Releases: AdaptiveConsulting/ReactiveTraderCloud
Reactive Trader 1.6.0
The 1.6 release of Reactive Trader focuses on upgrading to Open Fin’s new platform API functionality [Windows / Mac] on your desktop.
We also made enhancements to browser notifications, among other fixes for stability and performance.
Useful links
Reactive Trader (Web):
Reactive Launcher (OpenFin): Windows / Mac
Full release notes: JIRA
Open Fin Platform API
Saving and restoring of snapshots / layout
As a user you can create your own custom layout to meet your preference. Once you are happy with your layout, under snapshots in the footer, you can give your layout a name. You will always be able to access that particular layout under snapshots.
Tabs and locking functionality
Ability to see Live prices, analytics and blotter sections as tabs, allowing you to move with ease and pop-out each tab. You can also turn off the tab views as well as the pop-out functionality by locking it via the lock icon found on the top right hand side of Reactive Trader.
Notification Center
You can access all previous trade notifications from one place, stacking up with the latest trade notification first. The user can close notifications and ‘highlight trade in blotter’ from the Notification Center using the InterApplicationBus to communicate between components.
Richer browser notifications
Trade notifications in the browser have been enhanced to match the behaviour of other platforms. The Reactive Trader branding is applied.
💅 Enhancement
- ARTP-1297 - Upgrade to OpenFin Platform API
- ARTP-1234 - Implement richer notifications
- ARTP-1360 - Enable toggle of OpenFin layout tabs
- ARTP-1364 - OF Unlock / lock
- ARTP-1361 - Saving & restoring of layout
- ARTP-1229 - [Platform API] Remove snapshots functionality and pre-defined snapshots
- ARTP-1300 - [Platform API] Restore connections fly-out and Add Contact Us fly out
- ARTP-1285 - Change launcher to launch OpenFin applications from manifest
- ARTP-1301 - [Platform API] Modify main app header to match designs
- ARTP-1302 - [Platform API] Popped out spot tiles should not have a tab, and match UX designs
- ARTP-1303 - [Platform API] Hide tabs for blotter, analytics and live rates
- ARTP-1306 - [Platform API] Migrate launcher to be Platform API window
- ARTP-1298 - [Platform API] Upgrade to OpenFin 17
- ARTP-1095 - Create new “platform” for OpenFin Platform API version in master branch
- ARTP-1356 - Trademark: Add ‘R’ symbol for registered Trademark next to Reactive Trader text
🐛 Bug Fix
- ARTP-1313 - [Openfin UI] Weird scrolling behaviour in Tile container
- ARTP-1312 - Remove bottom margin on blotter / analytics
- ARTP-1334 - [Platform API] Popped out window tiles end in “_EXT”
- ARTP-1335 - [Platform API] Component tiles while resizing are not correct
⚙️ Technical
Reactive Trader 1.5.2
Reactive Trader v1.5.2 is a point release that enhances interoperability support for v1.0.0 of Reactive Analytics, and adds Glue42 Core support to the desktop PWA.
Useful links
- Reactive Trader (Web & PWA):
- Reactive Launcher (OpenFin): Windows/ Mac
- Reactive Trader (Finsemble): Windows
- Full release notes: JIRA
Reactive Analytics v1.0.0
Reactive Analytics, our stock and FX news/analytics demo, has been redesigned and released as version 1.0.0. Like Reactive Trader, it can be started by clicking its icon in the launcher.
Support for latest OpenFin FDC3 API
To support the Reactive Analytics release, Reactive Trader has been upgraded to the latest OpenFin runtime version (, and now uses the FDC3 API that is built in to the runtime, instead of the separate FDC3 service.
This enables a more stable connection between Reactive Trader and Reactive Analytics. Reactive Analytics uses desktop interoperability to display FX analytics when you click on blotter rows in Reactive Trader.
Support for Glue42 Core
Reactive Trader 1.5.0 introduced the ability to run as a Progressive Web Application (PWA) on the desktop. With this release, we add support for the new Glue42 Core desktop integration toolkit for PWAs.
To run with Glue42 Core enabled, you need to launch the Reactive Trader PWA from Running with Glue42 Core allows the PWA to remember window locations on the desktop.
💅 Enhancement
- ARTP-1194 - Implement PWA window restore with Glue42 Core
- ARTP-1232 - Upgrade to OpenFin version
- ARTP-1265 - Change OpenFin version to use new integrated FDC3 API
🐛 Bug Fix
- ARTP-1278 - Fix Reactive Analytics window header when launched from the launcher
⚙️ Technical
Reactive Trader 1.5.1
v1.5.1 is a patch release that fixes a time zone issue with the trade date in the blotter.
Useful links
- Reactive Trader (Web & PWA):
- Reactive Launcher (OpenFin): Windows/ Mac
- Reactive Trader (Finsemble): Windows
- Full release notes: JIRA
🐛 Bug Fix
- ARTP-1157 - Previous day's trade date displayed in the blotter for US time zones
Reactive Trader 1.5.0
The PWA one! The 1.5 release of Reactive Trader includes full support for running as a Progressive Web Application (PWA) on your desktop.
Reactive Trader was already installable as a PWA app on Android and iOS devices, but can now be installed on your desktop too. This is supported when running from Google Chrome or Microsoft’s new Edge browser.
Useful links
- Reactive Trader (Web):
- Reactive Launcher (OpenFin): Windows/ Mac
- Reactive Trader (Finsemble): Windows
- Full release notes: JIRA
Progressive Web Application
When running from the browser on your desktop, you will now be prompted to install the app as a desktop application (if this is supported by your browser), which will add an application shortcut and run the web page in a window on your desktop.
The PWA version supports theming, popping out windows, and desktop notifications, just like the other versions of Reactive Trader.
On Android and iOS, we have made it easier to install Reactive Trader as an application as well. You will now be prompted to do so when you browse to the website on your mobile device.
On Android, you can use Google’s built-in support to add the application to your home screen. On iOS, a pop-up appears with instructions on how to add the application to your home screen.
Currency filter changes to a drop-down for small widths
Reactive Trader has always supported responsive design principles, which allows us to support both desktop and mobile platforms. As part of this release, we have improved the currency filter for the live rates, so that it becomes a drop-down when the view becomes too narrow for buttons.
🚀 New Feature
- ARTP-1096 - Enable Reactive Trader to be opened as a desktop PWA
- ARTP-1195 - Show a custom install prompt for PWA if not installed
- ARTP-1196 - Display a modal popup with install instructions on iOS
💅 Enhancement
- ARTP-1146 - Change currency filter to drop-down for small widths
- ARTP-1154 - When showing market results in the launcher, each rate should have an open button
- ARTP-1170 - Clicking outside of the “Contact us” or “Connections” overlays should close them
- ARTP-1173 - PWA should be environment-specific, e.g. "Reactive Trader (UAT)"
- ARTP-1174 - Popped out PWA windows should have area-specific titles
- ARTP-1175 - PWA theme switcher should switch header style as well
- ARTP-1177 - Make openfin config relative to application URL
- ARTP-1188 - Change PWA header dark colour to be same as app
- ARTP-1190 - Make the launcher not dockable in OpenFin
- ARTP-1200 - Move theme toggle to the left of user name
🐛 Bug Fix
- ARTP-1168 - Searching for JPY/CAD/NZD/AUD trades in the launcher does not work
- ARTP-1172 - Theme toggle loses hit target if OpenFin window is resized
⚙️ Technical
- ARTP-861 - Switch message broker from to RabbitMQ
- ARTP-1074 - Upgrade Create React App to v3.4 and TypeScript to v3.8
- ARTP-1193 - Add data identifiers to blotter to aid end-to-end testing
- ARTP-1197 - Upgrade to Protractor v7 for end-to-end tests
- ARTP-1199 - Distinguish between running as a PWA and running in the browser
Reactive Trader 1.4.0
With version 1.4.0, Reactive Trader has received a new coat of paint, including a brand new style guide, a redesigned launcher, and lots of other UX tweaks throughout. There is also a new “get in touch” section. We think this is the best-looking version of Reactive Trader yet!
Useful links
- Reactive Trader (Web):
- Reactive Launcher (OpenFin): Windows/ Mac
- Reactive Trader (OpenFin): Windows / Mac
- Reactive Trader (Finsemble): Windows
- Full release notes: JIRA
Updated style guide
The style guide has been divided into sections, accessed via a floating header, to make navigation easier.
The sections showing the base colours, typography and iconography have been redesigned and expanded, and the atoms and molecules for the trading tiles (in both light and dark mode) now better illustrate how the UX design filters upwards from small building blocks to the whole application.
Redesigned launcher
Our launcher has been completely redesigned, with an updated look and feel, new application icons and an improved search experience.
Rich in-line search results are now displayed, and the applications or components providing the results can be easily accessed.
When asking, for example, “how is the market?”, live ticking prices for all the available FX rates are displayed in the search results, from where the live rates view can be launched.
Running applications are now highlighted in the launcher as well.
Window header improvements
The UX of the application header and pop-out components have been updated, with a new theme switcher, new minimise, maximise and close buttons, and a new undock button that appears when windows are snapped together.
Component titles have been moved to the window headers, and the current user is now shown in the application header.
The live rates area as a whole can now be popped, not just individual spot tiles. It can also be opened from the launcher when doing a market search.
Spot tile improvements
The spot tiles have been updated, with a new toggle for switching between horizontal and vertical pricing mode, new pop-in and pop-out buttons, and a new warning notification.
Updated application shortcuts and icons
We’ve shortened the application names to just “Reactive Launcher” and “Reactive Trader” and updated the application icons.
Get in touch
On the footer, the visitor now has the ability to see Adaptive contact information and key social media links.
🚀 New Feature
- ARTP-953 - Style guide: New layout and design
- ARTP-956 - Style guide: Add form elements
- ARTP-987 - Launcher: Redesign icons and look and feel
- ARTP-989 - Launcher: Add close and minimize buttons
- ARTP-1008 - Style guide: Add trading atoms
- ARTP-1009 - Style guide: Add trading molecules
- ARTP-1020 - Style guide: Add iconography section
- ARTP-1055 - Add the ability to pop out the live rates area
- ARTP-1058 - New application header with user name and theme switcher
- ARTP-1071 - Launcher: Highlight the icon of currently running apps
- ARTP-1085 - Launcher: Return and display market results
- ARTP-1089 - Add a “Get in touch” button to the footer of the app
💅 Enhancement
- ARTP-929 - Launcher: Disconnect theming from theming in Reactive Trader
- ARTP-940 - Displayed dates are time-zone aware
- ARTP-941 - “Trade taking longer than expected” message should be a different colour
- ARTP-944 - Add “undock” functionality to popped out tiles
- ARTP-954 - Style guide: Ensure light/dark mode for all components
- ARTP-955 - Style guide: Button and drop-down improvements
- ARTP-990 - Launcher: Improve search button behaviour
- ARTP-997 - Launcher: Update Reactive Analytics icon
- ARTP-998 - Update pop-in, pop-out and minimise icons for spot tiles
- ARTP-999 - Add a header to the analytics pane
- ARTP-1007 - Styleguide: Replace colour spectrum with base colours
- ARTP-1019 - Styleguide: Update typography section
- ARTP-1047 - Redesigned toggle for switching between spot tile modes
- ARTP-1057 - Only popped out windows should have pop-in buttons
- ARTP-1061 - Launcher: Update Reactive Trader icon
- ARTP-1062 - Update header for popped-out components
- ARTP-1064 - Launcher: Update design and layout of search results
- ARTP-1099 - OpenFin: Display application name in header
- ARTP-1114 - Blotter should fill space when live rates is popped out
- ARTP-1123 - Launcher: Updated icon
- ARTP-1124 - Add touch support to theme switcher on mobile
- ARTP-1160 - Change OpenFin notification icon to new Reactive Trader icon
🐛 Bug Fix
- [ARTP-926] - Launcher: The market view cannot be closed after opening
- [ARTP-938] - OpenFin: Fix save/restore window layouts
- [ARTP-969] - Check if the runtime environment supports IANA zones
- [ARTP-994] - On second trade of EUR/JPY tile, there is a 2 second lag before confirmation
- [ARTP-1028] - Launcher: Increased window size is saved and restored
- [ARTP-1046] - Launcher: Cannot reopen market view after it is closed
- [ARTP-1056] - Styling of popped-out headers should more closely match UX design
- [ARTP-1060] - Blotter and live rates always opens in top left when opened from launcher
- [ARTP-1065] - Spot tile resets notional v...
Reactive Trader Cloud 1.3.2
v1.3.2 is a patch release that adds application event tracking to Reactive Trader Cloud.
Useful links
- Reactive Trader Cloud (Web):
- Reactive Trader Cloud (OpenFin installer): Windows / Mac OS
- Reactive Ecosystem Launcher (OpenFin installer): Windows
- Reactive Trader Cloud (Finsemble installer): Windows
- Full release notes: JIRA
💅 Enhancement
- [ARTP-982] - Add tracking of application events to Reactive Trader Cloud
Reactive Trader Cloud 1.3.1
v1.3.1 is a patch release that fixes an issue with the Finsemble version of Reactive Trader.
Useful links
- Reactive Trader Cloud (Web):
- Reactive Trader Cloud (OpenFin installer): Windows / Mac OS
- Reactive Ecosystem Launcher (OpenFin installer): Windows
- Reactive Trader Cloud (Finsemble installer): Windows
- Full release notes: JIRA
🐛 Bug Fix
- [ARTP-1013] - Reactive Trader Cloud windows display empty content when running in Finsemble
Reactive Trader Cloud 1.3.0
v1.3.0 includes significant user experience changes to Reactive Trader Cloud. The spot tiles now use their graph mode by default, along with improvements to their performance, and a redesigned RFQ workflow.
This is also the first release of Reactive Trader Cloud that has support for FDC3 Context Sharing.
The release also includes several improvements to the OpenFin version, Storybook, as well as a number of bug fixes.
Useful links
- Reactive Trader Cloud (Web):
- Reactive Trader Cloud (OpenFin installer): Windows / Mac OS
- Reactive Ecosystem Launcher (OpenFin installer): Windows / Mac OS
- Full release notes: JIRA
Graphical spot tiles are now the default
Reactive Trader Cloud has had two different types of streaming spot FX tiles for a while - a horizontal mode that just shows the streaming prices, and a vertical mode that shows a graph of how the price is changing over time next to the trade buttons.
In this release we have made the graph mode the default, as we think it is really cool. While doing this, we discovered that the graph mode had some memory leaks and performance problems, which we addressed for the release.
New RFQ workflow for graphical spot tiles
The RFQ workflow for graphical spot tiles was never really properly designed, and for this release we worked closely with the Adaptive UX team to add a slick new RFQ workflow for the graphical spot tiles.
It is also possible to switch between the price and graph modes, while maintaining the state of the RFQ.
Previously streaming prices would not be shown when entering a large notional amount that requires an RFQ, but lots of little UX improvements mean that the workflow is now much improved for both modes of the tile:
Updated Storybook components
We have updated and refreshed the React Storybook page for Reactive Trader Cloud to show off the new components:
FDC3 context broadcasting of currency pairs
Reactive Trader Cloud will now use the FDC3 1.0 support built in to OpenFin to broadcast FX currency pairs when trade rows are selected in the blotter.
At Adaptive we see desktop interoperability and the FDC3 standards as crucial for building integrated experiences that span multiple applications, and this is the first small step to make our applications much more interoperable.
This is an example of a context that is broadcast by Reactive Trader Cloud:
"type": "fdc3.instrument",
"id": {
"ticker": "GBPUSD"
We have exciting plans for more FDC3 support to come in future releases, so watch this space!
Minimize button for popped out OpenFin windows
Popped out OpenFin windows now have a minimize button:
OpenFin application configurations are now published
In the past, we have served OpenFin application manifest files directly from our GitHub repository. This made them hard to discover, and also made it hard to make environment-specific changes. In fact, we had to maintain multiple manifest files for the different application versions side-by-side.
For this release, we adopt the approach we usually recommend: the manifest should be published as part of the application.
These are the links to the new published manifest files:
New Mac version of the OpenFin installer
We now have a Mac version of the OpenFin installer for Reactive Ecosystem Launcher.
🚀 New Feature
- [ARTP-574] - Update storybook components
- [ARTP-839] - Add FDC3 currency pair interop to Reactive Trader
- [ARTP-877] - Move OpenFin manifests from source control to deployed websites
- [ARTP-892] - Spot tiles should show graph version by default
- [ARTP-899] - Align RFQ functionality with UX designs
- [ARTP-903] - Add an OpenFin Mac installer for the launcher
- [ARTP-923] - RFQ: Streaming prices should show in background of tile for large notionals
- [ARTP-927] - Add an RFQ workflow for spot tiles when in graph mode
- [ARTP-942] - Add a minimize button to popped out OpenFin windows
🐛 Bug Fix
- [ARTP-745] - Position 'bubbles' incorrectly updated with position
- [ARTP-891] - Fixes to environment when shown in the browser header, launcher and task bar
- [ARTP-895] - Currency pair search from launch bar opens in the same spot tile each time
- [ARTP-901] - Blotter keeps flashing executed trades
- [ARTP-903] - RFQ expiring before timer hits zero
- [ARTP-911] - RFQ spot tile does not have a pop-out button but is draggable
- [ARTP-914] - Currency pair search in the launcher does not open spot tiles in graph version
- [ARTP-915] - Currency pair search in the launcher should open spot tiles in the middle of the screen
- [ARTP-922] - Graph spot tiles cause a memory leak
- [ARTP-930] - Value Date on blotter column should be representative of Trade Date
- [ARTP-934] - Trading buttons in vertical spot tile too close to other elements
- [ARTP-939] - Reactive Trader application title is displayed incorrectly
- [ARTP-965] - The price is not fixed in the graphical spot tile while an RFQ is in progress
- [ARTP-967] - Missing price movement indicators while in Initiate RFQ state
Reactive Trader Cloud 1.2.1
v1.2.1 is a patch release that fixes inconsistent spot dates being displayed in the client, and an issue where the launcher sometimes launches the UAT version of Reactive Trader Cloud instead of the demo version.
Useful links
- Reactive Trader Cloud (Web):
- Reactive Trader Cloud (OpenFin installer): Windows / Mac OS
- Reactive Ecosystem Launcher (OpenFin installer): Windows
- Full release notes: JIRA
Matching spot dates
Spot dates are now consistent between the currency pair tiles, trade confirmations and the blotter. Spot dates in Reactive Trader are calculated as T+2 week days.
🐛 Bug Fix
Reactive Trader Cloud 1.2.0
v1.2.0 is the first release of Reactive Trader Cloud following our new versioning and release policy. It improves and expands the launcher, adding new NLP-driven desktop search functionality.
Useful links
- Reactive Trader Cloud (Web):
- Reactive Trader Cloud (OpenFin installer): Windows / Mac OS
- Reactive Ecosystem Launcher (OpenFin installer): Windows
- Full release notes: JIRA
Reactive Ecosystem Launcher
A major focus of this release is the Reactive Ecosystem Launcher, an OpenFin toolbar that allows launching of Reactive Trader Cloud and Reactive Analytics, our two showcase applications, as well as the Limit Checker and Excel Add-in that demonstrates desktop interoperability with OpenFin.
Desktop search
Added to the launcher in this release is integrated desktop search functionality. This uses Google's DialogFlow NLP engine to query FX prices and market information, and FDC3 commands to open corresponding parts of the Reactive Trader Cloud application.
The version of the application you are running can now be seen in the application status area:
🚀 New Feature
- [ARTP-776] - Use NLP and FDC3 to drive Reactive Trader Cloud on the desktop
- [ARTP-867] - Add spotlight search to the Launcher to surface NLP queries on the desktop
🐛 Bug Fix
- [ARTP-341] - Limit Checker not recognized by OpenFin if launched first
- [ARTP-508] - Positions bubbles in analytics view don't update if there are no positions on first trade
- [ARTP-628] - Tile 'pop out' positioning in OpenFin
- [ARTP-825] - Teared off spot tiles don't all show on screen
- [ARTP-832] - Notional input field accepts '0' as input value
- [ARTP-836] - Requote notional input crashes the application
- [ARTP-840] - Price Unavailable should be grey not red
- [ARTP-858] - OpenFin launch bar limit checker is broken
- [ARTP-869] - Teared-off spot tiles remain behind after browser reload
- [ARTP-873] - Browser pop out positions for spot tiles , analytics and blotter is broken
💅 Enhancement
⚙️ Technical