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5. Component methods

Gary Criblez edited this page Feb 13, 2020 · 7 revisions

New AJUI_BreadCrumb ( { template_param } ) -> breadcrump

This method returns an object variable (breadcrump) that represents an instance of AJUI_BreadCrumb. It contains all the properties and their default values as well as the formulas (member functions) to manipulate them.

It is possible to pass an object (template_param) as a parameter to it in order to import an existing template (JSON file). Object Properties expected for the object (template_param) used as parameter:

  • templateName : Represents the name of the JSON file to import (template). If the file is not found, the method will return a new instance of AJUI_Breadcrumb.
  • templatePath (optional): You can specify a path to recover the file otherwise, the component will search in the default folder located in the host database resources (.../Resources/AJUI_BreadCrumb_Templates/).

$templatePath:=Get 4D folder (Current resources folder)
$templatePath:=$templatePath+"my_Templates_Folder"+folder separator

$template_obj:=New object ()
$bc:=New AJUI_BreadCrumb ($template_obj)

AJUI_BC_info -> version

This method returns a character string representing the version number of the component. Version is a string.

AJUI_BC_BC_loadTemplates ( { folder_path} ) -> templates_col

Utility method to retrieve in a collection (templates_col), all templates JSON files inside a folder. You can pass in parameter (folder_path) the path of the folder containing the templates. If this is not the case, the method will search in default path (.../Resources/AJUI_BreadCrumb_Templates/).