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歡迎訪問 AOSC




+ AOSC OS 是隻致力於簡化使用流程搭改善開源軟件使用體驗嗰通用 Linux 發行版。 +


+ 社群吉祥物 +  |  + 最新社群同開發資訊 +




AOSC OS 嗰設計基於以下原則:

+ +

+ 下載 AOSC OS +  |  + 弗曉得 AOSC OS 合適我勿? +




+ 作為社群成員,伢以探索計算嗰樂趣為共同目標。多年以來,伢 + 主要致力於開發 AOSC OS,但也有交關其他由興趣而生嗰諸多社群項目。 +


+ AOSC 人際關係準則 +

+ + 信任 systemd 嗰人,
+ 最終內褲也會賣畀 systemd。

+ —— Icenowy Zheng, 2016 +
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+ 安同開源社群 (AOSC) 嗰最初形態是由白銘驄同伊落嗰兩位同學 + 徠 2011 年末創立嗰安同開發團隊 (Anthon.Dev)。開發團隊因爲組織 + 管理弗好徠一年內夭折,後面徠 2012 年末重組為開源社羣並 + 持續至今。 +


+ 伢嗰主要項目 AOSC OS 開始嗰辰光叫“安同 OS (AnthonOS)”,一隻基於 + 個毛已經弗用嗰 SUSE Studio 做嗰 openSUSE 衍生發行版。一年以後又 + 轉成基於 Debian 衍生開發,著重於 CJK(中文、日文同道韓文)支持 + 並基於 KDE 4 設計了一套自訂使用者界面。 +


+ 2014 年,得益於原東方之心 Linux 開發者 Icenowy Zheng 嗰幫助, + 社羣以 Anthon :Next 為名立項,將安同 OS 轉成獨立構建。 + 安同 OS 獨立以後更名為 AOSC OS,就是伢社群個毛維護的通用 Linux 發行版。 +


+ 之後幾年,維護者拉弗停擴充 AOSC OS 的套件倉庫體積,並引入了 + 多架構支持。現在,得力於開發者拉嗰持續貢獻,AOSC OS 嗰 + 軟硬件支持還徠弗停擴充發展。 +




+ 介許多年數以來,社群內外交關資助者嗰慷慨解囊,讓完全用志願為原則運轉 + 嗰安同開源社群得以存活搭發展。下底是以字母排序嗰資助者列表, + 謹以此表達伢嗰由衷感激。 +

+ +
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+ 個隻頁面展示 AOSC OS 同其他社群項目嗰下載資訊。 +

+ AOSC OS + | + AOSC OS/Retro + | + DeployKit +



+ 請從個裏下載 AOSC OS 嗰主線版本。個隻版本針對性能同儲存空間充足 + 而且有國際網絡連線嗰現代個人設備。 +

+ {{< aosc-os-downloads >}} +
+ +



+ 請從個裏下載 AOSC OS/Retro 系列發行版。Retro 系列 + 針對性能同儲存空間有限嗰老舊同中古設備設計。該版本更新 + 頻率較低,但保障安全漏洞同一般問題修復。 +

+ {{< aosc-os-r-downloads >}} +
+ +



+ 康明宋TM +

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+ +



+ 安安本當是隻兔子,但有一日早上醒來發現自家變成了嗰生著兔子耳朵同兔尾巴嗰人類。其他嗰伊落好像通記弗起來了。 +

  • 生日:12 月 1 日
  • +
  • 年齡:???
  • +
  • 髮色:黑
  • +
  • 瞳色:黑
  • +
  • 最歡喜嗰顏色:紅黃藍白黑
  • +
  • 最歡喜嗰食物:鹹魚煲仔飯、果凍、冰淇淋…… 是個貪吃鬼
  • +
+ An-An (安安) with Her Laptop (credit: Tyson Tan). +
+ +
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+ + 安全公告歸檔【跳轉 AOSC Wiki】 +


+ + 新聞歸檔 +


+ + 活動新聞歸檔 + | + 社群相冊 +
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+ +
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+ +
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畀 AOSC 貢獻者


+ AOSC 貢獻者嗰熱心參加是伢社群嗰立足之本,伊拉對開源軟體 + 嗰熱情為社群同道開源軟件嗰未來撒落了種子。 +


+ 自安同開發團隊 (Anthon.Dev) 從 2011 年創立開始,伢有幸 + 迎來了交關才華橫溢嗰開發者,而伊拉多年來嗰點滴貢獻建成了 + 儂現在所看到嗰安同開源社區。伢謹以此頁向伊拉表示謝謝。 +

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+ + +



+ 社群套件倉庫是 AOSC OS 套件、發行搭伢社群開發資料嗰集中儲存點。 + 多年以來,許多院校、個人同企業為我社提供鏡像站,加速下載同安裝。 +


+ 下底是伢社群套件倉庫嗰鏡像站完整列表。 +

+ + + + + + + + + + {{< mirrors >}} + +
+ + {{< repo-script >}} +
diff --git a/data/navigation.wuu.yml b/data/navigation.wuu.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3238b14 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/navigation.wuu.yml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +- title: 新聞 + url: /zh-tw/news + +- title: 貢獻者 + url: /zh-tw/people + +- title: 套件搜尋 + url: https://packages.aosc.io + +- title: 文檔 + url: https://wiki.aosc.io + +- title: 關於 + url: /zh-tw/about + +- title: 下載 + url: /zh-tw/downloads + +- title: 套件倉庫 + url: /zh-tw/repo + +- title: Git + url: https://github.com/AOSC-Dev/ + +- title: 電子郵件 + url: /zh-tw/mail + +- title: 共用剪貼簿 + url: https://paste.aosc.io/ diff --git a/i18n/wuu.toml b/i18n/wuu.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..72a1954 --- /dev/null +++ b/i18n/wuu.toml @@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ +[retro-newworld-rom] +other = "* 支持基於 NewWorld ROM 嗰 PowerPC Macintosh。" + +[back] +other = "回去" + +[screenshots] +other = "截圖" + +[copyright] +other = "著左權所有 2011 — {{ $.copyrightYear }},由全體社群成員維護" + +[news] +other = "新聞" + +[people] +other = "貢獻者" + +[retro] +other = "Retro" + +[sitelang] +other = "網站語言 / Site Language" + +# gallery captions +[2016-aoscc-day1-a-warm-note-from-geekpie] +other = "A warm note from the Geekpie Association." +[2016-aoscc-day1-goofing-around] +other = "Random hack-around before the conference began." +[2016-aoscc-day2-ast-startup-toolkit-lmy441900] +other = "Junde Yhi's concept presentation for AST's Startup Toolkit development reboot." +[2016-aoscc-day2-goofing-around-buggy-skia] +other = "Lion Yang plays around Android's buggy Skia library." +[2016-aoscc-day2-hd-remake-with-inkscape-gumblex] +other = "HD Remake using Inkscape with Dingyuan Wang (gumblex)" +[2016-aoscc-day2-hd-remake-with-inkscape-audience] +other = "Our lovely audience watching gumblex's demonstration." +[2016-aoscc-day3-introduction-to-packaging-jeffbai] +other = "Introduction to AOSC OS packaging with Jeff Bai." +[2016-aoscc-day3-introduction-to-packaging-vbam-jeffbai] +other = "Introduction to AOSC OS packaging (demonstration using VBA-M)" +[2016-aoscc-day3-shanghai-surface-user-group] +other = "Shanghai Surface User Group!" +[2016-aoscc-stickers-1] +other = "Putting the AOSC 2016 sticker pack into good use (idea 1)." +[2016-aoscc-stickers-2] +other = "Putting the AOSC 2016 sticker pack into good use (idea 2)." +[2016-aoscc-stickers-3] +other = "Putting the AOSC 2016 sticker pack into good use (idea 3)." +[2016-5th-anniversary-banner] +other = "5th anniversay banner!" +[2016-5th-anniversary-selfie] +other = "Tianhao (James) Chai taking a selfie in front of the 5th anniversay banner." +[2017-day3-tegra-has-a-home] +other = "A case (finally) for our community ARMv7 + AArch64 build host!" +[2017-day2-vintage-duo] +other = "Pair of vintage ThinkPads running Windows 98... Vintage computing - an unofficial pasttime of community members." +[2017-day2-unusual-surface] +other = "Tianhao (James) Chai's Linux/Android Surface Pro 3 tablet." +[2017-day2-thinkpad-family] +other = "ThinkPads are probably the most popular computer brand in the community!" +[2017-day2-orange-pi-demo] +other = "Icenowy Zheng's Orange Pi running AOSC OS with LXDE." +[2017-day2-ciel] +other = "Lion Yang introducing the problems with BuildKit and Ciel, the answer?" +[2017-day2-casting-my-doubt] +other = "Lion Yang casting his doubt on the values of AOSC OS's numerous ports." +[2017-day2-bananapi] +other = "Junde Yhi handing out Banana Pi's to lucky dip winners." +[2017-day1-zamir-sun-connection] +other = "Zamir Sun connecting in from Beijing, sharing his pathway to employment in an open-source company (Red Hat)." +[2017-day1-wuhan] +other = "AOSCC 2018 will be held in Wuhan!" +[2017-day1-vintage-desktop] +other = "Old laptop makes a great mini desktop!" +[2017-day1-upstream-involvement] +other = "Mingcong Bai talking about upstream involvement by AOSC developers in the past year." +[2017-day1-networking] +other = "Lion Yang and couple others working hard for Internet connection in the venue." +[2017-day1-forgive-loongson] +other = "Forgive Loongson, (possibly) an advanced piece of hardware." +[2017-day1-aosc-os-overlay] +other = "Junde Yhi's presentation on AOSC OS's performance overlays." +[2017-day1-aosc-os-codename] +other = "Voting on AOSC OS Core 5's codename... Turns out to be \"eMMC\"." +[2017-day1-aosc-optical-storage] +other = "Day 1's lucky dip - Staph Zhang's optical backup of old AOSC OS packages and releases." +[2017-day1-allwinner-nintendo] +other = "Havin' a blast playing Legend of Zelda with an Allwinner tablet running RetroArch." +[2019-jiawei-fu-on-the-ustc-mirror] +other = "USTC's Jiawei Fu's presentation on the history and future of the USTC Open Source Software Mirror." +[2019-junde-yhi-deploykit-demo] +other = "Junde Yhi demonstrating the UI designs of DeployKit - our system deployment toolkit to come early next year." +[2019-trinitron-on-site-coreboot-flashing] +other = "Trinitron (her ID on Telegram) working on Coreboot-ing a Lenovo ThinkPad X220." +[2019-xiaoxing-lucky-draw] +other = "Xiaoxing, our resident webmaster, wins one of the Apple PowerBook G4's running AOSC OS from Day 2's lucky draw." +[2019-kexy-on-iteration-planning] +other = "Kexy Biscuit on improving the AOSC OS iteration model." +[2019-livestream-console] +other = "TheSaltedFish's live streaming station." +[2019-colorhug2] +other = "On-site ColorHug service." +[2019-gumblex-on-quality-assurance] +other = "Gumblex's talk on the future AOSC OS quality assurance procedures." +[2019-haiou-camera] +other = "A vintage Hai'ou camera used to take our collective photograph on Day 1 and 3." +[2019-codename-voting] +other = "Voting on the next codename (congratulations to Gumblex!)." +[2019-stickers-and-souvenir] +other = "Stickers and souvenirs, a staple of our annual gatherings." +[2019-lucky-draw-preparation-g4] +other = "Day 2's lucky draw prize - a 12'' Apple PowerBook G4 running AOSC OS." +[2019-retro-demos] +other = "AOSC OS/Retro demo devices - an Apple iBook G3 \"Clamshell\" and a Sony Vaio C1VN." +[2019-staph-lucky-draw-preparation] +other = "Staph deploying AOSC OS on the Apple PowerBook G4's, preparing for Day 's lucky draw." +[2019-junde-yhi-libreboot] +other = "Junde Yhi on deploying multi-payload LibreBoot on the Lenovo ThinkPad X200." + +# distro translations +[kde-desc] +other = """ +KDE (Plasma Desktop) provides an extensive set of functionality with +virtually unlimited amount of customizable settings, and comes complete +with an elegant interface. With a strong set of utilities, games, +and tools, KDE is quite suitable for day-to-day desktop computing +with a refreshing sense of aesthetic. +""" + +[gnome-desc] +other = """ +GNOME is a desktop environment with a strong emphasis on human +interactivity, multilingual support, and accessibility. Designed as +a desktop for humanity, GNOME provides users with a minimal yet elegant +interface for those who may understand its innovative logic in desktop +computing. +""" + +[xfce-desc] +other = """ +XFCE, like its logo, is a quick and smart little rat on your desktop. +This is a desktop with rich customizability, responsive interface, and +a small footprint. XFCE can run very quick even on older machines while +providing a complete desktop experience, making it a near perfect choice +for performance constrained devices. +""" + +[mate-desc] +other = """ +MATE is a desktop environment that sticks to the traditions - in which +the developers of this particular desktop environment believe. Despite +being a GNOME 2 fork, MATE is never contempt with using older technologies. +Instead, MATE continuously adapts itself to the newest technologies, while +trying its best to provide users with a familiar desktop experience. +""" + +[cinnamon-desc] +other = """ +Cinnamon was initially a fork of GNOME Shell in an effor to provide a +traditional interface suitable for keyboard and mouse. Cinnamon builds +upon GNOME's technical frameworks and applications, preserving the +same ease of use in mind, while providing more customizability. +""" + +[lxde-desc] +other = """ +LXDE, or Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment in full is a lightweight +desktop environment with a seemingly microscopic memory footprint. This +is one of the better choices to go for on a older PC or low performance +device. LXDE is extremely customizable, a perfect choice for those +looking for a full desktop environment while wanting to keep in control +of every aspect of their desktop. +""" + +[base-desc] +other = """ +While AOSC OS focuses itself in providing complete and refined desktop +experience in all other variants, we understand that there are +those who prefers all choices remained on their hands. The Base +variant provides a minimal set of features, just enough for you to get +started. Base is still a pre-configured variant like other AOSC OS variants. +Therefore, Base is suitable for performance constrained devices and servers. +Base is also available as a Docker image. +""" + +[buildkit-desc] +other = """ +BuildKit is essentially a non-bootable AOSC OS Base with full +development support. This particular variant of AOSC OS comes with +Autobuild3 and other AOSC OS packaging and maintenance tools, so that +you could quickly get started with AOSC OS development or building +packages for personal use. BuildKit is also available as a Docker image. +""" + +[retro-x11-desc] +other = """ +A basic system release bundled with X graphical +user interface support. This release contains +a basic desktop environment and graphical tools +for devices with graphical hardware acceleration. +""" + +[retro-base-desc] +other = """ +A base system release with a minimal set of applications +and tools to get you started. This release is recommended +for older, headless (non-graphical), or storage +constrained (< 500MiB free space) systems. +""" + +[retro-server-desc] +other = """ +A base system release bundled with server applications, +for performance and storage contraint servers and older +development boards. +""" + +[retro-buildkit-desc] +other = """ +BuildKit is essentially a non-bootable AOSC OS Base with full +development support. This particular variant of AOSC OS comes with +Autobuild3 and other AOSC OS packaging and maintenance tools, so that +you could quickly get started with AOSC OS development or building +packages for personal use. +""" diff --git a/layouts/_default/baseof.html b/layouts/_default/baseof.html index b2312a3..1374121 100644 --- a/layouts/_default/baseof.html +++ b/layouts/_default/baseof.html @@ -48,6 +48,9 @@ {{- else if eq .Site.Language.Lang "lzh" -}} + {{- else if eq .Site.Language.Lang "zh-tw" -}} + + {{- else -}}