This is the forth of several labs that are part of the Oracle Public Cloud Container Native Development workshop. This workshop will walk you through the process of moving an existing application into a containerized CI/CD pipeline and deploying it to a Kubernetes cluster in the Oracle Public Cloud.
You will take on 2 personas during the workshop. The Lead Developer Persona will be responsible for configuring the parts of the automated build and deploy process that involve details about the application itself. The DevOps Engineer Persona will configure the parts of the automation involving the Kubernetes infrastructure. To containerize and automate the building and deploying of this application you will make use of Wercker Pipelines for CI/CD, Docker Hub for a Docker container registry, and Oracle Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) to provision a Kubernetes cluster on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
During this lab, you will take on the Lead Developer Persona and work on containerizing your Node.js application. You will set up Wercker to monitor your application's source code repository for commits and automatically trigger a build, and package pipeline, which will result in a Docker image of your application that is ready to be deployed.
Containerize Your Node.js Application and Automate Building and Packaging
- Create Wercker Application
- Fork Node.js Application on GitHub
- Create Wercker application
- Create and Run Wercker Pipelines
- Configure Pipelines and Workflow in Wercker
- Define Wercker Build Pipeline
- Set Environment Variables in Wercker
- Create Docker Hub Repository
- Define Wercker Deoploy Pipeline
- Validate Pipelines Execution
For this lab you will need a Github and Docker Hub accounts. You should have GitHub set up already from the previous lab. Use the following link to set up a Docker Hub account:
From any browser, go to:
Click Fork in the upper right hand corner of the browser. Sign in if prompted.
NOTE: If prompted, choose to fork the repository to your account (this may occur if your account is also a member of an organization on GitHub).
Go back to your Wercker console. You should still be logged in.
Click the plus button in the upper right hand corner of the browser and select Add application:
Leave the default selections of your account for the owner and GitHub for the SCM and click Next
Click on the cndoke repository that appears in the list of your GitHub repositories, then click Next
Leave the default selection of checkout without an SSH key and click Next
Click Create
Do not generate a wercker.yml file -- we will create one in a later step.
Navigate to the Wercker page for your newly-created application (you will already be on that page if you just completed STEP 2). Notice that you are viewing the Runs tab. This is where any executions of your workflow will be recorded.
Click the Workflows tab. You will see that Wercker has created the beginning of a workflow for you already. This workflow is triggered by a Git commit and it will execute a pipeline called build.
The build pipeline will be used to build your application and to store the resulting Docker image to Docker Hub repository. Click the Add new pipeline button.
Fill in
for the name of the pipeline and the YML name of the pipeline and click Create. -
You will be presented with the pipeline's environment variable screen. We do not need to add any pipeline-specific environment variables, so just click on the Workflows tab to return to the workflow editor.
Click the plus sign next to the build pipeline in the editor.
In the Execute Pipeline drop down list, choose the pipeline we just created, deploy. Leave the other fields at their default values and click Add.
Now that we've got a workflow configured, it will build and store a Docker image containing our application.
However, we need to define exactly how to build and deploy in a file called wercker.yml, which we will store in our application's Git repository. We will define our wercker.yml in STEP 7.
Before defining the wercker.yml we will need to create a Docker Hub registry for our built Docker image to store and specify the Docker Hub registry details as environment variable in Wercker to be passed to our build pipeline.
If you don't have a Docker Hub account, then create one first, otherwise you can go to the next step.
In a browser, go to Docker Hub
Click Sign Up fo Docker Hub
Complete your Docker Identification
In a browser, go to Docker Hub and sign in.
Click on Create Repository.
In the Name field, enter
. Optionally add descriptions and click Create. -
Your repository is now ready for Wercker to push a Docker image into during the build pipeline. Let's configure the environment variables to pass these Docker detail to the build pipeline.
In your Wercker browser tab, click the Environment tab.
Create an environment variable by filling in the Key and Value boxes and clicking Add. Be sure to click Add after each environment variable, or they will not be saved. Repeat this step for each variable listed below.
Key: Value: DOCKER_USERNAME your Docker Hub username DOCKER_PASSWORD your Docker Hub password DOCKER_REPO <your-dockerhub-username>/cndoke DOCKER_REGISTRY OCIUSEROCID your OCI user ID OCITENANTOCID your OCI tenancy ID OCIAPIKEY_PRIVATE your API private key created in Lab 100 OCIAPIKEYFP your API key fingerprint ENDPOINT your database endpoint ( or ATPOCID your ATP instance OCID
in the variable values with your username for your Docker Hub account. -
Enter your Docker Hub password into the value field and click the Protected check box next to the field to hide your password.
must be all lowercase. Enter a repo name of your new repo. e.g.cndoke
value above assumes you are using Docker Hub. -
are from Lab 300. -
You can obtain the
value from your ATP Demo instance details page.
This is all of the environment variables that we need to configure at this point. For now, let's finish setting up the build pipeline in Wercker so that we can try the build.
Switch back to your GitHub browser tab, showing your forked copy of the cndoke repository, and click Create new file
In the Name your file... input field, type
In the Edit new file input box, paste the following:
box: id: alpine:3.2 build: box: oraclelinux:7-slim steps: - script: name: create keyfile code: | echo $OCIAPIKEY_PRIVATE > temp.pem - internal/docker-build: build-args: "OCIUSEROCID=$OCIUSEROCID OCIAPIKEYFP=$OCIAPIKEYFP OKEY=$OCIAPIKEY_PRIVATE OCITENANTOCID=$OCITENANTOCID OCIOKEOCID=$OCIOKEOCID OCIENDPOINT=$OCIENDPOINT OCIREGION=$OCIREGION DB_ADMIN_USER=$DB_ADMIN_USER DBPASSWORD=$DBPASSWORD DB_DESCRIPTOR=$DB_DESCRIPTOR ATPOCID=$ATPOCID" dockerfile: Dockerfile image-name: cndoke - internal/docker-push: image-name: cndoke username: $DOCKER_USERNAME password: $DOCKER_PASSWORD repository: $DOCKER_REPO registry: $DOCKER_REGISTRY tag: latest, $WERCKER_GIT_BRANCH-$WERCKER_GIT_COMMIT ports: 80 env: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/oracle/instantclient_19_3 TNS_ADMIN=/reward/wallet WALLET_LOCATION=/reward/wallet cmd: node server.js
You should have 24 lines of YAML in the editor:
Let's look at the two sections of YAML that we've just added.
The first section describes a box. A box is the image that you want Wercker to pull from a Docker registry (the default is Docker Hub) to build your pipeline from. In our case, we need a Alpine environment to run our application, so we will pull the alpine image from Docker Hub.
The second section defines our first pipeline, the build pipeline. Our build pipeline consists of three steps,
First step to execute a shell command to write the OCI API private key from a Wercker environment variable into a PERM file (script) and
Second step is to invoke the build (internal/docker-build) step.
Third step of our pipeline, the internal/docker-push step, will store our container image in a Docker Hub repository after a successful build.
The internal/docker-push is a command developed by Wercker, which will take the current pipeline image and push it to a Docker registry. You can, however, use a different repository -- the step supports a
parameter. You can find more info in the documentation.We have made use of several environment variables. We are tagging the release with the Git branch name and the Git commit hash so that we can trace our running application version back to a specific Git commit. These two variables (along with others) are automatically made available by Wercker. The
environment variables, on the other hand, reference the ones that we defined ourselves in the previous step.
At the bottom of the page, click the Commit new file button.
Switch back to your Wercker browser tab and click on the Runs tab. If you are quick enough, you will see that Wercker has been notified of your new Git commit (via a webhook) and is executing your workflow.
You should see that the build pipeline completes successfully, but the deploy pipeline fails. That's what we expected, since we have not yet defined the steps for the deploy pipeline in our wercker.yml file.
Click on the green build pipeline to drill into the details of each step. Note that you can click on each step to see the console output produced by that step. In our case that output includes things like the results of the build before packaging our application. If any commands produce an error status code, Wercker will abort the workflow and notify you via email.
Our next step is to define the second part of our workflow, the deploy pipeline, which will pull from our container image in a Docker Hub repository after a successful build.
As we learned earlier, we do not yet have enough information to enable Wercker to deploy the Docker image to our OKE cluster -- we still need the Kubernetes authentication token and store it in a Wercker environment variable as well as the Kubernetes master node for the deployment.
In your Wercker browser tab, click the Environment tab.
Create an environment variable at the end of the list by filling in the Key and Value boxes and clicking Add. Be sure to click Add after each environment variable, or they will not be saved. Repeat this step for each variable listed below.
Key: Value: KUBERNETES_MASTER your Kubernetes master node KUBERNETES_TOKEN your Kubernetes authentication token NS your Kubernetes namespace. (e.g. cndoke) DB_ADMIN_USER your ATP admin username DBPASSWORD your ATP admin password DB_DESCRIPTOR <dbname_tp> + _tp (e.g. demo_tp). The descriptor must be in lowercase
Our first step is to set our cluster's authentication token as a Wercker environment variable. In your terminal window, run the following commands to output the token, then select it and copy it to your clipboard:
cd %USERPROFILE%\container-workshop notepad kubeconfig
- Find the
section at the bottom of the file, and copy the token value from there.
cd ~/container-workshop cat kubeconfig | grep token | awk '{print $2}'
- Find the
Back in your Wercker browser tab, click the Environment tab. In the key field of the empty row below the last environment variable, enter the key KUBERNETES_AUTH_TOKEN. In the value field, paste the token we just copied. Check the Protected box and click Add.
The next environment variable we need to add is the address of the Kubernetes master we want to deploy to. You can find this the kubeconfig file.
Alternative, for Mac and Linux users, we can get the
URL fromkubectl
. Run the following command in your terminal window to output the URL, then select it and copy it to your clipboard:Mac/Linux
For Mac/Linux:
echo $(./kubectl config view | grep server | cut -f 2- -d ":" | tr -d " ")
In your Wercker browser tab, add a new environment variable with the key KUBERNETES_MASTER. In the value field, paste the value you copied from
. The value must start with https:// for Wercker to communicate with the cluster. When finished, click Add.NOTE: You can also find this address in the OCI Console OKE page, by clicking on your cluster name to view the detail page:
The third environment variable we need to add is the namespace of the Kubernetes. You can find this the kubeconfig file. Namespace is a way to divide cluster resources between multiple users. It is good practice to deploy your application into your own namespace.
- In your Wercker browser tab, add a new environment variable with the key NS. In the value field, enter
as the value or a value of your choice such as your name. When finished, click Add.
- In your Wercker browser tab, add a new environment variable with the key NS. In the value field, enter
And finally to connect to our ATP database we will need to pass the database username, password and the database descriptor.
- The
must be made up of your<dbname>
suffix. e.g.cndokeDB_tp
- The
Switch back to your GitHub browser tab.
Click the file wercker.yml and then click the pencil button to begin editing the file.
Copy the YAML below and paste it below the build pipeline we defined earlier.
deploy: box: id: alpine cmd: /bin/sh steps: - bash-template - kubectl: name: apply namespace server: $KUBERNETES_MASTER token: $KUBERNETES_TOKEN insecure-skip-tls-verify: true command: apply -f ./ns.yml - kubectl: name: delete OCR secret server: $KUBERNETES_MASTER token: $KUBERNETES_TOKEN insecure-skip-tls-verify: true command: delete secret wrelease --namespace=$NS --ignore-not-found=true - kubectl: name: create OCR secret server: $KUBERNETES_MASTER token: $KUBERNETES_TOKEN insecure-skip-tls-verify: true command: create secret docker-registry wrelease --docker-server=$DOCKER_REGISTRY --docker-username=$DOCKER_USERNAME --docker-password="$DOCKER_PASSWORD" --docker-email=${WERCKER_APPLICATION_OWNER_NAME} --namespace=$NS - kubectl: name: apply deplyoment server: $KUBERNETES_MASTER token: $KUBERNETES_TOKEN insecure-skip-tls-verify: true command: apply -f ./cndoke-deploy.yml --namespace=$NS - kubectl: name: apply service server: $KUBERNETES_MASTER token: $KUBERNETES_TOKEN insecure-skip-tls-verify: true command: apply -f ./cndoke-service.yml --namespace=$NS
This will define a new Pipeline called deploy. The pipeline will make use of a new type of step: kubectl. If you have used Kubernetes before, you will be familiar with kubectl, the standard command line interface for managing Kubernetes. The kubectl Wercker step can be used to execute Kubernetes commands from within a Pipeline.
The deploy Pipeline will prepare our kubernetes.yml file by filling in some environment variables. It will then use kubectl to tell Kubernetes to apply that configuration to our cluster.
You should see line 26 to 62 in your werkcer.yml
At the bottom of the page, click Commit changes
Since you've committed to the repository again, Wercker will once again trigger an execution of your workflow. So we'll end up with a new Run and a new image, and a deployment to Kubernetes.
The deploy pipeline should be executed and completed without failure.
First we need to validate your deployment to the Kubernetes cluster has been successful.
In a terminal window, start the kubectl proxy using the following command. Your
environment variable should still be set from a previous step. If not, reset it.Windows
kubectl.exe proxy
./kubectl proxy
- In a browser tab, navigate to the Kubernetes dashboard
You should see the overview page. In the left side navigation menu, click the down arrow icon next to the
namespace to open the dropdown menu list. -
Change the namespace to
. -
In the Deployments section, you should see the
deployment has ran successfully. And acndoke
pod running under the Pods section. The IP address for the pod is an internal IP address and is not accessible externally. -
To access the application, we need to use a cluster-external IP. Our application will be exposed to the internet via a load balancer. The load balancer will take a few minutes to be instantiated and configured. Let's check on its status. Click Services from the left side navigation menu.
On the service page, you will see a column called External endpoints. Once the load balancer has finished provisioning, the External endpoints column will be populated with a link to the CafeSupremo application. If the link is not shown yet, wait a few minutes, refresh your browser, and check again. Once the link is displayed, click it to launch the site in a new tab.
You should see the CafeSupremo site load successfully, validating that our new Kubernetes deployment and service were created correctly. Let's test the CafeSupremo functionality of the catalog. However, you may have noticed that the page may not have been rendered correctly as the graphics are oversized.
Since the application is designed for a mobile phone screen, you will need to resize your browser so that the application home page would render in the correct format. You can resize your browser or switch to a mobile phone format under your browser's Developer Tools.
After you've resized your browser, click on the hamburger icon on the top left hand corner to expose the navigation menu.
Explore by clicking on Discover and Stores options. These should show you the types of coffees available in store and the store locations. However, the Rewards and Logout options are greyed out as these options are available after a successful user login.
Click on Welcome to go back to the home page.
Click Sign In to login.
A login dialog box will pop up with the Username pre-filled. Enter
in the password field and click Submit. -
You would not be able to login and should see the following error message.
This is expected as our login feature has not been enabled yet. Also the database has not been populated with customer data.
We have now verified the correct deployment of our application. But we need to create the customer schema and populate it with data in the next lab. We will also try out our automated CI/CD pipeline by enabling the login function in the next lab.
You are now ready to move to the next lab: Lab 500