- Mouth control codes are probably getting messed up during encoding - people end lines with their mouths open.
- Every line has to be even, since the mouth flaps open/closed with each letter.
- Really need to capture all the [FlipWidth] codes, since if I'm not aware of them, I can't get rid of them/cancel them out.
- It's ok, probably - there are only a few missing, and they're all in the SYSTEM files, so relatively easy to find.
- "I is always capital" bug is back, or was never fixed?
- 7th character doesn't get highlighted when it's up next to get written.
- "StockmanF " is the default name due to the 6->8 char change, gotta fix that.
- That a6 byte appears to be part of the save file. What does it mean? Can I replace it with a hard-coded thing?
- All sorts of things go wrong when I change the value. Instant game over on entering battle, sprites change, cut scenes are misaligned, etc.
- It has something to do with the party composition I think.
- What comes in the buffer right before the name?
- Something important. Maybe the location name? (Could put a limit on that if so)
- Could I relocate the player name to somewhere totally different in the save file? Like, 0x3f0 or so?
- Would need to check if this area is used in combat or shops or anything.
- That a6 byte appears to be part of the save file. What does it mean? Can I replace it with a hard-coded thing?
- All-blank letters should return Stockman rather than continue to be all-underscores.
- It'd be nice to double all the text speeds.
- Current implementation: Every text speed is set to the maximum non-instantaneous speed.
- But the default speed is kinda slow... No control code to alter it. I'd need to insert them before each string...
- Replace english substrings with [NAMEXY] control codes where possible, since they show up in a different color & look nice.
- This is half-implemented, but I need a closer look. Stockman is becoming "bban"
- Oh, it's trying to print the 02 17 as characters. I probably repurposed the code that displays them correctly
- In that case I might as well just add color-changing codes around each name instead of trying to implement that.
- NAME.TOS is not necessary to reinsert at all at this point, might just blank it in the final version.
- This is half-implemented, but I need a closer look. Stockman is becoming "bban"
- How about that debug mode?
- D_FLAG is 00 in production, -1 (FF?) in debug mode.
- This segment is at 6000:c00.
- c00: D_FLAG (yep)
- c01: DEMO_MODE
- c02-c03: CPU_
- c04: DOS_F
- c06: INTER
- c07: TIMEC
- c08: directional keys (KEYBUF)
- c09: 40 on space (SPACE)
- Cool! Set 6000:c00 to FF to enable debug mode.
- All Items lets you add any item to the inventory, one at a time.
- Variables... AAA-ZZZ are all set to 0. Any way to edit these rather than just view them?
- Their meaning is probably the one described in one of the docs. AAA-ZZZ list looks familiar. Same for Noise Pollution.
- D_FLAG is 00 in production, -1 (FF?) in debug mode.