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Feb 11, 2025
a041e31 · Feb 11, 2025


This branch is 207 commits behind srsran/srsRAN_Project:main.


srsRAN Project Multi-Container Solution

This folder contains a multi-container application, composed of:

  • srsRAN gnb: it will build and launch the gnb.
  • Open5g core: an open source core to use with srsRAN gnb.
  • Grafana (+ InfluxDB + srsRAN metrics server): a UI solution to monitor metrics from srsRAN gnb.

To launch the full multi-container solution, please run:

docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up


cd docker/
docker compose up
  • To force a new build of the containers (including a new build of srsRAN gnb), please add a --build flag at the end of the previous command.
  • To run it in background, please add a -d flag at the end of the previous command.
  • For more options, check docker compose up --help

To see services' output, you can run:

docker compose logs [OPTIONS] [SERVICE...]
  • For more options, check docker compose logs --help

To stop it:

docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml down
  • If you also want to remove all internal data except the setup, you can add --volumes flag at the end of the previous command.
  • For more options, check docker compose down --help

If you're not familiarized with docker compose tool, it will be recommended to check its website and docker compose --help output.

Enabling metrics reporting in the gnb

To be able to see gnb's metric in the UI solution (grafana + influxdb + metrics-server) it's required to enable metrics reporting in the gnb config. For example:

  enable_json_metrics: true
  addr:  # Metrics-server IP
  port: 55555       # Metrics-server Port

Run some services

Instead of running all services provided, a partial run is allowed by doing:

docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up <service_to_run>

Main options are:

  • gnb: It will start the srsRAN Project gNB + Open5G core, without UI stack.
  • grafana: It will start the full Grafana + InfluxDB + metrics-server stack, without srsRAN Project gnb and Open5g services.

However, any service declared in the docker-compose.yml can be started standalone, like 5gc or influxdb.


  • Default docker compose uses configs/gnb_rf_b200_tdd_n78_20mhz.yml config file. You can change it by setting the variable ${GNB_CONFIG_PATH} in the shell, in the docker compose up command line or using the existing env-file .env. More info about how to do it in docker documentation here:

  • Network: If you are using an existing core-network on same machine, then you can comment the 5gc service section and also link your srsran container to some existing AMF N2/N3 subnet, doing something like this:

  gnb: ...
          ipv4_address: # Setting a fixed IP in the "network1" net

    name: my-pre-existing-network
    external: true

More info here:

Advanced Usage

Open5GS Container Parameters

Advanced parameters for the Open5GS container are stored in open5gs.env file. You can modify it or use a totally different file by setting OPEN_5GS_ENV_FILE variable like in:

OPEN_5GS_ENV_FILE=/my/open5gs.env docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up 5gc

The following parameters can be set:

  • MONGODB_IP (default: This is the IP of the mongodb to use. is the mongodb that runs inside this container.
  • SUBSCRIBER_DB (default: "001010123456780,00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff,opc,63bfa50ee6523365ff14c1f45f88737d,8000,"): This adds subscriber data for a single or multiple users to the Open5GS mongodb. It contains either:
    • Comma separated string with information to define a subscriber
    • subscriber_db.csv. This is a csv file that contains entries to add to open5gs mongodb. Each entry will represent a subscriber. It must be stored in srsgnb/docker/open5gs/
  • OPEN5GS_IP: This must be set to the IP of the container (here:
  • UE_IP_BASE: Defines the IP base used for connected UEs (here: 10.45.0).
  • DEBUG (default: false): This can be set to true to run Open5GS in debug mode.

For more info, please check it's own

Open5GS Container Applications

Open5Gs container includes other binaries such as

  • 5gc: 5G Core Only
  • epc: EPC Only
  • app: Both 5G Core and EPC

By default 5gc is launched. If you want to run another binary, remember you can use docker compose run to run any command inside the container. For example:

docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml run 5gc epc -c open5gs-5gc.yml

If you need to use custom configuration files, remember you can share folder and files between your local PC (host) and the container:

docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml run -v /tmp/my-open5gs-5gc.yml:/config/my-open5gs-5gc.yml 5gc epc -c /config/my-open5gs-5gc.yml

Metric UI Setup

Change the environment variables define in .env that are used to setup and deploy the stack

├── .env         <---
├── docker-compose.yml
├── Dockerfile
└── ...

You can access grafana in http://localhost:3300. By default, you'll be in view mode without needing to log in. If you want to modify anything, you need to log in using following credentials:

  • username: admin
  • password: admin

After your fist log, it will ask you to change the password for a new one, but it can be skipped.

Provisioned Dashboards are into Home > Dashboards. They don't support variable substitution, so if you change default values in .env file, you'll need to go to grafana/dashboards/ and manually search and replace values such as influxdb uid or bucket in every .json file.

For more info about the metrics server, please check it's own