diff --git a/forms-flow-web/src/_tests_/test-components/test-application/test-details/nodata.test.js b/forms-flow-web/src/_tests_/test-components/test-application/test-details/nodata.test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c7f7518453..0000000000
--- a/forms-flow-web/src/_tests_/test-components/test-application/test-details/nodata.test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-import React from "react";
-import { render, screen } from "@testing-library/react";
-import Nodata from "../../../../components/Application/nodata";
-test("render Nodata", () => {
- render();
- expect(screen.getByText("No submissions found"));
diff --git a/forms-flow-web/src/components/Application/List.js b/forms-flow-web/src/components/Application/List.js
index a84af5e61b..7a6569f635 100644
--- a/forms-flow-web/src/components/Application/List.js
+++ b/forms-flow-web/src/components/Application/List.js
@@ -1,53 +1,25 @@
-/* eslint-disable */
-import React, { useEffect, useRef } from "react";
+import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import { useDispatch, useSelector } from "react-redux";
-import BootstrapTable from "react-bootstrap-table-next";
-import filterFactory from "react-bootstrap-table2-filter";
-import paginationFactory from "react-bootstrap-table2-paginator";
-import ToolkitProvider from "react-bootstrap-table2-toolkit";
-import "react-bootstrap-table-next/dist/react-bootstrap-table2.min.css";
import {
- setApplicationListActivePage,
- setCountPerpage,
- setApplicationListLoader,
} from "../../actions/applicationActions";
import {
- FilterApplications,
} from "../../apiManager/services/applicationServices";
-import Loading from "../../containers/Loading";
-import Nodata from "./nodata";
-import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next";
-import { columns, getoptions, defaultSortedBy } from "./table";
-import { getUserRolePermission } from "../../helper/user";
-import {
+import Loading from "../../containers/Loading";
+import {
-} from "../../constants/constants";
-import { CLIENT_EDIT_STATUS } from "../../constants/applicationConstants";
-import Alert from "react-bootstrap/Alert";
-import { Translation } from "react-i18next";
-import overlayFactory from "react-bootstrap-table2-overlay";
-import { SpinnerSVG } from "../../containers/SpinnerSVG";
+} from "../../constants/constants";
import Head from "../../containers/Head";
import { push } from "connected-react-router";
-import isValiResourceId from "../../helper/regExp/validResourceId";
-import ApplicationTable from "./ApplicationTable";
+ import ApplicationTable from "./ApplicationTable";
export const ApplicationList = React.memo(() => {
- const { t } = useTranslation();
- const applications = useSelector(
- (state) => state.applications.applicationsList
- );
- const countPerPage = useSelector((state) => state.applications.countPerPage);
- const applicationStatus = useSelector(
- (state) => state.applications.applicationStatus
- );
const isApplicationListLoading = useSelector(
(state) => state.applications.isApplicationListLoading
@@ -59,20 +31,10 @@ export const ApplicationList = React.memo(() => {
const searchParams = useSelector((state) => state.applications?.searchParams);
const draftCount = useSelector((state) => state.draft.draftCount);
const dispatch = useDispatch();
- const userRoles = useSelector((state) => state.user.roles);
- const page = useSelector((state) => state.applications.activePage);
- const iserror = useSelector((state) => state.applications.iserror);
- const error = useSelector((state) => state.applications.error);
- const [filtermode, setfiltermode] = React.useState(false);
- const tenantKey = useSelector((state) => state.tenants?.tenantId);
- const redirectUrl = MULTITENANCY_ENABLED ? `/tenant/${tenantKey}/` : "/";
- const [lastModified, setLastModified] = React.useState(null);
- const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = React.useState(false);
- const [invalidFilters, setInvalidFilters] = React.useState({});
- useEffect(() => {
- setIsLoading(false);
- }, [applications]);
+ const page = useSelector((state) => state.applications.activePage);
+ const tenantKey = useSelector((state) => state.tenants?.tenantId);
+ const redirectUrl = MULTITENANCY_ENABLED ? `/tenant/${tenantKey}/` : "/";
useEffect(() => {
@@ -91,75 +53,12 @@ export const ApplicationList = React.memo(() => {
}, [page,limit,sortBy,sortOrder,searchParams]);
- const isClientEdit = (applicationStatus) => {
- if (
- getUserRolePermission(userRoles, CLIENT) ||
- getUserRolePermission(userRoles, STAFF_REVIEWER)
- ) {
- return CLIENT_EDIT_STATUS.includes(applicationStatus);
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- };
if (isApplicationListLoading) {
return ;
- }
- const getNoDataIndicationContent = () => {
- return (
- );
- };
- const validateFilters = (newState) => {
- if (
- newState.filters?.id?.filterVal &&
- !isValiResourceId(newState.filters?.id?.filterVal)
- ) {
- return setInvalidFilters({ ...invalidFilters, APPLICATION_ID: true });
- } else {
- return setInvalidFilters({ ...invalidFilters, APPLICATION_ID: false });
- }
- };
- const handlePageChange = (type, newState) => {
- validateFilters(newState);
- if (type === "filter") {
- setfiltermode(true);
- } else if (type === "pagination") {
- if (countPerPage > 5) {
- dispatch(setApplicationListLoader(true));
- } else {
- setIsLoading(true);
- }
- }
- dispatch(setCountPerpage(newState.sizePerPage));
- // dispatch(FilterApplications(newState));
- dispatch(setApplicationListActivePage(newState.page));
- };
- const listApplications = (applications) => {
- let totalApplications = applications.map((application) => {
- application.isClientEdit = isClientEdit(application.applicationStatus);
- return application;
- });
- return totalApplications;
- };
+ }
const headerList = () => {
return [
diff --git a/forms-flow-web/src/components/Application/nodata.js b/forms-flow-web/src/components/Application/nodata.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ced34e764d..0000000000
--- a/forms-flow-web/src/components/Application/nodata.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-import React from "react";
-import { Translation } from "react-i18next";
-const Nodata = React.memo((props) => (
-export default Nodata;
diff --git a/forms-flow-web/src/components/Application/table.js b/forms-flow-web/src/components/Application/table.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a6e1f000ef..0000000000
--- a/forms-flow-web/src/components/Application/table.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-import React from "react";
-import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
-import startCase from "lodash/startCase";
-import {
- textFilter,
- selectFilter,
- customFilter,
-} from "react-bootstrap-table2-filter";
-import { AWAITING_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT } from "../../constants/applicationConstants";
-import { Translation } from "react-i18next";
-import DateRangePicker from "@wojtekmaj/react-daterange-picker";
-import DropdownButton from "react-bootstrap/DropdownButton";
-import Dropdown from "react-bootstrap/Dropdown";
-import { toast } from "react-toastify";
-import { HelperServices} from "@formsflow/service";
-let statusFilter, idFilter, nameFilter, modifiedDateFilter;
-export const defaultSortedBy = [
- {
- dataField: "id",
- order: "desc", // or desc
- },
-const getApplicationStatusOptions = (rows) => {
- const selectOptions = rows.map((option) => {
- return { value: option, label: option };
- });
- return selectOptions;
-const linkApplication = (cell, row, redirectUrl) => {
- return (
- {cell}
- );
-const linkSubmission = (cell, row, redirectUrl) => {
- // here isResubmit key is also checked for "url" and "buttonText"
- const url = row.isClientEdit || row.isResubmit
- ? `${redirectUrl}form/${row.formId}/submission/${row.submissionId}/edit`
- : `${redirectUrl}form/${row.formId}/submission/${row.submissionId}`;
- const buttonText = row.isClientEdit || row.isResubmit ? (
- row.applicationStatus === AWAITING_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ? (
- "Acknowledge"
- ) : (
- {(t) => t("Edit")}
- )
- ) : (
- {(t) => t("View")}
- );
- const icon = row.isClientEdit || row.isResubmit ? "fa fa-edit" : "fa fa-eye";
- return (
- window.open(url, "_blank")}>
- {buttonText}
- );
-function timeFormatter(cell) {
- const localdate = HelperServices?.getLocalDateAndTime(cell);
- return ;
-const nameFormatter = (cell) => {
- const name = startCase(cell);
- return (
- );
-const customStyle = { border: "1px solid #ced4da", fontStyle: "normal" };
-const styleForValidationFail = { border: "1px solid red" };
-export const columns_history = [
- {
- dataField: "applicationname",
- text: {(t) => t("Form Name")},
- sort: true,
- },
- {
- dataField: "applicationstatus",
- text: {(t) => t("Submission Status")},
- sort: true,
- },
-let applicationNotified = false;
-const notifyValidationError = () => {
- if (!applicationNotified) {
- toast.error("Invalid submission id");
- applicationNotified = true;
- }
-export const columns = (
- applicationStatus,
- lastModified,
- callback,
- t,
- redirectUrl,
- invalidFilters
-) => {
- if (invalidFilters.APPLICATION_ID) {
- notifyValidationError();
- } else {
- applicationNotified = false;
- }
- return [
- {
- dataField: "id",
- text: {(t) => t("Submission ID")},
- formatter: (cell, row) => linkApplication(cell, row, redirectUrl),
- headerClasses: "classApplicationId",
- sort: true,
- filter: textFilter({
- delay: 800,
- placeholder: `\uf002 ${t("Submission ID")}`, // custom the input placeholder
- caseSensitive: false, // default is false, and true will only work when comparator is LIKE
- className: "icon-search",
- style: invalidFilters.APPLICATION_ID
- ? styleForValidationFail
- : customStyle,
- getFilter: (filter) => {
- idFilter = filter;
- },
- }),
- headerAttrs: { id: "th-application-id" }
- },
- {
- dataField: "applicationName",
- text: {(t) => t("Form Name")},
- sort: true,
- headerClasses: "classApplicationName",
- formatter: nameFormatter,
- filter: textFilter({
- delay: 800,
- placeholder: `\uf002 ${t("Form Name")}`, // custom the input placeholder
- caseSensitive: false, // default is false, and true will only work when comparator is LIKE
- className: "icon-search",
- style: customStyle,
- getFilter: (filter) => {
- nameFilter = filter;
- },
- }),
- headerAttrs: { id: "th-application-name" }
- },
- {
- dataField: "applicationStatus",
- text: {(t) => t("Submission Status")},
- sort: true,
- filter:
- applicationStatus?.length > 0 &&
- selectFilter({
- options: getApplicationStatusOptions(applicationStatus),
- style: customStyle,
- placeholder: `${t("All")}`,
- defaultValue: `${t("All")}`,
- caseSensitive: false, // default is false, and true will only work when comparator is LIKE
- getFilter: (filter) => {
- statusFilter = filter;
- },
- }),
- headerAttrs: { id: "th-application-status" }
- },
- {
- dataField: "formUrl",
- text: {(t) => t("Link To Form Submission")},
- formatter: (cell, row) => linkSubmission(cell, row, redirectUrl),
- headerClasses: "classLinkToApplication",
- headerAttrs: { id: "th-Link-to-application" }
- },
- {
- dataField: "modified",
- text: {(t) => t("Last Modified")},
- formatter: timeFormatter,
- sort: true,
- headerAttrs: { id: "th-modified" },
- filter: customFilter({
- }),
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
- filterRenderer: (onFilter, column) => {
- return (
- {
- callback(selectedRange);
- onFilter(selectedRange);
- }}
- value={lastModified}
- maxDate={new Date()}
- minDate={new Date("January 1, 0999 01:01:00")}
- dayPlaceholder="dd"
- monthPlaceholder="mm"
- yearPlaceholder="yyyy"
- calendarAriaLabel={t("Select the date")}
- dayAriaLabel="Select the day"
- clearAriaLabel="Click to clear"
- name="selectDateRange"
- monthAriaLabel="Select the month"
- yearAriaLabel="Select the year"
- nativeInputAriaLabel="Date"
- />
- );
- },
- },
- ];
-const customTotal = (from, to, size) => (
- {(t) => t("Showing")} {from}{" "}
- {(t) => t("to")} {to}{" "}
- {(t) => t("of")} {size}{" "}
- {(t) => t("results")}
-export const customDropUp = ({
- options,
- currSizePerPage,
- onSizePerPageChange,
-}) => {
- return (
- {options.map((option) => (
- onSizePerPageChange(option.page)}
- >
- {option.text}
- ))}
- );
-const getpageList = (count) => {
- const list = [
- {
- text: "5",
- value: 5,
- },
- {
- text: "25",
- value: 25,
- },
- {
- text: "50",
- value: 50,
- },
- {
- text: "100",
- value: 100,
- },
- {
- text: "All",
- value: count,
- },
- ];
- return list;
-export const getoptions = (count, page, countPerPage) => {
- return {
- expandRowBgColor: "rgb(173,216,230)",
- pageStartIndex: 1,
- alwaysShowAllBtns: true, // Always show next and previous button
- withFirstAndLast: true, // Hide the going to First and Last page button
- hideSizePerPage: false, // Hide the sizePerPage dropdown always
- // hidePageListOnlyOnePage: true, // Hide the pagination list when only one page
- paginationSize: 7, // the pagination bar size.
- prePageText: "<",
- nextPageText: ">",
- showTotal: true,
- Total: count,
- paginationTotalRenderer: customTotal,
- disablePageTitle: true,
- sizePerPage: countPerPage,
- page: page,
- totalSize: count,
- sizePerPageList: getpageList(count),
- sizePerPageRenderer: customDropUp,
- };
-export const clearFilter = () => {
- statusFilter("");
- idFilter("");
- nameFilter("");
- modifiedDateFilter("");
diff --git a/forms-flow-web/src/components/Draft/List.js b/forms-flow-web/src/components/Draft/List.js
index 6ea6ea3716..609fef67db 100644
--- a/forms-flow-web/src/components/Draft/List.js
+++ b/forms-flow-web/src/components/Draft/List.js
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
import React, { useEffect } from "react";
-import { useDispatch, useSelector } from "react-redux";
-import "react-bootstrap-table-next/dist/react-bootstrap-table2.min.css";
+import { useDispatch, useSelector } from "react-redux";
import Loading from "../../containers/Loading";
import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next";
import { MULTITENANCY_ENABLED } from "../../constants/constants";
diff --git a/forms-flow-web/src/components/Draft/table.js b/forms-flow-web/src/components/Draft/table.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b49b5c14ea..0000000000
--- a/forms-flow-web/src/components/Draft/table.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-import React from "react";
-import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
-import startCase from "lodash/startCase";
-import {
- textFilter,
- customFilter,
-} from "react-bootstrap-table2-filter";
-import { Translation } from "react-i18next";
-import DateRangePicker from "@wojtekmaj/react-daterange-picker";
-import DropdownButton from "react-bootstrap/DropdownButton";
-import Dropdown from "react-bootstrap/Dropdown";
-import { toast } from "react-toastify";
-import DraftOperations from "./DraftOperations";
-import { HelperServices} from "@formsflow/service";
-let statusFilter, idFilter, nameFilter, modifiedDateFilter;
-export const defaultSortedBy = [
- {
- dataField: "id",
- order: "desc", // or desc
- },
-const linkDraftDetail = (cell, row, redirectUrl) => {
- return (
- {cell}
- );
-function timeFormatter(cell) {
- const localdate = HelperServices?.getLocalDateAndTime(cell);
- return ;
-const nameFormatter = (cell) => {
- const name = startCase(cell);
- return (
- );
-const customStyle = { border: "1px solid #ced4da", fontStyle: "normal" };
-const styleForValidationFail = { border: "1px solid red" };
-let draftNotified = false;
-const notifyValidationError = () => {
- if (!draftNotified) {
- toast.error("Invalid draft id");
- draftNotified = true;
- }
-export const columns = (
- lastModified,
- callback,
- t,
- redirectUrl,
- invalidFilters
-) => {
- if (invalidFilters.DRAFT_ID) {
- notifyValidationError();
- } else {
- draftNotified = false;
- }
- return [
- {
- dataField: "id",
- text: {(t) => t("Draft Id")},
- formatter: (cell, row) => linkDraftDetail(cell, row, redirectUrl),
- headerClasses: "classApplicationId",
- sort: true,
- filter: textFilter({
- delay: 800,
- placeholder: `\uf002 ${t("Draft Id")}`, // custom the input placeholder
- caseSensitive: false, // default is false, and true will only work when comparator is LIKE
- className: "icon-search",
- style: invalidFilters.DRAFT_ID ? styleForValidationFail : customStyle,
- getFilter: (filter) => {
- idFilter = filter;
- },
- }),
- },
- {
- dataField: "DraftName",
- text: {(t) => t("Draft Name")},
- sort: true,
- headerClasses: "classApplicationName",
- formatter: nameFormatter,
- filter: textFilter({
- delay: 800,
- placeholder: `\uf002 ${t("Draft Name")}`, // custom the input placeholder
- caseSensitive: false, // default is false, and true will only work when comparator is LIKE
- className: "icon-search",
- style: customStyle,
- getFilter: (filter) => {
- nameFilter = filter;
- },
- }),
- headerStyle: () => {
- return { width: "40%" };
- },
- },
- {
- dataField: "formUrl",
- text: {(t) => t("Action")},
- formatter: (cell,row) => ,
- headerStyle: () => {
- return { width: "20%" };
- },
- },
- {
- dataField: "modified",
- text: {(t) => t("Last Modified")},
- formatter: timeFormatter,
- sort: true,
- filter: customFilter({
- }),
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
- filterRenderer: (onFilter, column) => {
- return (
- {
- callback(selectedRange);
- onFilter(selectedRange);
- }}
- value={lastModified}
- maxDate={new Date()}
- dayPlaceholder="dd"
- monthPlaceholder="mm"
- yearPlaceholder="yyyy"
- calendarAriaLabel={t("Select the date")}
- dayAriaLabel="Select the day"
- clearAriaLabel="Click to clear"
- name="selectDateRange"
- monthAriaLabel="Select the month"
- yearAriaLabel="Select the year"
- nativeInputAriaLabel="Date"
- />
- );
- },
- },
- ];
-const customTotal = (from, to, size) => (
- {(t) => t("Showing")} {from}{" "}
- {(t) => t("to")} {to}{" "}
- {(t) => t("of")} {size}{" "}
- {(t) => t("results")}
-const customDropUp = ({ options, currSizePerPage, onSizePerPageChange }) => {
- return (
- {options.map((option) => (
- onSizePerPageChange(option.page)}
- >
- {option.text}
- ))}
- );
-const getpageList = (count) => {
- const list = [
- {
- text: "5",
- value: 5,
- },
- {
- text: "25",
- value: 25,
- },
- {
- text: "50",
- value: 50,
- },
- {
- text: "100",
- value: 100,
- },
- {
- text: "All",
- value: count,
- },
- ];
- return list;
-export const getoptions = (count, page, countPerPage) => {
- return {
- expandRowBgColor: "rgb(173,216,230)",
- pageStartIndex: 1,
- alwaysShowAllBtns: true, // Always show next and previous button
- withFirstAndLast: true, // Hide the going to First and Last page button
- hideSizePerPage: false, // Hide the sizePerPage dropdown always
- // hidePageListOnlyOnePage: true, // Hide the pagination list when only one page
- paginationSize: 7, // the pagination bar size.
- prePageText: "<",
- nextPageText: ">",
- showTotal: true,
- Total: count,
- paginationTotalRenderer: customTotal,
- disablePageTitle: true,
- sizePerPage: countPerPage,
- page: page,
- totalSize: count,
- sizePerPageList: getpageList(count),
- sizePerPageRenderer: customDropUp,
- };
-export const clearFilter = () => {
- statusFilter("");
- idFilter("");
- nameFilter("");
- modifiedDateFilter("");
diff --git a/forms-flow-web/src/single-spa-index.js b/forms-flow-web/src/single-spa-index.js
index 75c13571eb..3c128a996e 100644
--- a/forms-flow-web/src/single-spa-index.js
+++ b/forms-flow-web/src/single-spa-index.js
@@ -7,8 +7,7 @@ import { featureFlags } from "./featureToogle";
import { FlagsProvider } from 'flagged';
import { Formio, Components } from "react-formio";
import { AppConfig } from "./config";
-import "react-bootstrap-table2-paginator/dist/react-bootstrap-table2-paginator.min.css";
-import "react-bootstrap-table-next/dist/react-bootstrap-table2.min.css";
+import "react-bootstrap-table2-paginator/dist/react-bootstrap-table2-paginator.min.css";
import "./resourceBundles/i18n.js";
if (typeof window.__REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ === "object") {