlockscreen screen locker yay
pigz parelleled compress pacman
zstd even better compress pacman
entr watch files and automatically execute scripts pacman
neomutt mutt reborn pacman
alsamixea sound configurations pacman
rofi nice application launcher pacman
obs-studio screen recording pacman
zotero reference management tool yay
alacritty awesome modern terminal emulator written in rust pacman
bat modern cat
fd modern find
ripgrep modern grep, written in rust
gping modern ping with graph, written in rust cargo
httpie modern culr
cmake package builder pacman
doxygen generate docs to html from website
peek quickly record gif pacman
screenkey display your key presses on screen, great for teaching purposes pacman
gifsicle create, manipulate, optimize gifs pacman