The agent exposes some validation tools to help troubleshoot issues with a binary. This allows the user to debug and fix errors that could prevent a job from running.
Download a zip file containing the agent binaries:
onefuzz tools get <destination_folder>
Extract the zip file in a folder of your choice.
Navigate to the folder that matches your os.
Run the following command to see the tools available:
onefuzz-agent.exe validate --help
The current list of commands are:
- run_setup : Run the setup script
- validate_libfuzzer: Validate the libfuzzer target
- execution_log: Get the execution logs to debug loading issues
More tools might be added in the future so please refer the help command to get the most up to date list.
It could also be helpful to run the those command in an environment to closely match the vm where the agent is deployed. A docker container can help with that scenario.
Make sure docker is installed and runs properly.
Navigate to the folder that matches your os in the tools folder created earlier and build the docker container:
docker build --t <container_name> .
Use the container interactively to execute the validation command:
docker run --it --rm --entrypoint powershell <image_name>
docker run --it --rm --entrypoint bash <image_name>
From there you can navigate to the onefuzz directory and execute the validation commands