diff --git a/source/ada/lsp-ada_documents.adb b/source/ada/lsp-ada_documents.adb
index 8301e6d4a..281be4957 100644
--- a/source/ada/lsp-ada_documents.adb
+++ b/source/ada/lsp-ada_documents.adb
@@ -805,254 +805,6 @@ package body LSP.Ada_Documents is
       end if;
    end Get_Errors;
-   ------------------------
-   -- Get_Folding_Blocks --
-   ------------------------
-   procedure Get_Folding_Blocks
-     (Self       : Document;
-      Context    : LSP.Ada_Contexts.Context;
-      Lines_Only : Boolean;
-      Comments   : Boolean;
-      Canceled   : access function return Boolean;
-      Result     : out LSP.Structures.FoldingRange_Vector)
-   is
-      use Libadalang.Common;
-      use Libadalang.Analysis;
-      Location     : LSP.Structures.Location;
-      foldingRange : LSP.Structures.FoldingRange;
-      Have_With    : Boolean := False;
-      function Parse (Node : Ada_Node'Class) return Visit_Status;
-      --  Includes Node location to the result if the node has "proper" kind
-      procedure Store_Span (Span : LSP.Structures.A_Range);
-      --  Include Span to the result .
-      -----------
-      -- Parse --
-      -----------
-      function Parse (Node : Ada_Node'Class) return Visit_Status
-      is
-         procedure Store_With_Block;
-         --  Store folding for with/use clauses as one folding block
-         ----------------------
-         -- Store_With_Block --
-         ----------------------
-         procedure Store_With_Block is
-         begin
-            if not Have_With then
-               return;
-            end if;
-            if foldingRange.startLine /= foldingRange.endLine then
-               Result.Append (foldingRange);
-            end if;
-            Have_With := False;
-         end Store_With_Block;
-         Result : Visit_Status := Into;
-      begin
-         if Canceled.all then
-            return Stop;
-         end if;
---        Cat_Namespace,
---        Cat_Constructor,
---        Cat_Destructor,
---        Cat_Structure,
---        Cat_Case_Inside_Record,
---        Cat_Union,
---        Cat_Custom
-         case Node.Kind is
-            when Ada_Package_Decl |
-                 Ada_Generic_Formal_Package |
-                 Ada_Package_Body |
---        Cat_Package
-                 Ada_Type_Decl |
-                 Ada_Classwide_Type_Decl |
---        Cat_Class
-                 Ada_Protected_Type_Decl |
---        Cat_Protected
-                 Ada_Task_Type_Decl |
-                 Ada_Single_Task_Type_Decl |
---        Cat_Task
-                 Ada_Subp_Decl |
-                 Ada_Subp_Body |
-                 Ada_Generic_Formal_Subp_Decl |
-                 Ada_Abstract_Subp_Decl |
-                 Ada_Abstract_Formal_Subp_Decl |
-                 Ada_Concrete_Formal_Subp_Decl |
-                 Ada_Generic_Subp_Internal |
-                 Ada_Null_Subp_Decl |
-                 Ada_Subp_Renaming_Decl |
-                 Ada_Subp_Body_Stub |
-                 Ada_Generic_Subp_Decl |
-                 Ada_Generic_Subp_Instantiation |
-                 Ada_Generic_Subp_Renaming_Decl |
-                 Ada_Subp_Kind_Function |
-                 Ada_Subp_Kind_Procedure |
-                 Ada_Access_To_Subp_Def |
---        Cat_Procedure
---        Cat_Function
---        Cat_Method
-                 Ada_Case_Stmt |
---        Cat_Case_Statement
-                 Ada_If_Stmt |
---        Cat_If_Statement
-                 Ada_For_Loop_Stmt |
-                 Ada_While_Loop_Stmt |
---        Cat_Loop_Statement
-                 Ada_Begin_Block |
-                 Ada_Decl_Block |
---        Cat_Declare_Block
---        Cat_Simple_Block
---                 Ada_Return_Stmt |
---                 Ada_Extended_Return_Stmt |
-                 Ada_Extended_Return_Stmt_Object_Decl |
---        Cat_Return_Block
-                 Ada_Select_Stmt |
---        Cat_Select_Statement
-                 Ada_Entry_Body |
---        Cat_Entry
-                 Ada_Exception_Handler |
---        Cat_Exception_Handler
-                 Ada_Pragma_Node_List |
-                 Ada_Pragma_Argument_Assoc |
-                 Ada_Pragma_Node |
---        Cat_Pragma
-                 Ada_Aspect_Spec =>
---        Cat_Aspect
-               Store_With_Block;
-               foldingRange.kind :=
-                 (Is_Set => True, Value => LSP.Enumerations.Region);
-               Location := Self.To_LSP_Location (Node.Sloc_Range);
-               Store_Span (Location.a_range);
-            when Ada_With_Clause |
-                 Ada_Use_Package_Clause |
-                 Ada_Use_Type_Clause =>
-               Location := Self.To_LSP_Location (Node.Sloc_Range);
-               if not Have_With then
-                  Have_With := True;
-                  foldingRange.kind :=
-                    (Is_Set => True, Value => LSP.Enumerations.Imports);
-                  foldingRange.startLine := Location.a_range.start.line;
-               end if;
-               foldingRange.endLine := Location.a_range.an_end.line;
-               --  Do not step into with/use clause
-               Result := Over;
-            when others =>
-               Store_With_Block;
-         end case;
-         return Result;
-      end Parse;
-      ----------------
-      -- Store_Span --
-      ----------------
-      procedure Store_Span (Span : LSP.Structures.A_Range) is
-      begin
-         if not Lines_Only
-           or else Span.start.line /= Span.an_end.line
-         then
-            foldingRange.startLine := Span.start.line;
-            foldingRange.endLine   := Span.an_end.line;
-            if not Lines_Only then
-               foldingRange.startCharacter :=
-                 (Is_Set => True,
-                  Value  => Span.start.character);
-               foldingRange.startCharacter :=
-                 (Is_Set => True,
-                  Value  => Span.an_end.character);
-            end if;
-            Result.Append (foldingRange);
-         end if;
-      end Store_Span;
-      Token  : Token_Reference;
-      Span   : LSP.Structures.A_Range;
-      Root   : constant Ada_Node'Class := Self.Unit (Context).Root;
-   begin
-      if not Root.Is_Null then
-         Traverse (Root, Parse'Access);
-      end if;
-      if not Comments then
-         --  do not process comments
-         return;
-      end if;
-      --  Looking for comments
-      foldingRange.kind := (Is_Set => False);
-      Token             := First_Token (Self.Unit (Context));
-      while Token /= No_Token
-        and then not Canceled.all
-      loop
-         case Kind (Data (Token)) is
-            when Ada_Comment =>
-               if not foldingRange.kind.Is_Set then
-                  foldingRange.kind :=
-                    (Is_Set => True, Value => LSP.Enumerations.Comment);
-                  Span := Self.To_A_Range (Sloc_Range (Data (Token)));
-               else
-                  Span.an_end :=
-                    Self.To_A_Range (Sloc_Range (Data (Token))).an_end;
-               end if;
-            when Ada_Whitespace =>
-               null;
-            when others =>
-               if foldingRange.kind.Is_Set then
-                  Store_Span (Span);
-                  foldingRange.kind := (Is_Set => False);
-               end if;
-         end case;
-         Token := Next (Token);
-      end loop;
-   end Get_Folding_Blocks;
    -- Get_Formatting_Region --
diff --git a/source/ada/lsp-ada_documents.ads b/source/ada/lsp-ada_documents.ads
index ec0d34c0d..f06db53b6 100644
--- a/source/ada/lsp-ada_documents.ads
+++ b/source/ada/lsp-ada_documents.ads
@@ -160,16 +160,6 @@ package LSP.Ada_Documents is
       Result      : in out LSP.Ada_Completions.Completion_Maps.Map);
    --  See Contexts.Get_Any_Symbol
-   procedure Get_Folding_Blocks
-     (Self       : Document;
-      Context    : LSP.Ada_Contexts.Context;
-      Lines_Only : Boolean;
-      Comments   : Boolean;
-      Canceled   : access function return Boolean;
-      Result     : out LSP.Structures.FoldingRange_Vector);
-   --  Populate Result with code folding blocks in the document. If Lines_Only
-   --  is True does not return characters positions in lines.
    function Get_Formatting_Region
      (Self     : Document;
       Context  : LSP.Ada_Contexts.Context;
diff --git a/source/ada/lsp-ada_driver.adb b/source/ada/lsp-ada_driver.adb
index 1c64f7481..a21b8cc87 100644
--- a/source/ada/lsp-ada_driver.adb
+++ b/source/ada/lsp-ada_driver.adb
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ with LSP.Ada_Declaration;
 with LSP.Ada_Document_Symbol;
 with LSP.Ada_Did_Change_Configurations;
 with LSP.Ada_Did_Change_Document;
+with LSP.Ada_Folding_Range;
 with LSP.Ada_Hover;
 with LSP.Ada_References;
 with LSP.Ada_Handlers;
@@ -84,6 +85,7 @@ with LSP.Server_Notifications.DidChangeConfiguration;
 with LSP.Server_Requests.Definition;
 with LSP.Server_Requests.Declaration;
 with LSP.Server_Requests.DocumentSymbol;
+with LSP.Server_Requests.FoldingRange;
 with LSP.Server_Requests.Hover;
 with LSP.Server_Requests.References;
 with LSP.Server_Requests.Tokens_Full;
@@ -211,6 +213,10 @@ procedure LSP.Ada_Driver is
+   Ada_Folding_Range_Handler : aliased
+     LSP.Ada_Folding_Range.Ada_Folding_Range_Handler
+       (Ada_Handler'Unchecked_Access);
    Ada_Tokens_Full_Handler : aliased
@@ -443,6 +449,10 @@ begin
+         Server.Register_Handler
+           (LSP.Server_Requests.FoldingRange.Request'Tag,
+            Ada_Folding_Range_Handler'Unchecked_Access);
diff --git a/source/ada/lsp-ada_folding_range.adb b/source/ada/lsp-ada_folding_range.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b847d2b05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/ada/lsp-ada_folding_range.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+--                         Language Server Protocol                         --
+--                                                                          --
+--                        Copyright (C) 2024, AdaCore                       --
+--                                                                          --
+-- This is free software;  you can redistribute it  and/or modify it  under --
+-- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion.  This software is distributed in the hope  that it will be useful, --
+-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the implied warranty of MERCHAN- --
+-- License for  more details.  You should have  received  a copy of the GNU --
+-- General  Public  License  distributed  with  this  software;   see  file --
+-- COPYING3.  If not, go to http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy --
+-- of the license.                                                          --
+with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
+with Libadalang.Analysis;
+with Libadalang.Common;
+with Libadalang.Iterators;
+with VSS.Strings;
+with LSP.Ada_Context_Sets;
+with LSP.Client_Message_Receivers;
+with LSP.Constants;
+with LSP.Server_Request_Jobs;
+with LSP.Server_Requests.FoldingRange;
+with LSP.Structures;
+package body LSP.Ada_Folding_Range is
+   type Traverse_Iterator_Access is access
+     Libadalang.Iterators.Traverse_Iterator'Class;
+   procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+     (Libadalang.Iterators.Traverse_Iterator'Class, Traverse_Iterator_Access);
+   type Folding_Range_Job
+     (Parent : not null access constant Ada_Folding_Range_Handler) is limited
+   new LSP.Server_Request_Jobs.Server_Request_Job
+     (Priority => LSP.Server_Jobs.Low)
+   with record
+      Lines_Only : Boolean;
+      Unit       : Libadalang.Analysis.Analysis_Unit;
+      Cursor     : Traverse_Iterator_Access;
+      Response   : LSP.Structures.FoldingRange_Vector;
+   end record;
+   overriding procedure Execute_Request
+     (Self   : in out Folding_Range_Job;
+      Client :
+        in out LSP.Client_Message_Receivers.Client_Message_Receiver'Class;
+      Status : out LSP.Server_Jobs.Execution_Status);
+   procedure Append_Comments (Self : in out Folding_Range_Job'Class);
+   procedure Append_Node
+     (Self : in out Folding_Range_Job'Class;
+      Node : Libadalang.Analysis.Ada_Node);
+   procedure Append_Span
+     (Self : in out Folding_Range_Job'Class;
+      Span : LSP.Structures.A_Range;
+      Kind : LSP.Structures.FoldingRangeKind_Optional);
+   ---------------------
+   -- Append_Comments --
+   ---------------------
+   procedure Append_Comments (Self : in out Folding_Range_Job'Class) is
+      use Libadalang.Common;
+      Token : Token_Reference := Libadalang.Analysis.First_Token (Self.Unit);
+      Item  : LSP.Structures.A_Range_Optional;
+      --  Range of consecutive comments
+   begin
+      while Token /= No_Token loop
+         case Kind (Data (Token)) is
+            when Ada_Comment =>
+               declare
+                  Span : constant LSP.Structures.A_Range :=
+                    Self.Parent.Context.To_LSP_Range (Self.Unit, Token);
+               begin
+                  if Item.Is_Set then
+                     Item.Value.an_end := Span.an_end;
+                  else
+                     Item := (Is_Set => True, Value => Span);
+                  end if;
+               end;
+            when Ada_Whitespace =>
+               null;
+            when others =>
+               if Item.Is_Set then
+                  Self.Append_Span (Item.Value, LSP.Constants.Comment);
+                  Item := (Is_Set => False);
+               end if;
+         end case;
+         Token := Next (Token);
+      end loop;
+   end Append_Comments;
+   -----------------
+   -- Append_Node --
+   -----------------
+   procedure Append_Node
+     (Self : in out Folding_Range_Job'Class;
+      Node : Libadalang.Analysis.Ada_Node)
+   is
+      use Libadalang.Common;
+   begin
+      --  Skip Ada_Node_List without with clauses
+      case Node.Kind is
+         when Ada_Ada_Node_List =>
+            if (for all Item of Node.As_Ada_Node_List =>
+                  Item.Kind /= Ada_With_Clause)
+            then
+               return;
+            end if;
+         when others =>
+            null;
+      end case;
+      case Node.Kind is
+         when Ada_Ada_Node_List |
+              Ada_Package_Decl |
+              Ada_Generic_Formal_Package |
+              Ada_Package_Body |
+              Ada_Type_Decl |
+              Ada_Classwide_Type_Decl |
+              Ada_Protected_Type_Decl |
+              Ada_Task_Type_Decl |
+              Ada_Single_Task_Type_Decl |
+              Ada_Subp_Decl |
+              Ada_Subp_Body |
+              Ada_Generic_Formal_Subp_Decl |
+              Ada_Abstract_Subp_Decl |
+              Ada_Abstract_Formal_Subp_Decl |
+              Ada_Concrete_Formal_Subp_Decl |
+              Ada_Generic_Subp_Internal |
+              Ada_Null_Subp_Decl |
+              Ada_Subp_Renaming_Decl |
+              Ada_Subp_Body_Stub |
+              Ada_Generic_Subp_Decl |
+              Ada_Generic_Subp_Instantiation |
+              Ada_Generic_Subp_Renaming_Decl |
+              Ada_Subp_Kind_Function |
+              Ada_Subp_Kind_Procedure |
+              Ada_Access_To_Subp_Def |
+              Ada_Case_Stmt |
+              Ada_If_Stmt |
+              Ada_For_Loop_Stmt |
+              Ada_While_Loop_Stmt |
+              Ada_Begin_Block |
+              Ada_Decl_Block |
+              Ada_Extended_Return_Stmt_Object_Decl |
+              Ada_Select_Stmt |
+              Ada_Entry_Body |
+              Ada_Exception_Handler |
+              Ada_Pragma_Node_List |
+              Ada_Pragma_Argument_Assoc |
+              Ada_Pragma_Node |
+              Ada_Aspect_Spec =>
+            declare
+               Location : constant LSP.Structures.Location :=
+                 Self.Parent.Context.To_LSP_Location (Node);
+               Span : LSP.Structures.A_Range renames Location.a_range;
+               Kind : constant LSP.Structures.FoldingRangeKind_Optional :=
+                 (if Node.Kind = Ada_Ada_Node_List then LSP.Constants.Imports
+                  else LSP.Constants.Region);
+            begin
+               Self.Append_Span (Span, Kind);
+            end;
+         when others =>
+            null;
+      end case;
+   end Append_Node;
+   -----------------
+   -- Append_Span --
+   -----------------
+   procedure Append_Span
+     (Self : in out Folding_Range_Job'Class;
+      Span : LSP.Structures.A_Range;
+      Kind : LSP.Structures.FoldingRangeKind_Optional)
+   is
+      function Get_Column (Column : Natural)
+        return LSP.Structures.Natural_Optional is
+          (if Self.Lines_Only then (Is_Set => False)
+           else (Is_Set => True, Value => Column));
+   begin
+      if not Self.Lines_Only
+        or else Span.start.line /= Span.an_end.line
+      then
+         declare
+            Item : constant LSP.Structures.FoldingRange :=
+              (startLine      => Span.start.line,
+               startCharacter => Get_Column (Span.start.character),
+               endLine        => Span.an_end.line,
+               endCharacter   => Get_Column (Span.an_end.character),
+               kind           => Kind,
+               collapsedText  => VSS.Strings.Empty_Virtual_String);
+         begin
+            Self.Response.Append (Item);
+         end;
+      end if;
+   end Append_Span;
+   ----------------
+   -- Create_Job --
+   ----------------
+   overriding function Create_Job
+     (Self    : Ada_Folding_Range_Handler;
+      Message : LSP.Server_Messages.Server_Message_Access)
+        return LSP.Server_Jobs.Server_Job_Access
+   is
+      Value : LSP.Structures.FoldingRangeParams
+        renames LSP.Server_Requests.FoldingRange.Request
+          (Message.all).Params;
+      File : constant GNATCOLL.VFS.Virtual_File :=
+        Self.Context.To_File (Value.textDocument.uri);
+      Context : constant LSP.Ada_Context_Sets.Context_Access :=
+        Self.Context.Get_Best_Context (Value.textDocument.uri);
+      Unit : constant Libadalang.Analysis.Analysis_Unit :=
+        Context.Get_AU (File);
+      Job  : constant LSP.Server_Jobs.Server_Job_Access :=
+        new Folding_Range_Job'
+          (Parent     => Self'Unchecked_Access,
+           Request    => LSP.Server_Request_Jobs.Request_Access (Message),
+           Unit       => Unit,
+           Cursor     => new Libadalang.Iterators.Traverse_Iterator'Class'
+              (Libadalang.Iterators.Traverse (Unit.Root)),
+           Lines_Only => Self.Context.Client.Line_Folding_Only,
+           Response   => <>);
+   begin
+      return Job;
+   end Create_Job;
+   ---------------------
+   -- Execute_Request --
+   ---------------------
+   overriding procedure Execute_Request
+     (Self   : in out Folding_Range_Job;
+      Client :
+        in out LSP.Client_Message_Receivers.Client_Message_Receiver'Class;
+      Status : out LSP.Server_Jobs.Execution_Status)
+   is
+      Node : Libadalang.Analysis.Ada_Node;
+   begin
+      Status := LSP.Server_Jobs.Continue;
+      for J in 1 .. 300 loop
+         if Self.Cursor.Next (Node) then
+            Self.Append_Node (Node);
+         else
+            declare
+               Message : LSP.Server_Requests.FoldingRange.Request
+                 renames LSP.Server_Requests.FoldingRange.Request
+                   (Self.Message.all);
+            begin
+               if Self.Parent.Context.Get_Configuration.Folding_Comments then
+                  Self.Append_Comments;
+               end if;
+               Client.On_FoldingRange_Response (Message.Id, Self.Response);
+               Free (Self.Cursor);
+               Status := LSP.Server_Jobs.Done;
+               return;
+            end;
+         end if;
+      end loop;
+   end Execute_Request;
+end LSP.Ada_Folding_Range;
diff --git a/source/ada/lsp-ada_folding_range.ads b/source/ada/lsp-ada_folding_range.ads
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..51a168a1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/ada/lsp-ada_folding_range.ads
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+--                         Language Server Protocol                         --
+--                                                                          --
+--                        Copyright (C) 2024, AdaCore                       --
+--                                                                          --
+-- This is free software;  you can redistribute it  and/or modify it  under --
+-- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion.  This software is distributed in the hope  that it will be useful, --
+-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the implied warranty of MERCHAN- --
+-- License for  more details.  You should have  received  a copy of the GNU --
+-- General  Public  License  distributed  with  this  software;   see  file --
+-- COPYING3.  If not, go to http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy --
+-- of the license.                                                          --
+--  This package provides handler and job types for textDocument/foldingRange
+--  requests.
+with LSP.Ada_Job_Contexts;
+with LSP.Server_Jobs;
+with LSP.Server_Message_Handlers;
+with LSP.Server_Messages;
+package LSP.Ada_Folding_Range is
+   type Ada_Folding_Range_Handler
+     (Context : not null access LSP.Ada_Job_Contexts.Ada_Job_Context'Class) is
+       limited new LSP.Server_Message_Handlers.Server_Message_Handler
+         with null record;
+   overriding function Create_Job
+     (Self    : Ada_Folding_Range_Handler;
+      Message : LSP.Server_Messages.Server_Message_Access)
+        return LSP.Server_Jobs.Server_Job_Access;
+end LSP.Ada_Folding_Range;
diff --git a/source/ada/lsp-ada_handlers-alire.adb b/source/ada/lsp-ada_handlers-alire.adb
index 9957a2b17..d81c8e7f5 100644
--- a/source/ada/lsp-ada_handlers-alire.adb
+++ b/source/ada/lsp-ada_handlers-alire.adb
@@ -52,11 +52,15 @@ package body LSP.Ada_Handlers.Alire is
       Error : Integer);
    procedure Start_Alire
-     (Listener : in out Process_Listener'Class;
-      ALR      : String;
+     (ALR      : String;
       Option_1 : String;
       Option_2 : String;
-      Root     : String);
+      Root     : String;
+      Error    : out VSS.Strings.Virtual_String;
+      Lines    : out VSS.String_Vectors.Virtual_String_Vector);
+   Anchored : constant VSS.Regular_Expressions.Match_Options :=
+     (VSS.Regular_Expressions.Anchored_Match => True);
    -- Error_Occurred --
@@ -81,10 +85,6 @@ package body LSP.Ada_Handlers.Alire is
       Environment : in out GPR2.Environment.Object)
       use type GNAT.OS_Lib.String_Access;
-      use type Spawn.Process_Exit_Code;
-      use type Spawn.Process_Exit_Status;
-      use type Spawn.Process_Status;
-      use all type VSS.Regular_Expressions.Match_Option;
       ALR : GNAT.OS_Lib.String_Access :=
         GNAT.OS_Lib.Locate_Exec_On_Path ("alr");
@@ -100,13 +100,7 @@ package body LSP.Ada_Handlers.Alire is
           ("export ([^=]+)=""([^\n]+)""");
-      Anchored : constant VSS.Regular_Expressions.Match_Options :=
-        (VSS.Regular_Expressions.Anchored_Match => True);
-      List     : array (1 .. 2) of aliased Process_Listener;
       Lines    : VSS.String_Vectors.Virtual_String_Vector;
-      Text     : VSS.Strings.Virtual_String;
-      Decoder  : VSS.Strings.Converters.Decoders.Virtual_String_Decoder;
       Has_Alire := ALR /= null;
@@ -116,67 +110,14 @@ package body LSP.Ada_Handlers.Alire is
       end if;
-      Start_Alire (List (1), ALR.all, "--non-interactive", "show", Root);
-      Start_Alire (List (2), ALR.all, "--non-interactive", "printenv", Root);
+      Start_Alire (ALR.all, "--non-interactive", "show", Root, Error, Lines);
-      loop
-         Spawn.Processes.Monitor_Loop (0.1);
-         exit when
-           (for all Item of List => Item.Process.Status = Spawn.Not_Running);
-      end loop;
-      Decoder.Initialize ("utf-8");
-      GNAT.OS_Lib.Free (ALR);
-      --  Decode output and check errors
-      for Item of List loop
-         Decoder.Reset_State;
-         Item.Text := Decoder.Decode (Item.Stdout);
-         if Item.Process.Exit_Status /= Spawn.Normal
-           or else Item.Process.Exit_Code /= 0
-           or else Decoder.Has_Error
-           or else Item.Error /= 0
-         then
-            Error := "'alr";
-            for Arg of Item.Process.Arguments loop
-               Error.Append (" ");
-               Error.Append (VSS.Strings.Conversions.To_Virtual_String (Arg));
-            end loop;
-            Error.Append ("' failed:");
-            Error.Append (VSS.Characters.Latin.Line_Feed);
-            if Decoder.Has_Error then
-               Error.Append (Decoder.Error_Message);
-            else
-               Error.Append (Item.Text);
-            end if;
-            Error.Append (VSS.Characters.Latin.Line_Feed);
-            Decoder.Reset_State;
-            Text := Decoder.Decode (Item.Stderr);
-            if Decoder.Has_Error then
-               Error.Append (Decoder.Error_Message);
-            else
-               Error.Append (Text);
-            end if;
-            if Item.Error /= 0 then
-               Error.Append
-                 (VSS.Strings.Conversions.To_Virtual_String
-                   (GNAT.OS_Lib.Errno_Message (Item.Error)));
-            end if;
-            return;
-         end if;
-      end loop;
+      if not Error.Is_Empty then
+         GNAT.OS_Lib.Free (ALR);
+         return;
+      end if;
       --  Find project file in `alr show` output
-      Lines := List (1).Text.Split_Lines;
          First : constant VSS.Strings.Virtual_String := Lines (1);
@@ -202,8 +143,18 @@ package body LSP.Ada_Handlers.Alire is
       end loop;
+      if Project.Is_Empty then
+         Error.Append ("No project file is found by alire");
+      end if;
+      --  Find variables in `alr printenv` output
+      Start_Alire
+        (ALR.all, "--non-interactive", "printenv", Root, Error, Lines);
+      GNAT.OS_Lib.Free (ALR);
       --  Find variables in `alr printenv` output
-      Lines := List (2).Text.Split_Lines;
       for Line of Lines loop
@@ -219,10 +170,6 @@ package body LSP.Ada_Handlers.Alire is
             end if;
       end loop;
-      if Project.Is_Empty then
-         Error.Append ("No project file is found by alire");
-      end if;
    end Run_Alire;
@@ -235,33 +182,130 @@ package body LSP.Ada_Handlers.Alire is
       Error       : out VSS.Strings.Virtual_String;
       Environment : in out GPR2.Environment.Object)
-      Ignore : VSS.Strings.Virtual_String;
+      use type GNAT.OS_Lib.String_Access;
+      ALR : GNAT.OS_Lib.String_Access :=
+        GNAT.OS_Lib.Locate_Exec_On_Path ("alr");
+      Export_Pattern : constant VSS.Regular_Expressions.Regular_Expression :=
+        VSS.Regular_Expressions.To_Regular_Expression
+          ("export ([^=]+)=""([^\n]+)""");
+      Lines    : VSS.String_Vectors.Virtual_String_Vector;
-      --  TODO: optimization: don't run second alire process
-      Run_Alire (Root, Has_Alire, Error, Ignore, Environment);
+      Has_Alire := ALR /= null;
+      if ALR = null then
+         Error := "No alr in the PATH";
+         return;
+      end if;
+      Start_Alire
+        (ALR.all, "--non-interactive", "printenv", Root, Error, Lines);
+      GNAT.OS_Lib.Free (ALR);
+      --  Find variables in `alr printenv` output
+      for Line of Lines loop
+         declare
+            Match : constant VSS.Regular_Expressions.Regular_Expression_Match
+              := Export_Pattern.Match (Line, Anchored);
+         begin
+            if Match.Has_Match then
+               Environment.Insert
+                 (Key   => VSS.Strings.Conversions.To_UTF_8_String
+                             (Match.Captured (1)),
+                  Value => VSS.Strings.Conversions.To_UTF_8_String
+                             (Match.Captured (2)));
+            end if;
+         end;
+      end loop;
    end Run_Alire;
-   -------------------
-   -- Spawn_Process --
-   -------------------
+   -----------------
+   -- Start_Alire --
+   -----------------
    procedure Start_Alire
-     (Listener : in out Process_Listener'Class;
-      ALR      : String;
+     (ALR      : String;
       Option_1 : String;
       Option_2 : String;
-      Root     : String)
+      Root     : String;
+      Error    : out VSS.Strings.Virtual_String;
+      Lines    : out VSS.String_Vectors.Virtual_String_Vector)
-      Process : Spawn.Processes.Process renames Listener.Process;
-      Options : Spawn.String_Vectors.UTF_8_String_Vector;
+      use type Spawn.Process_Exit_Code;
+      use type Spawn.Process_Exit_Status;
+      use type Spawn.Process_Status;
+      Item     : aliased Process_Listener;
+      Process  : Spawn.Processes.Process renames Item.Process;
+      Options  : Spawn.String_Vectors.UTF_8_String_Vector;
+      Decoder  : VSS.Strings.Converters.Decoders.Virtual_String_Decoder;
+      Text     : VSS.Strings.Virtual_String;
       Options.Append (Option_1);
       Options.Append (Option_2);
       Process.Set_Arguments (Options);
       Process.Set_Working_Directory (Root);
       Process.Set_Program (ALR);
-      Process.Set_Listener (Listener'Unchecked_Access);
+      Process.Set_Listener (Item'Unchecked_Access);
+      loop
+         Spawn.Processes.Monitor_Loop (0.1);
+         exit when Item.Process.Status = Spawn.Not_Running;
+      end loop;
+      Decoder.Initialize ("utf-8");
+      --  Decode output and check errors
+      Decoder.Reset_State;
+      Item.Text := Decoder.Decode (Item.Stdout);
+      if Item.Process.Exit_Status = Spawn.Normal
+        and then Item.Process.Exit_Code = 0
+        and then not Decoder.Has_Error
+        and then Item.Error = 0
+      then
+         Lines := Item.Text.Split_Lines;
+      else
+         Error := "'alr";
+         for Arg of Item.Process.Arguments loop
+            Error.Append (" ");
+            Error.Append (VSS.Strings.Conversions.To_Virtual_String (Arg));
+         end loop;
+         Error.Append ("' failed:");
+         Error.Append (VSS.Characters.Latin.Line_Feed);
+         if Decoder.Has_Error then
+            Error.Append (Decoder.Error_Message);
+         else
+            Error.Append (Item.Text);
+         end if;
+         Error.Append (VSS.Characters.Latin.Line_Feed);
+         Decoder.Reset_State;
+         Text := Decoder.Decode (Item.Stderr);
+         if Decoder.Has_Error then
+            Error.Append (Decoder.Error_Message);
+         else
+            Error.Append (Text);
+         end if;
+         if Item.Error /= 0 then
+            Error.Append
+              (VSS.Strings.Conversions.To_Virtual_String
+                 (GNAT.OS_Lib.Errno_Message (Item.Error)));
+         end if;
+      end if;
    end Start_Alire;
diff --git a/source/ada/lsp-ada_handlers-locations.adb b/source/ada/lsp-ada_handlers-locations.adb
index 75badf428..deb3ba125 100644
--- a/source/ada/lsp-ada_handlers-locations.adb
+++ b/source/ada/lsp-ada_handlers-locations.adb
@@ -303,6 +303,24 @@ package body LSP.Ada_Handlers.Locations is
       end if;
    end To_LSP_Location;
+   ------------------
+   -- To_LSP_Range --
+   ------------------
+   function To_LSP_Range
+     (Self  : in out Message_Handler'Class;
+      Unit  : Libadalang.Analysis.Analysis_Unit;
+      Token : Libadalang.Common.Token_Reference)
+      return LSP.Structures.A_Range
+   is
+      pragma Unreferenced (Self);
+      Sloc : constant Langkit_Support.Slocs.Source_Location_Range :=
+        Libadalang.Common.Sloc_Range (Libadalang.Common.Data (Token));
+   begin
+      return To_LSP_Range (Unit, Sloc);
+   end To_LSP_Range;
    -- To_LSP_Location --
diff --git a/source/ada/lsp-ada_handlers-locations.ads b/source/ada/lsp-ada_handlers-locations.ads
index c921a6fd7..ca16c660f 100644
--- a/source/ada/lsp-ada_handlers-locations.ads
+++ b/source/ada/lsp-ada_handlers-locations.ads
@@ -45,6 +45,12 @@ package LSP.Ada_Handlers.Locations is
       Kinds   : LSP.Structures.AlsReferenceKind_Set := LSP.Constants.Empty)
       return LSP.Structures.Location;
+   function To_LSP_Range
+     (Self  : in out Message_Handler'Class;
+      Unit  : Libadalang.Analysis.Analysis_Unit;
+      Token : Libadalang.Common.Token_Reference)
+      return LSP.Structures.A_Range;
    function Get_Node_At
      (Self     : in out Message_Handler'Class;
       Context  : LSP.Ada_Contexts.Context;
diff --git a/source/ada/lsp-ada_handlers.adb b/source/ada/lsp-ada_handlers.adb
index 9105273de..23a1a6a95 100644
--- a/source/ada/lsp-ada_handlers.adb
+++ b/source/ada/lsp-ada_handlers.adb
@@ -31,8 +31,6 @@ with VSS.Strings.Templates;
 with VSS.String_Vectors;
 with VSS.JSON.Streams;
-with Libadalang.Common;
 with Laltools.Common;
 with Laltools.Partial_GNATPP;
@@ -152,6 +150,13 @@ package body LSP.Ada_Handlers is
       return LSP.Structures.Location is
         (LSP.Ada_Handlers.Locations.To_LSP_Location (Self, Node));
+   overriding function To_LSP_Range
+     (Self  : in out Message_Handler;
+      Unit  : Libadalang.Analysis.Analysis_Unit;
+      Token : Libadalang.Common.Token_Reference)
+      return LSP.Structures.A_Range is
+        (LSP.Ada_Handlers.Locations.To_LSP_Range (Self, Unit, Token));
    overriding function Get_Node_At
      (Self     : in out Message_Handler;
       Context  : LSP.Ada_Contexts.Context;
@@ -2395,44 +2400,6 @@ package body LSP.Ada_Handlers is
       LSP.Servers.Server'Class (Self.Sender.all).Stop;
    end On_Exits_Notification;
-   -----------------------------
-   -- On_FoldingRange_Request --
-   -----------------------------
-   overriding procedure On_FoldingRange_Request
-     (Self  : in out Message_Handler;
-      Id    : LSP.Structures.Integer_Or_Virtual_String;
-      Value : LSP.Structures.FoldingRangeParams)
-   is
-      use type LSP.Ada_Documents.Document_Access;
-      Context  : constant LSP.Ada_Context_Sets.Context_Access :=
-        Self.Contexts.Get_Best_Context (Value.textDocument.uri);
-      Document : constant LSP.Ada_Documents.Document_Access :=
-        Get_Open_Document (Self, Value.textDocument.uri);
-      Response : LSP.Structures.FoldingRange_Vector_Or_Null;
-   begin
-      if Document /= null then
-         Document.Get_Folding_Blocks
-           (Context.all,
-            Self.Client.Line_Folding_Only,
-            Self.Configuration.Folding_Comments,
-            Self.Is_Canceled,
-            Response);
-         if Self.Is_Canceled.all then
-            Response.Clear;
-         end if;
-         Self.Sender.On_FoldingRange_Response (Id, Response);
-      else
-         Self.Sender.On_Error_Response
-           (Id, (code => LSP.Enumerations.InternalError,
-                 message => "Document is not opened"));
-      end if;
-   end On_FoldingRange_Request;
    -- On_Formatting_Request --
diff --git a/source/ada/lsp-ada_handlers.ads b/source/ada/lsp-ada_handlers.ads
index 7fe158463..d461b38bf 100644
--- a/source/ada/lsp-ada_handlers.ads
+++ b/source/ada/lsp-ada_handlers.ads
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ with GPR2.Log;
 with GPR2.Project.Tree;
 with Libadalang.Analysis;
+with Libadalang.Common;
 with VSS.Strings.Conversions;
@@ -344,11 +345,6 @@ private
       Id    : LSP.Structures.Integer_Or_Virtual_String;
       Value : LSP.Structures.RenameParams);
-   overriding procedure On_FoldingRange_Request
-     (Self  : in out Message_Handler;
-      Id    : LSP.Structures.Integer_Or_Virtual_String;
-      Value : LSP.Structures.FoldingRangeParams);
    overriding procedure On_Formatting_Request
      (Self  : in out Message_Handler;
       Id    : LSP.Structures.Integer_Or_Virtual_String;
@@ -524,6 +520,12 @@ private
       Node : Libadalang.Analysis.Ada_Node'Class)
       return LSP.Structures.Location;
+   overriding function To_LSP_Range
+     (Self  : in out Message_Handler;
+      Unit  : Libadalang.Analysis.Analysis_Unit;
+      Token : Libadalang.Common.Token_Reference)
+      return LSP.Structures.A_Range;
    overriding procedure Append_Location
      (Self   : in out Message_Handler;
       Result : in out LSP.Structures.Location_Vector;
diff --git a/source/ada/lsp-ada_highlighters.adb b/source/ada/lsp-ada_highlighters.adb
index 9c7b2882b..b9c610a4f 100644
--- a/source/ada/lsp-ada_highlighters.adb
+++ b/source/ada/lsp-ada_highlighters.adb
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ package body LSP.Ada_Highlighters is
                Start : constant Langkit_Support.Slocs.Source_Location :=
                  Langkit_Support.Slocs.Start_Sloc (Sloc_Range);
-               Map                                 : constant array (Libadalang.Common.Token_Kind) of
+               Map : constant array (Libadalang.Common.Token_Kind) of
                  LSP.Enumerations.SemanticTokenTypes :=
                    (Ada_All .. Ada_Xor | Ada_With => keyword,
                     Ada_Par_Close .. Ada_Target   => operator,
diff --git a/source/ada/lsp-ada_job_contexts.ads b/source/ada/lsp-ada_job_contexts.ads
index 144ff0c2c..3f63a33c1 100644
--- a/source/ada/lsp-ada_job_contexts.ads
+++ b/source/ada/lsp-ada_job_contexts.ads
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ with GNATCOLL.Traces;
 with Libadalang.Analysis;
+with Libadalang.Common;
 with Laltools.Common;
@@ -124,6 +125,12 @@ package LSP.Ada_Job_Contexts is
       Node   : Libadalang.Analysis.Ada_Node'Class)
       return LSP.Structures.Location is abstract;
+   function To_LSP_Range
+     (Self  : in out Ada_Job_Context;
+      Unit  : Libadalang.Analysis.Analysis_Unit;
+      Token : Libadalang.Common.Token_Reference)
+      return LSP.Structures.A_Range is abstract;
    procedure Append_Location
      (Self   : in out Ada_Job_Context;
       Result : in out LSP.Structures.Location_Vector;
diff --git a/source/lsp_3.17/lsp-constants.ads b/source/lsp_3.17/lsp-constants.ads
index fa4193c55..4eef395a7 100644
--- a/source/lsp_3.17/lsp-constants.ads
+++ b/source/lsp_3.17/lsp-constants.ads
@@ -154,4 +154,13 @@ package LSP.Constants is
      return LSP.Structures.FileOperationPatternOptions_Optional is
        (Is_Set => True, Value => (ignoreCase => True));
+   function Region return LSP.Structures.FoldingRangeKind_Optional is
+     (Is_Set => True, Value => LSP.Enumerations.Region);
+   function Imports return LSP.Structures.FoldingRangeKind_Optional is
+     (Is_Set => True, Value => LSP.Enumerations.Imports);
+   function Comment return LSP.Structures.FoldingRangeKind_Optional is
+     (Is_Set => True, Value => LSP.Enumerations.Comment);
 end LSP.Constants;
diff --git a/testsuite/ada_lsp/SA22-032.folding/test.json b/testsuite/ada_lsp/SA22-032.folding/test.json
index de913e1d1..d9f0039f8 100644
--- a/testsuite/ada_lsp/SA22-032.folding/test.json
+++ b/testsuite/ada_lsp/SA22-032.folding/test.json
@@ -115,11 +115,6 @@
                      "startLine": 4,
                      "kind": "region"
-                  {
-                     "startLine": 5,
-                     "endLine": 6,
-                     "kind": "imports"
-                  },
                      "startLine": 11,
                      "endLine": 15,