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Ray Map Editor


Left click on tiles and objects in the palette on the left edge to select them. Left click on the map to place the selected tile or object.

Right click on the map to see that cell's coordinate and optionally that object's ID in the right text box

Middle click on the map to drag the whole map around.

Load, save, or 'save as' the current map and scripts with the buttons on the top.


A map is a grid of tiles. The map size is configurable, but no larger than 255x255 tiles. Each tile has a coordinate, where {0.0} is in the top left corner. The coordinate may be checked by right clicking on a tile.

Each tile on the map must have a background. Backgrounds are in the left column of the palette. Background properties are intrinsic so wall types cannot be walked through, door types will open and close, etc. You don't need to program properties of backgrounds.

Each tile on the may may also have an object. Objects are in the right column of the palette. Object properties arse also intrinsic so item types will be picked up when touched, enemy types will move around and fight, etc. Each tile starts with up to one object, though more can be spawned later. Each object has an ID which must be unique, including the IDs of spawned objects. IDs are automatically assigned when placing objects on the map, but must be manually assigned when using them in scripts. An object's ID may be checked by right clicking on it.


Scripts define interaction in the map. Each script is comprised of an IF and THEN part. IF defines what must happen for the script to trigger, i.e. kill some enemies or get an item. THEN defines what happens when the script triggers, i.e. open a door or warp to a location. Any IF may be paired with any other THEN.

IF Operations

These are the conditions which can trigger scripts.

Operation Value Arguments Description
SHOOT_OBJS 0 AND_OR, [IDs], ORDER, ONE_TIME Triggered when one or all objects are shot. If all, may either be in the given order or any order. May reset after triggering.
KILL 1 AND_OR, [IDs], ORDER, ONE_TIME Triggered when one or all all enemies are killed. If all, may be in the given order or any order. May reset after triggering.
GET 2 AND_OR, [IDs], ORDER, ONE_TIME Triggered when one or all objects with given IDs are obtained. If all, may be in the given order or any order. May reset after triggering.
TOUCH 3 AND_OR, [IDs], ORDER, ONE_TIME Triggered when one or all objects with the given ID are touched. If all, may be in the given order or any order. May reset after triggering.
SHOOT_WALLS 4 AND_OR, [CELLs], ORDER, ONE_TIME Triggered when one or all walls in the given cells are shot. If all, may be in the given order or any order. May reset after triggering.
ENTER 5 AND_OR, [CELLs], ORDER, ONE_TIME Triggered when the player enters one or all of the given cells. If all, may be in the given order or any order. May reset after triggering.
TIME_ELAPSED 6 TIME Triggered after the given time, in seconds, elapses from the start of the level.

THEN Operations

These are the actions that occur when a script is triggered

Operation Value Arguments Description
OPEN 7 [CELLs] Open all doors on the given cells
CLOSE 8 [CELLs] Close all doors on the given cells
SPAWN 9 [SPAWNs] Spawn objects of the given types with the given IDs in the given cells. If an object with that ID exists already, it will not be spawned.
DESPAWN 10 [IDs] Immediately remove the objects with the given IDs from the map.
DIALOG 11 TEXT Display the text in a dialog window
WARP 12 MAP, CELL Warp the player to the given cell
WIN 13 Beat the game

Script Element Syntax

These are the elements that are used for IF and THEN arguments. Arguments, arrays, CELLs, and SPAWNs all have different delimiters to make parsing easier.

Element Syntax Notes
Arguments (a; b; c) Arguments are only used for Operations
Arrays [a, b, c] May be arrays of CELLs, SPAWNs, or IDs
CELL {x. y} Only has x and y components
ID 0 Integer from 0 to 255
SPAWN {TYPE-ID-x.y} TYPE is any tileType (see below). ID, x, and y are integers
AND_OR abc AND or OR
TEXT abc Not quoted, cannot use the characters ( or )
TIME 0 Integer from 0 to 2147483647, in seconds
MAP 0 Integer corresponding to the map, 0 to 5

Tile Types

These are the objects that can be spawned

Object Notes
OBJ_ENEMY_NORMAL Enemy type, weak to normal beam
OBJ_ENEMY_STRONG Enemy type, weak to charge beam
OBJ_ENEMY_ARMORED Enemy type, weak to missile
OBJ_ENEMY_FLAMING Enemy type, weak to ice beam
OBJ_ENEMY_HIDDEN Enemy type, weak to x-ray beam
OBJ_ITEM_BEAM Power-up, normal beam
OBJ_ITEM_CHARGE_BEAM Power-up, charge beam
OBJ_ITEM_MISSILE Power-up, missiles (also missile capacity upgrade)
OBJ_ITEM_ICE Power-up, ice beam
OBJ_ITEM_XRAY Power-up, x-ray visor
OBJ_ITEM_SUIT_WATER Power-up, suit, water resistance
OBJ_ITEM_SUIT_LAVA Power-up, suit, lava resistance
OBJ_ITEM_ENERGY_TANK Power-up, energy tank
OBJ_ITEM_KEY_A Access item, key A
OBJ_ITEM_KEY_B Access item, key B
OBJ_ITEM_KEY_C Access item, key C
OBJ_ITEM_ARTIFACT Access item, artifact
OBJ_SCENERY_TERMINAL Scenery, computer terminal
OBJ_SCENERY_PORTAL Scenery, portal
OBJ_SCENERY_F1 Scenery, a friend
OBJ_SCENERY_F2 Scenery, a friend
OBJ_SCENERY_F3 Scenery, a friend
OBJ_SCENERY_F4 Scenery, a friend
OBJ_SCENERY_F5 Scenery, a friend
OBJ_SCENERY_F6 Scenery, a friend
OBJ_SCENERY_F7 Scenery, a friend

Script Examples

If three enemies are killed in any order, open a door:


If three objects are shot in a specific order, spawn an energy tank:


When a specific item is gotten, win the game:


If an item is touched, then warp to map 3, cell {2.1}:


When four walls are shot in a specific order, kill some enemies:

IF SHOOT_WALLS (AND; [{1.1}, {1.2}, {1.3}, {1.4}]; IN_ORDER; ONCE) THEN DESPAWN([5, 6, 7, 8])

When a room is entered from either of two ways, close the doors behind the player:

IF ENTER (OR; [{42.39}, {42.51}]; ANY_ORDER; ALWAYS) THEN CLOSE([{42.38}, {42.52}])

After a minute, tell the player a minute has elapsed:

IF TIME_ELAPSED(60000) THEN DIALOG(One minute has elapsed!)

RMD File Format

  1. Map Width (8 bit)
  2. Map Height (8 bit)
  3. The Map (list of cells in row order)
    1. Background for the cell (8 bit)
    2. Object for the cell (8 bit)
      1. Object ID for the cell, if there is an object (8 bit)
  4. Number of Scripts (8 bit)
  5. Scripts (Variable length, see rme_script.toBytes())