Prop | Type | Description | Default value |
data | Array of pieDataItem | An item object represents a section in the Pie chart. Descibed in the next table | _ |
radius | number | Radius of the Pie chart | 120 |
initialAngle | number | Starting angle in radians (illustrated below this table) | 0 |
isThreeD | boolean | If set to true, it rotates and translates the chart to give it a 3D effect | false |
showGradient | boolean | Prop to enable radial gradient for the Pie sections | false |
gradientCenterColor | ColorValue | Gradient color at the center of the Pie chart | 'white' |
onPress | Function | Callback function called on press of Pie sections (takes item and index as parameter) | null |
focusOnPress | boolean | When set to true, the pressed section of the Pie chart will have a bigger radius, hence appear focused | false |
toggleFocusOnPress | boolean | When set to true, if the user presses an already focused pie section, it will be unfocused | true |
extraRadius | number | Extra radius for the focused Pie section | showExternalLabels ? 40 : radius/10 |
inwardExtraLengthForFocused | number | Extra length of focused Pie section towards the center (only for donut charts) | 0 |
sectionAutoFocus | boolean | In case you don't want focusOnPress but want a particular section to autofocus, this prop will be needed | false |
focusedPieIndex | number | index of the initially focused Pie, works only when focusOnPress is true | -1 |
onLabelPress (removed) | Function | Callback function called on press of a Label (takes item and index as parameter) | onPress OR null |
tiltAngle | Angle in deg | The angle by which the chart should be tilted | '55deg' for 3D charts, otherwise 0 |
shadow | boolean | Shadow to the Pie chart, when set to true, it enhances the 3D effect | false |
shadowColor | ColorValue | Color of the shadow | lightgray |
shadowWidth | number | Width of the shadow | radius*4/3 |
strokeWidth | number | Stroke (line) width for the Pie chart and its section | 0 |
strokeColor | ColorValue | Stroke (line) color | gray |
backgroundColor | ColorValue | Background color of the container that contains the Pie chart | white |
showText | boolean | When set to true, displays text on the Pie sections | false |
textColor | ColorValue | Color of the label texts | random colors |
textSize | number | Size of the label texts (max allowed: radius / 5) | 16 |
fontStyle | string | Style of the text - 'normal', 'italic' or 'oblique' | 'normal' |
fontWeight | string | Weight of the text - 'bold', 'bolder', 'lighter', '100', '200' etc | 'normal' |
font | string | Font family of the text - 'Arial', 'Cursive', 'Comic Sans MS' etc | 'Comic Sans MS' |
showTextBackground | boolean | When set to true, displays background for text on the Pie sections | false |
textBackgroundColor | ColorValue | Background color for the label texts | white |
textBackgroundRadius | number | Radius for the background of the text labels | textSize |
showValuesAsLabels | boolean | When set to true, the values of the Pie sections are displayed as labels | false |
showTooltip | boolean | When set to true, displays a tooltip on pressing | false |
showValuesAsTooltipText | boolean | When set to true, the values of the Pie sections are displayed as tooltips (on pressing) | true |
centerLabelComponent | Function | Component to be rendered at the center of the Pie chart | _ |
semiCircle | boolean | When set to true, renders the Pie Chart in a semi-circle. donut semiCircle charts look like a speed-meter | false |
labelsPosition | string | Tells where inside the Pie sections should the labels be shown- 'onBorder', 'outward', 'inward' or 'mid' | 'outward' for donut and semicircle, else 'mid' |
pieInnerComponent | () => svg element | Svg element to be rendered inside each Pie like a label (position controlled by 'labelsPosition' ) | _ |
paddingHorizontal | number | horizontal padding in the chart svg component (useful to accomodate "onBorder" labels) | 0 |
paddingVertical | number | vertical padding in the chart svg component (useful to accomodate "onBorder" labels) | 0 |
showExternalLabels | boolean | To show labels for each Pie section outside the chart towards left or right based on its position | false |
labelLineConfig | LabelLineConfig | Object to configure the properties (like length, color, tailLength etc.) of external label's line | _ |
externalLabelComponent | Function | Component to be rendered as external labels for each Pie section | _ |
edgesPressable | boolean | used with focusOnPress , to make the extra length of the focused slice pressable (more details below) |
false |
edgesPressable: Ususally the entire slice of the Pie chart is pressable, but when a slice is foused, it becomes larger. In that case the extra length of the slice protruding out of the chart is unpressable. To make that extra length also pressable, we can use the edgesPressable
prop. If edgesPressable
is set to true, the edges of the pie will be pressable, but you may need to press twice for focus- once for unfocusing the already focused pie and then for focusing the new pie
When showTooltip
is set to true, a tooltip appears on pressing any Pie section. The text inside the tooltip can be set using the tooltipText
property in the data array. If tooltipText
is not found, then the value of the text
in the data array is rendered as tooltip text. If text
is also not found then the numeric value of the Pie section is displayed as the tooltip text.
The styling of the tooltip text is controlled by the same props that control the style of the label text. These props include-
- textColor
- textSize
- fontStyle
- fontWeight
- font (for fontFamily)
Other props related to tooltip and their default values-
PieTooltipDefaults = {
tooltipWidth: undefined, // takes the width of the tooltip text
persistTooltip: false,
tooltipDuration: 1000,
tooltipVerticalShift: 30,
tooltipHorizontalShift: 20,
showValuesAsTooltipText: true,
tooltipTextNoOfLines: 3,
tooltipBackgroundColor: 'rgba(20,20,20,0.8)',
tooltipBorderRadius: 4,
The default value is 0. The angles are distributed differently from the usual coordinate system. It is illustrated below-
labels can be positioned 'onBorder', 'outward', 'mid' or 'inward'. Here's a demonstration for each of them-
The default value for labelsPosition is 'mid'. In case of donut and semicircle charts the default value becomes 'outward'
Note if labelsPosition is 'onBorder' then paddingHorizontal and paddingVertical have a default value equal to textBackgroundRadius
The labelLineConfig
prop is an object of LabelLineConfig
type described below-
type LabelLineConfig = {
length?: number; // default 10
tailLength?: number; // default 8
color?: ColorValue; // default 'black'
thickness?: number; // default 1
labelComponentWidth?: number; // default 20
labelComponentHeight?: number; // default 10
labelComponentMargin?: number; // default 4
avoidOverlappingOfLabels?: boolean; // default true
Note if the external labels are getting cropped, you may need to use the extraRadius
Prop | Type | Description |
value | number | Value of the item, representing a section of the Pie chart |
shiftX | number | Translates (shifts) the particular section horizontally by given value |
shiftY | number | Translates (shifts) the particular section vertically by given value |
shiftTextX | number | Translates (shifts) the position of label text horizontally |
shiftTextY | number | Translates (shifts) the position of label text vertically |
shiftTextBackgroundX | number | Shifts the background of label text horizontally (default value is shiftTextX) |
shiftTextBackgroundY | number | Shifts the background of label text vertically (default value is shiftTextY) |
color | ColorValue | Color (background color) of the section |
text | string | Label text for the sections |
textColor | ColorValue | Color of the text (label) inside the section |
textSize | number | Size of the text (label) inside the section |
fontStyle | string | Style of the text - 'normal', 'italic' or 'oblique' |
fontWeight | string | Weight of the text - 'bold', 'bolder', 'lighter', '100', '200' etc |
font | string | Font family of the text - 'Arial', 'Cursive', 'Comic Sans MS' etc |
textBackgroundColor | ColorValue | Background color for the label text |
textBackgroundRadius | number | Radius for the background of the text label |
labelPosition | LabelsPosition | Tells where inside the Pie sections should the labels be shown- 'onBorder', 'outward', 'inward' or 'mid' |
tooltipText | string | Tooltip text for the sections (if omitted, then 'text' will serve as the tooltip text) |
tooltipComponent | Function | Custom tooltip component for the sections (callback function that accepts index as a parameter) |
onPress | Function | Callback function called on press of Pie sections (takes item and index as parameter) |
onLabelPress (removed) | Function | Callback function called on press of a Label (takes item and index as parameter) |
strokeWidth | number | Stroke (line) width for the Pie chart and its section |
strokeColor | ColorValue | Stroke (line) color |
focused | boolean | When set to true, the section for that item is focused, sectionAutoFocus must be set true in order to use this property |
pieInnerComponent | () => svg element | Svg element to be rendered inside the Pie like a label (position controlled by 'labelsPosition' ) |
labelLineConfig | LabelLineConfig | Object to configure the properties (like length, color, tailLength etc.) of external label's line |
externalLabelComponent | Function | Component to be rendered as external label for the Pie section |
Note If we pass shiftTextX
, the background will also shift (because the library assigns a default value of shiftTextBackgroundX = shiftTextX). This can be overridden by manually passing shiftTextBackgroundX. Same applies to shiftTextBackgroundY
Prop | Type | Description | Default value |
donut | boolean | When set to true, renders a Donut chart (makes an inner ring) | false |
innerRadius | number | Radius of the inner ring | radius/2 |
innerCircleColor | ColorValue | Color of the inner ring | white |
innerCircleBorderWidth | number | Stroke (border) width of the inner ring | props.innerCircleBorderColor ? 5 : 0 |
innerCircleBorderColor | ColorValue | Stroke (border) color of the inner ring | gray |
shiftInnerCenterX | number | Shifts the inner ring horizontally to enhance the 3D effect | 0 |
shiftInnerCenterY | number | Shifts the inner ring vertically to enhance the 3D effect | 0 |
tilt | number | The factor (between 0 annd 1) by which the chart should be tilted | if threeD then 0.5 else 1 |
Animation and curved paths are supported in <PieChartPro>
component. It receives all the above props (same as the <PieChart>