- Use Jenkins to build and manage your continues integration flow
- Extend the webservice to include provide input and buttons to allow providing additional input or or to control what the webservice does.
- Look for other RaspberryPI project
- Search Google for more RaspberryPI projects
- Smart Kegerator
- Use the IBM Bluemix or AWS IoT tools to connect to the RaspberryPI
- NetApp storage related opportunities
- Docker plug-in integration
- Harvest + Graphite + Grafana
- Analytics with ASUP
- Capacity forecasting
- Use NetApp API services to do something cool with provisioning, cloning, and or monitoring of the environment.
- SolidFire opportunities?
- And more ideas - Add your ideas here
- Install Docker on RaspPI - http://blog.hypriot.com/post/run-docker-rpi3-with-wifi/
- Add high availability (using HAproxy or another load balancer?)
- Chaos Monkey like functionality
- Auto scaling of services
- ELK integration for analytics
- Add motion detection to the camera
- An alert (text/email) when motion is detected
- Tweet/Instagram/whatever photos after taking them
- Apply various graphic effects to the photos after taking them
- Add video recording
- Add an overlay with metadata (time, etc.) to the photos