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Personal Webpage - Vue Frontend - AWS backend

Add publication to webpage

To add a new publication to the website, load container and start up vue frontend development stack in the directory frontend.

Then, add author accepted version to the directory frontend/public/papers/[year]/[pdf]. At the same time, if a bibtex json is available, add that json to frontend/public/bibtex/[year]/[bibtex.bib].

Finally, add a new record to frontend/src/views/publications/content.js by adding a new Paper to papers collection within the file.

Trigger updates to prod

To trigger changes on prod, a release on GitHub is required as a deployment action is linked to releases being published. The action updates an S3 bucket, which then is used for website hosting within AWS.

Note that the action only syncs the bucket with the contents of frontend/dist. So before writting a release, the vue spa needs to be re-built and the built resources need to be commited to the repo.