Looking to serve your application in production? Deploy the Toolkit to your preferred cloud provider by following our guides below:
Single Container Setup: Useful as a quickstart to run the Toolkit, or deploy to AWS on an EC2 instance.
AWS ECS Fargate Deployment: Deploy the Toolkit single container to AWS ECS(Fargate).
AWS ECS EC2 Deployment: Deploy the Toolkit single container to AWS ECS(EC2).
Google Cloud Platform: Help setup your Cloud SQL instance, then build, push and deploy backend+frontend containers to Cloud Run.
One Click Deploy to GCP: Help setup your container to Cloud Run.
Deploying to Azure Container Instance. You can deploy Toolkit with one click to Microsoft Azure Platform:
. This deployment type uses Azure Container Instances to host the Toolkit. After your deployment is complete click "Go to resource" button.
- Check the logs to see if the container is running successfully:
- click on the "Containers" button on the left side of the screen
- click on the container name
- click on "Logs" tab to see the logs
- Navigate to the "Overview" tab to see the FQDN of the container instance
- Open the <FQDN>:4000 in your browser to access the Toolkit
- Check the logs to see if the container is running successfully:
Deploying to Azure Cloud App. You can deploy Toolkit with one click to Microsoft Azure Platform:
This deployment type uses Azure Container App to host the Toolkit. Follow these steps to deploy the Toolkit:- Select your subscription and resource group. If you don't have a resource group, create a new one.
- Enter the connection string of the format
value here is the Public IP address or DNS name of your provisioned PostgreSQL database, and the defaultPORT
is 5432. Make sure to use the username and password pair you set when creating your SQL instance. For example,postgresql+psycopg2://myuser:mypassword@<your-db-public-ip-address>:5432/toolkit
. - Enter your Cohere API key.
- Click "Review + create" and then "Create" to deploy the Toolkit.
- After the deployment is complete, click on the "Go to resource group" button.
- Click on the Toolkit container app.
- Click on the "Overview" tab to see the "Application Url" of the container app.
- Navigate to the "Application Url" to access the Toolkit.
To scale the Toolkit, you can enable the Automatic Horizontal Scaling by following this tutorial.