/* Plugin Name: AIESEC EXPA Registration Description: Plugin based on gis_curl_registration script by Dan Laush upgraded to Wordpress plugin Version: 0.2 Author: Enrique Suarez //Version: 0.1 //Author: Krzysztof Jackowski //Author URI: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=202008277&trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile_pic License: GPL THis version is now linked with podio */
To adpot EXPA Wordpress plugin for your website you need to do following:
- Go to config.php file and edit basic labels for the form, thank you message and data about your entity from EXPA
- Go to leads.json file and put there all your leads assigned to LCs that you have on EXPA. LC name MUST be the same as on EXPA!
- Go to lc_id.json file and set all LCs in your entity with valid EXPA id
Your plugin is configured and ready to go :) Now all you need to do is to install plugin in your Wordpress instalation on server. To put form on your website use shortcode: [expa-form]
Enjoy working with the plugin. If you have any inputs feedback is highly appreciated. In any case please send me e-mail: [email protected] //Enjoy working with the plugin. If you have any inputs feedback is highly appreciated. In any case please send me e-mail: [email protected]
AIESECly yours Kris and Enrique