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Releases: Abhinandan-Kushwaha/react-native-gifted-charts


12 Sep 22:07
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🎉 1.4.36

Fixed the issue- "secondary Y-axis offset is not getting considered in the Line chart rendered inside Bar chart using showLine and lineConfig = {{ isSecondary: true }}."


12 Sep 20:53
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🎉 1.4.35

✨ Features added-

  1. Added support for secondary Bars using the property isSecondary: true inside the objects of data array. Available in both Bar and Stacked bar charts. See #828

    Also, removed the redundant secondaryData prop from Bar charts.

  2. Auto-compute the params for the secondary Y-axis based on the secondary data range. Applicable for both Bar and Line/Area charts.

These features were implemented with a considerable amount of refactoring which will fix several issues related to secondary data and negative secondary Y axis.


11 Sep 23:39
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🎉 1.4.34

✨ Features added-

  1. Added the prop extrapolateMissingValues to Line and Area charts to enable/disable the extrapolation of nullish values at the start and end of the chart. The default value of extrapolateMissingValues is true.

    Note that extrapolation will not work if interpolateMissingValues is set to false. Extrapolation works only if interpolation is enabled. See #821

  2. Added the feature to auto scale the Y-axis and auto compute the value of roundToDigits based on the range of values in the data or dataSet. See #825

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue- "Y-Axis is not showing the labels correctly if we use the prop yAxisLabelTexts and have only one Y-axis (primary or secondary) with a negative value." See #814 (comment)

  2. Fixed the issue- "null value in pointerLabelComponent inside pointerConfig". The pointer label was having undefined value for a few milliseconds after unfocus. See #752

  3. Fixed the issue- Data line is being rendered a little below the x-axis. See #824 (reply in thread)


06 Sep 22:07
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🎉 1.4.33

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue- Secondary Y-axis labels misaligned for negative part (4th quadrant) and yAxisLabelTexts not working properly in the Secondary Y-axis. See #814 (comment)

  2. Fixed the issue- app crashes with interpolateMissingValues=false and areaChart=true. See #805


05 Sep 15:14
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🎉 1.4.32

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue- topLabel component not displayed for animated stacked Bar charts. See #813

  2. Fixed the issue- Line in Bar chart not shifted downwards in case the Bar chart has negative values too. See #814

  3. Fixed the issue- Secondary Y axis labels incorrect when yAxisLabelTexts prop is used. See #814

  4. Fixed the issue- If both the first and the last pie sections are on pole, then the external labels overlap. See #806 (comment)

  5. Fixed the issue- Pattern inside Bars not displayed. See software-mansion/react-native-svg#2437 (comment)

  6. Fixed the issue- animation not working for simple 2d Bar charts.


01 Sep 13:36
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🎉 1.4.31

✨ Features added-

  1. Pointer lines will now be displayed in both positive and negative values of the Line and Area charts (1st and 4th quadrant). See #799

  2. Added the property avoidOverlappingOfLabels to the prop labelLineConfig for Pie and donut charts. The default being true, it auto shifts overlapping external labels in Pie charts rendered using showExternalLabels and externalLabelComponent. See #801

    Note: Only the labels overlapping near the poles (at the top and bottom) will be auto-shifted. Auto-shifting can be disabled by setting avoidOverlappingOfLabels: false inside the labelLineConfig object.

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue- Vertical lines displayed using the showVerticalLines prop are incomplete in Bar and Line charts when run on web (using Expo). See #794

  2. Fixed the issue- Line chart is shifted up and some data cannot be displayed (on web using Expo). See #778

  3. Fixed the issue- Focused section always getting the color of the 1st section on web (using Expo) See #800 (comment)


23 Aug 22:07
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🎉 1.4.30

✨ Features added-

animateOnDataChange now works evevn if the lehgth of data array is changed. Earlier it worked for data changes with same length and threw error on changing the length of data array.

See- #791

This is solved by adding dummy points to the data having lesser number of points. Dummy points are added carefully using the pointsWithPaddedRepititions util function from gifted-charts-core.


12 Aug 23:33
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🎉 1.4.29

✨ Features added-

  1. The prop topLabelTextStyle now works for stacked Bar charts just like it used to work for simple Bar charts. See #446 (comment)

  2. Secondary Y axis with negative values in secondary data or dataSet with isSecondary: true sets are now supported. Independent height, stepHeight, stepValue, mostNegativeValue, noOfSectionsBelowXAxis for primary and secondary Y-axes below origin supported.

🐛 Bug fixes

Fixed the issue- Negative steps and values in in second y axis are incorrect position. See #775

🔨 Refactor

  1. Removed unnecessary interpolation for animations in Line charts.

  2. Passed containerHeightIncludingBelowXAxis to the renderChartContent method from the BarAndLineChartsWrapper component. This will ensure a consistent value of containerHeightIncludingBelowXAxis.

  3. Updated the util (maxAndMinUtil) to compute the value of minItem in case of roundToDigits:true in gifted-charts-core.

  4. Moved the computation of below variables from getHorizSectionVals to useBarAndLineChartsWrapper in gifted-charts-core.

    1. secondaryMaxItem
    2. secondaryMinItem
    3. secondaryStepValue
    4. secondaryNegativeStepValue
    5. secondaryNoOfSectionsBelowXAxis


05 Aug 21:42
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🎉 1.4.28

✨ Features added-

  1. Added the prop referenceLinesOverChartContent to Line and Area charts (earlier available for Bar charts only). See #761

  2. Added support for external Labels in Pie and Donut charts. See #763

    It uses the below props-

    1. showExternalLabels (boolean)
    2. labelLineConfig (object of LabelLineConfig type)
    3. externalLabelComponent (svg component for label, a callback function with 2 parameters- item and index)

The labelLineConfig prop is an object of LabelLineConfig type described below-

type LabelLineConfig = {
  length?: number; // default 10
  tailLength?: number; // default 8
  color?: ColorValue; // default 'black'
  thickness?: number; // default 1
  labelComponentWidth?: number; // default 20
  labelComponentHeight?: number; // default 10
  labelComponentMargin?: number; // default 4

🔨 Refactor

Renamed the extraRadiusForFocused to extraRadius in Pie and Donut charts.


04 Aug 19:01
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🎉 1.4.26

✨ Features added-

Added the property hidePointers to the objects of the dataSet array. This will let us hide the pointers for individual sets.

Also, we can now add the property hidePointer inside individual data items of any dataSet.

See #755

🐛 Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the issue- areaChart given in dataSet array of line chart doesn't work. See #758
  2. Fixed the issue- Crash when I click to datapoint doesn't have any value. See #757