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Itishagroup Transactions Backend APIs

This is the Itishagroup Transactions backend project

Tech stack

  • Express web framework
  • Node.js v22.14.0
  • Pnpm Package Manager (v10.4.1)
  • PostgreSQL database management system (version 14 and above is preferred)
  • TypeORM as the Object Relational Mapper (ORM)
  • tsoa for generating OpenAPI docs for the project

Project setup

  • Clone this repository to your machine
  • Run pnpm i from the project directory to install the project dependencies
  • Setup a PostgreSQL database on your machine
  • Create an .env file at the root of the project directory and fill it with the contents available in .env.example. (NOTE: Replace the values with square branckets with your own values)

Database Setup

Making Database Migrations

Run the command below to create database tables as defined by the project's entities.

(NOTE: Make sure you have already created the database) The other TypeORM migration scripts are found in the scripts section of the package.json file.

$ pnpm migration:run # making TypeORM migrations from .ts config file (dev mode)

Running the app

Use one of the options below to run the app

# development (watch mode)
$ pnpm tsoa && pnpm start:dev

Generating TypeORM migration files

To generate migration files based on model changes, run the command below from the root directory of the project

$ pnpm migration:generate ./src/migrations/[YOUR_MIGRATION_NAME] # eg. pnpm migration:generate ./src/migrations/CreateUser

REST API Documentation

The REST API documentation can be found by visiting /docs after running the project.

For routes requiring authentication (e.g /api/v1/transactions), make sure the Authorization value is in the format Bearer xxx, where thexxx is your access token returned after successful login


The following are some improvements that could be made:

  • Robust API error handling - Returning specific error codes and messages to the clients. Currently majority of the API errors have status 500
  • Robust Dependency Injection (DI) system - Configuring and using an IoC for Dependency Injection. Currently dependencies are manually injected
  • Implementing Rate limiting to prevent API abuse
  • Using Redis for caching transaction history responses

Final Words

Happy Coding ☕ 😄