00-02: "Ugp"
0c-0d: Width (02 80 = 640) 0e-0f: Height (01 90 = 400)
10-3f: Palette? 00 00 00, 03 03 03, 05 05 05, 09 09 09, 0b 0b 0b, 0b 0a 0a, 08 08 08, 07 07 07, 0d 0d 0d, 0e 0e 0e, 0f 0f 0f, 0d 04 06, 0f 00 00, 0e 00 01, 03 03 0a, 00 00 0a
0 Black 1 Blue 2 Purplish Blue 3 Grey 4 Green 5 Sickly Green 6 Red 7 White 8 Light Orange 9 Orange a Brown b Brick c Peach d Pink e Dark Grey f Light Grey
Replacing an 84 with 55.
x84 = 132 x55 = 85
Portrait instead. Portrait is 80 wide, 96 tall
Color 07 in the pallete is white.
01 28: Same 01 30: Same 01 37: Same 01 38: (Default) 01 30: Same 01 39: Same 01 3f: Same
01 24: Same as default 01 25: New tan pixel, below rightmost one 01 26: " " 01 27: " "
01 18: New tan pixel near bottom of shoulder, 0001 0000 01 17: Another tan pixel to its right, 0001 0100 01 16: Same^ 01 15: Same^ 01 14: Right pixel disappears 01 13: Both pixels disappear 01 12: Same^ 01 11: Same^
00 00: Shoulder block empty but still brown
01 ff: Copies a 16x2 block to the left into this one 01 fe: Copies the left 8x2 block from the previous one, and another 8x2 block from... somewhere else? Up on her shoulder? But extended 01 fd: Copies the left block, and a weird blue/grey block from somewhere else that doesn't exist 01 ef: Copies the shoulder block twice
Replacing the 49 right before the 01 38:
49: Normal 00: Three tan pixels (0101 0100) disappear 48: Only two tan pixels
Hm. THe last appearance of those three tan pixels, in the 0101 0100 arrangement, was 57+15 = 73 = 0x49 pixels ago...
4b: Adds a light tan pixel below and between the first two: 1010 1000 0100 0000
4d: Left two pixels only (101)
Really early in the portrait image:
4f (default): Orange for the rest of the time 4e: Green for the rest of the image 4d: White and green stripes for the rest of the image 4c: Lighter green for the rest of the image 4b: Green and red stripes for the rest of the image 4a: White and red stripes
Longer shapes: 49: Red pixels at edges, then light green for the rest of the image 48: Same shape, but red for rest of image 46: Long white rectangle, light green 45: Red/white stripes after a long (7px) white rectangle 44: Red, after a long (7px) white rectangle 43: Longer white thing, light green for rest of image 42: Red pixels at edges, also red for rest of image 41: Entirely white 40: Entirely white
50: White 6x2, then red 51: White 6x2, then a red line, then the rest is light green 52: White 6x2, then a red column, then green and red stripes 53: ^Same but darker green 54: White 6x2, then red and white stripes 55: White 6-x, then one red pixel, then green/white stripes
09: white 4x2, white, red, red, light green->
Clearly something really important is happening in the 40s line. What kind of pattern data is beting stored there?
fa 8e 47 29 11 07 04 04 04 01 03 02 02 01 02 07
fa doesn't change anything if above aa or so, but turns everything into garbage below that?
The first 5 bytes are always decreasing, around a fairly similar set of values
Deploying a high contrast color palette.
The lack of sensitivity suggests they aren't pointers, but maybe buffer sizes?
Tons of 55s from the very beginning: Black stripes alternating with tan, brown, tan, brown (1010) etc
AA's at the beginning:
Each AA puts eight(?) new pixels on the screen:
tan brown tan brown black tan black tan
Putting different stuff in the first byte might change which color each stripe is??
A9 (1010 1001) = Turns second row black
AA (1010 1010)
AB (1010 1011) = Turns second row into black peach black peach AC (1010 1100) = Turns first row into tan peach tan peach, second row is all black AD (1010 1101) = Turns first row into tan peach (fca) tan peach, second row to black brown black brown AE (1010 1110) = Turns first row into tan pink tan pink (fb7), black tan black tan AF (1010 1111) = More color changes, but also less copying??
AA x2: 4 cols AA x3: 8 cols AA x4: 12 cols AA x5: 16 cols
Depends on how you count the "leftover" colors that get striped across the screen.
Just AA by itself puts the same brown/tan stripes.
AB: All brown AC: Peach/black AD: Peach/tan AE: Peach(?)/black
First (0x50) byte experiments:
Determines the first 2x2 pixel block?
00: Black x4 01: Black, tan, black, tan 02: Black, tan, tan, tan 03: Black, brown, brown, brown 04: Tan, tan, tan, tan 05: Tan, tan, black, black 06: Brown x4 07: Peach x4 08-0f: Black x4 10: Tan x4 11: Tan, brown, brown, brown 12: Black, black, tan, tan 13: Brown, brown, tan, tan 14: Actually 3x2 nobw. Black, black, black, / black, tan, tan 15: " " 16: Black, black, black, / black, black, tan 17: " " 18: Brown x4 19: Black, black, brown, brown 1a: Black, black, black / black, tan, tan (same as 14) 1b: Black, black, black / black, black, tan (same as 15) 1c: Peach x4 1d: Black, black, black / black, peach, peach 1e: Sickly green x4 1f: Red x4 20: Tan x4 21: Tan, tan, brown, brown 22: Brown, brown, tan, tan - stripes 23: Peach, peach, tan, tan - stripes 24: Black, tan, black, tan 25: Black, tan, black, tan 26: Black, black, black / black, black, tan 27: " " 28: Tan, tan, black, black - stripes 29: Brown, brown, black, black - stripes 2a: Black, tan, black, black - stripes (tan and black) 2b: Black x4 2c: Tan, tan, brown, brown - stripes
fb: Orange x4 fc: peach, peach, peach, peach fd: brown, brown, peach, peach fe: peach, peach, black, black ff: Peach, peach, tan, tan
Second portrait:
0 Black 1 Blue 2 Purplish Blue 3 Grey 4 Green 5 Sickly Green 6 Red 7 White 8 Light Orange 9 Orange 10 Brown 11 Brick 12 Peach 13 Pink 14 Dark Grey 15 Light Grey
ed 60: Bottom right corner 2x2 becomes red instead of purple ed 70: Bottom right corner becomes brown, brown, brown, grey ed 71: Bottom right corner becomes brown ed 72: Brown, pink, brown, grey ed 73: brown, blue, brown, grey ed 80: Normal (default) ed 81: Normal ed 8f: Normal
ee 80: purple black purple black ee 81: Same
ef 80: Same
f0 00: Different garbage f0 80: Little orange thing gets copied. Kind of looks like the top-left corner of the hair, with different colors? f0 81: Different garbage
f1 80: Eh, looks like some more garbage getting copied really
24 f7 fc 78 fc: copy it once
f6 fc: Copies 504 pixels fewer than f7 fc f7 fc: 504 pixels of copying? f7 fd: Copies 256 more pixels than f7 fc
Disassembling in Zai Metajo
fc b3 4c 26 11 09 05 03 02 01 01 01 01 01 01 04
EAX: 0 EBX: 1000 ECX: 10 EDX: 2e3c
di: 52
CS: 1896
lodsb mov cs:[di], ax add di, +-2 loop 03a8 ; (lodsb above)
Since ECX is 10, this reads the whole mystery row
Go to address cs:di (1896:52, 54, ..., etc) to see the values in memory
What happens to them once they're there?
... mov ax, cs mov dx, ax
And yes, they have to be below the first one
Hm. Lots of complex stuff I'm not sure about They get zeroed out at that location though. But they do appear just a bit later (1896:94, etc) Those values remain the same, in that location, for the rest of the image I think
09 ff f7 22 42 ed 99 f9 76 c3 87 65 9b 9a 10 41
Loop when looking at values after that:
Useful to look at the ANJIN image at the beginning, to avoid the interrupts every few instructions.
fs is a segment register, currently equal to ds and es: 7465 si: 8850
mov dl, fs:[si] mov dh, 08 inc si cmp cs:[0189], 01 ; Some value that is 00 cmp si, f800 jnz 0676 ->
add dl, dl ; now edx is 0812 jnb 0682cs
mov bl, cs:[bx+00da] ; bx (1f) + da = f9. Value at cs:f9 is still just 0 cmp 10, jump if above, but not this time mov cx, bx mov bx, si ; 8851 shr ah, 04 ; still 0 add ax, cx ; yep, both 0 mov si, ax lodsb ; 0 in eax, esi now ffff or cx, cx jz 070c
mov si, bx mov cs:[0688], al ... some stuff dec dh jz 06ab add dl, dl ; now 0824 jnb 0724 -> (Jumps to the "mov bl, cs:[bx+00da]" instruction above)
fd b6 7c 46 22 12 07 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
Loops through a ton of stosw instances. Store AX at address ES:DI, which here is 00 at 2765:5c78. That's around 2e, 3000, so not VRAM yet
VRAM is at a8,000 - c0,000
dl += dl if dl overflows: goto 06e8 mov bl, cs:[bx+00d6] ; the last value in one of those mystery value-derived value lists? (1d) cmp bl, 10 ja 06d8 mov cx, bx else: mov bl, cs:[bx+00f8] ; A standalone value in one of those lists. (1e)
Mystery values: fc b3 4c 26 11 09 05 03 02 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 04
First few image bytes: 09 ff f7 22 42 ed 99 f9 76
The countdown buffer gets accessed through lodsb. load ds:si into al. DS = 2765, SI = 0f
lea di, [si+01] moves the value at si+01 into di?
I think it just moved (0e+1=0f) into di.
repe movsb: Move ECX bytes from DS:SI into ES:DI.
Moves 0f bytes from 0e into 0f. Which shifts a portion of the row over to the right, or all of it since SI = 0f
Writes some bytes to the 2d870 area with stosw. Store AX at ES:DI. Also with mov [di], cx just after that. So, four things get stored here - two bytes of AX (00 00), two bytes of CX (20 20). Checks some stuff around cs:172 when deciding what to do next. This looks like it's one of the mystery value-derived locations Are these values really derived that way? And do they change during the rendering process?