All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- will now use common layout Widgets like Align, Padding, and Center instead of Pinned when appropriate
- general improvements to output simpler, less verbose code when possible
- option to toggle layer name comments in output
- angular gradient support
- included XD test suite
- another significant refactor of layout to better contextualize logic
- fixed a number of layout issues
- fixed issues with scroll in Flutter 2.5 on desktop
- improved support for auto-width, auto-height, and fixed-size text
- better handling of SVG features that aren't supported by Flutter (shadows, image fills)
- fix default group settings
- data parameters for repeat grids
- export options for groups: inline, build method, builder param, custom code
- "Normalize Names" setting: adjust names to adhere to Dart conventions
- all scrollable content now includes a ScrollBar in export
- removed trailing semicolon from copy to clipboard output
- improved some warning/error messages
- tweaked results UI to make errors more obvious
- support for padding and background elements
- stacks support
- support for vertical and horizontal scroll groups (panning will be added later)
- null safety option for exported code
- new warnings for dart SDK & adobe_xd versions when using null safe export
- updated build system to work with Adobe UXP Developer Tool
- significant refactor to layout code
- improvements to how pubspec.yaml is analyzed
- warning for non-center strokes on shapes (#90)
- initial work to improve debug logging, with timing support
- added a commented out line in example/pubspec.yaml to demonstrate how to use dev/master channel
- line height is no longer applied on first line when running in Flutter, to match XD behavior (#84)
- fixed a run time error related to duplicate component names (#78)
- fixed an issue with null color values (#75)
- fixed a run time error related to unsupported transitions or eases (#72)
- fixed an issue with grids containing only identical children (#88)
- fixed for up/down transitions being reversed (#91)
- fixed issue with static sized repeat grids (#97)
- text width padding now accounts for letter spacing
- removed menu items to meet new XD plugin requirements
- layout support (does not include padding or stacks)
- option to export character style assets
- XD version detection at run time, which should allow a lower min version in the marketplace
- major refactor of serialization code
- updated transformation model
- multiple optimizations
- finds fonts & unsupported features properly in rich text
- improved handling for nested grids
- better support for more complex grid items
- changed Export Selected Widget's shortcut to Cmd-Shift-Alt-1
- multiple minor bug fixes
- improved handling for artboard backgrounds
- object blur support
- n/a
- fixed a RTE caused by empty Groups
- made image names a bit more resilient in cases where XD breaks our hashing
- only export a SingleChildScrollView for text fields with overflow in XD
- minor refactoring
- n/a
- added robust 'Combine Shapes' feature on Groups
- check for reserved words in widget / param names
- warning for negative grid spacing
- keyboard shortcut for export selected widget (cmd/ctrl-shift-d)
- keyboard shortcut for copy to clipboard (cmd/ctrl-opt-c)
- note in example README that it should use the dev channel of Flutter
- extensive refactor/reorganization of code
- fix an issue with the opacity of disabled blurs affecting fill opacity
- minor dart formatting improvements
- fix an error when validating a project with no pubspec
- update example to use correct plugin id
- default widget name prefix from 'XD_' to 'XD'
- fix a RTE when a pagelink pointed to an Artboard with a duplicate name
- will no longer export duplicate SVG strings
- n/a
- n/a
- fixed an issue with warnings about missing fonts in the pubspec.yaml file
- fixed a problem with stroke opacity on shapes
- n/a
- initial Early Access release