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OFX Documentation

This is the documentation directory for OFX, the open visual effects standard.

Building Docs will auto-build whenever changes are pushed to master. But to build the docs yourself, e.g. to check that your updates look right, you can do your own doc build.

Right now building the docs is somewhat manual. The below assumes Linux, but Mac is similar.


  • Install doxygen (Linux: sudo apt install doxygen)
  • Create a python3 virtualenv: python -mvenv ofx-docgen (may need to do apt install python3.8-venv first)
  • Activate it: source ofx-docgen/bin/activate
  • Install the python requirements in that virtualenv (e.g. Sphinx): pip install -r Documentation/pipreq.txt

(Virtualenv is recommended, but not required; you could install the reqs into your system python if you like.)


  • Make sure your virtualenv above is activated: source ofx-docgen/bin/activate
  • Generate references: python Documentation/ -i include -o Documentation/sources/Reference/ofxPropertiesReference.rst -r
  • Build the doxygen docs: cd include; doxygen ofx.doxy; cd - (you'll see some warnings)
  • Build the sphinx docs: cd Documentation; sphinx-build -b html sources build
  • Note that you can do all the above using the build script in Documentation/
  • Now open file:///path/to/your/ofx/openfx/Documentation/build/index.html in your browser; your changes should be there.

Doxygen notes:

Doxygen is used in the source and headers. The doc build process parses the doxygen comments to build docs, then breathe to merge them with the .rst sphinx docs. See the Doxygen docs

  • Params/Actions/etc. should be added to groups using \defgroup, \ingroup and \addtogroup. Use @{ / @} to add multiple items.
  • Use \ref to refer to entities in doxygen.

RST Notes:

RST (ReStructured Text) is used for the prose documentation in the /Documentation subtree, using Sphinx and Breathe.

  • Internal links:
    • Define: .. _target-name: (must be globally unique!)
    • Reference: :ref:`target-name`
    • Good to put these just before section headers; the link will refer to the header in that case.
    • See Sphinx Docs
    • Links to structs/etc.:
      • :ref:`OfxHost<OfxHost>`
    • Links to documents:
      • :doc:`docname` (if docname starts with / it's absolute, otherwise rel to current file)
    • C macros: :c:macro:`kOfxParamPropChoiceOrder` (struct/var/func/member/enum/type/... work too), see the Doc
    • You can also reference #defines using this syntax: .. doxygendefine:: kOfxImageEffectRenderUnsafe on its own line, which pulls in the whole doxygen block for that #define.
  • Useful macros:
    • .. literalinclude:: README.txt